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Present Continuous. When do we use Present Continuous? Something happening NOW!! Something happening in the near future. Something happening this week,

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Presentation on theme: "Present Continuous. When do we use Present Continuous? Something happening NOW!! Something happening in the near future. Something happening this week,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Present Continuous

2 When do we use Present Continuous? Something happening NOW!! Something happening in the near future. Something happening this week, this month, this semester.

3 Key words Now At the moment Look This *** Today ***

4 The form PRONOUNBE VERBVERB+ing Iamplaying. Youareswimming. He Sheisstudying. It We arerunning. They

5 The form / Negative PRONOUNBE VERBVERB+ing Iam notplaying. Youaren’tswimming. He Sheisn’tstudying. It We aren’trunning. They

6 The form / Questions BE VERBPRONOUNVERB+ing Areyouplaying? AmIswimming? he Isshestudying? it Are werunning? they

7 When do we use Present Continuous? Something happening NOW!! Something happening in the near future. Something happening this week, this month, this semester.

8 Key words Now At the moment Look This *** Today ***

9 Do we need the be verb with Present Continuous? YES

10 How is Present Continuous different from Present Simple?

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