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Roles of National/Global Platforms
The Hyogo Framework for Action : Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters (HFA) Roles of National/Global Platforms Noroarisoa Rakotondrandria Regional Programme Officer UN/ISDR secretariat (Africa Unit)
The Hyogo Framework for Action
The ISDR System Roles of private and public sectors and NGOs
Disaster Risk Components
Natural and human-induced hazards Climate change and variables HAZARDS + EXTREME EVENTS Socio-economic: poverty, unplanned urban growth, lack of awareness and institutional capacities... Physical: insufficient land use planning, housing, infrastructures located in hazard prone areas... Environmental degradation oil spills; coastal, watershed, forest, wetland degradation... VULNERABILITY Hazards x vulnerability = disaster risk Disaster risk reduction: The conceptual framework of elements considered with the possibilities to minimize vulnerabilities and disaster risks throughout a society, to avoid (prevention) or to limit (mitigation and preparedness) the adverse impacts of hazards, within the broad context of sustainable development. (Source: UN/ISDR Terminology)
Disaster Reduction – An Agenda in Progress
1989: IDNDR – promotion of disaster reduction, technical and scientific buy-in 1994: Yokohama Strategy and Plan of Action – Mid-review IDNDR, first blueprint for disaster reduction policy guidance (social & community orientation) 2000: International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) - increased public commitment and linkage to sustainable development, enlarged networking and partnerships. Mechanisms: IATF/DR, ISDR secretariat, UN Trust Fund 2002: Johannesburg Plan of Implementation- WSSD Includes a new section on “An integrated, multi-hazard, inclusive approach to address vulnerability, risk assessment and disaster management…” 2005: WCDR - Hyogo Framework for Action ‘Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters'
The Hyogo Framework for Action : Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters (HFA) Defines: Strategic goals Priorities for action Implementation and follow-up Integrate disaster risk reduction into policies, plans and programmes of sustainable development and poverty reduction Recognized risk reduction as both a humanitarian and development issue – in the context of sustainable development Focus on national implementation, with bi-lateral, multi-lateral, regional and international cooperation.
HFA – Priorities for Action
HFA 1. Ensure that disaster risk reduction (DRR) is a national and local priority with a strong institutional basis for implementation HFA 2. Identify, assess and monitor disaster risks and enhance early warning HFA 3. Use knowledge, innovation and education to build a culture of safety and resilience at all levels HFA 4. Reduce the underlying risk factors HFA 5. Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective response at all levels
HFA – Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective response at all levels
Disaster Management capacity: policy, technical and institutional capacities Dialogue, coordination and information exchange between disaster managers, development sectors Regional approaches to disaster response, with risk reduction focus Review and exercise preparedness and contingency plans Emergency funds Voluntarism and participation
SUMMARY of the Hyogo Framework for Action : Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters (HFA)
ISDR system levels of action (“platforms”)
National implementation National frameworks, multi-stakeholders, and multi disciplinary with Support from UN country team – when appropriate Regional Based on existing regional and sub-regional strategies and mechanisms coordinated international and regional efforts to support national and ISDR programme local capacities Thematic Building on existing networks, clusters, programmes and other mechanisms Global Sessions every 2 years Subsidiary Programme Advisory/Committee
National platform for DRR
What is a national platform ? It is a nationally let and forum or committee of multiple stakeholders. It serves as an advocate of disaster risk reduction at different levels and providing coordination, analysis and advice on areas of priority requiring concerted action through a coordinated and participatory process. A National Platform for disaster risk reduction should be the coordination mechanism for mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into development policies, planning and programmes in line with the implementation of the HFA. It should aim to contribute to the establishment and the development of a comprehensive national disaster risk reduction system, as appropriate to each.
National platform for DRR
Composition of National Platforms for DRR Should build on any existing systems relevant to DRR. Government representatives: national, state/provincial and local levels, including from ministries such as finance and planning, environment, home/interior, civil defence, education, health, social welfare, public works and housing, and agriculture. • Representatives from civil society and organizations with a role in disaster risk reduction: NGOs in development and environmental protection; human habitats; private business federations, utilities, banking and insurance; women's organizations, religious associations and youth movements; and training institutions for civil servants and community and women's groups. • Media entities. • Scientific and academic institutions. • Technical and scientific institutions or services dealing with risk identification, hazards studied and monitored, early warning and preparedness. Whenever possible, National Platforms for DRR may invite the participation of donor agencies and country-based UN organizations.
Primary Activities of National Platforms for DRR
• Coordinating joint efforts among members of National Platforms for DRR to reduce the vulnerability of people at relatively high risk; Establishing baseline information for DRR, including disaster and risk profiles, national policies, strategies, capacities, resources and programmes; • Identifying trends, gaps, concerns and challenges and setting forth accepted priority areas in DRR; • Advocating the urgent need for developing or adopting policies and legislations for DRR; • Benchmarking progress made in promoting DRR and its mainstreaming into development policies, planning and programmes; • Developing result-oriented work plans of National Platforms for DRR to coordinate the DRR activities in line with the HFA; • Monitoring, recording and reporting of disaster risk reduction actions at national and community levels in line with the HFA; • Documenting lessons learned and good practices, and share the findings at national, regional and international levels; and • Working towards better integration of DRR into national planning, policies and programmes in development and humanitarian assistance.
Global platform for DRR
First session: 5 to 7 June 2007, Geneva, Switzerland Learning from experiences for more achievements in the future Two years after the adoption of the Hyogo Framework for Action, the First Session of the Global Platform for DRR provided an opportunity for Governments and non-governmental actors, including the private sector, to share progress made since the 2005 World Conference on Disaster Reduction, and lessons learnt in implementing key DRR activities at national and local level. Who are the members? Governments, UN Agencies, Regional Bodies, IFIs, Scientific and Academic Institutions, Private Sector, Civil Society.
Supporting country efforts
Global platform for DRR Recommendations of the Chairman: Supporting country efforts The need for action is more urgent than ever - growing risk and slow progress in implementing the Hyogo Framework for Action Support to the achievement of a target number of national platforms for disaster risk reduction is needed Investment in risk reduction needs to be substantially increased Countries need to quickly establish systems to monitor and report on their risk profiles and on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework The private sector should be engaged Focus and selection is necessary
Roles of Private Sectors and NGOs
TOGETHER WITH THE PUBLIC SECTOR, THE PRIVATE SECTORS & NGOS SHOULD: Define, assign and implement clear and coherent institutional roles: training, equipping and achieving proficiency for effective response capacity for high risk communities TO BE ABLE TO ACHIEVE THIS, NGOS & PRIVATE SECTORS SHOULD: Be represented in National Platforms for DRR Be represented in the African Regional Platform for DRR Network and partner (exchange of information, collaboration between public and private sectors) Help assess institutional needs, develop and implement programmes to assist key organizations with sustainability issues and measures Participate in disaster reduction and planning activities (mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery) Help improve public awareness Help improve access to information and basic communication, energy and water systems (appropriate technology), and community access to credit
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