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Present Simple & Present Continuous. Overview Present Simple Permanent or long-lasting situations She lives in New York. Regular habits and daily routines.

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Presentation on theme: "Present Simple & Present Continuous. Overview Present Simple Permanent or long-lasting situations She lives in New York. Regular habits and daily routines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Present Simple & Present Continuous

2 Overview Present Simple Permanent or long-lasting situations She lives in New York. Regular habits and daily routines I usually get up at 7 o'clock. Facts Water doesn't boil at 20 degrees. Feelings I love walking around late at night during the summer. Opinions and states of mind I think he is a wonderful student. Timetables and schedules The train doesn't arrive until 10.35.

3 Overview Present Simple Structure Positive Negative He, She, It -> works well in any situation. Add an 's' to the base form of the 3rd person singular. If the verb ends in -y preceded by a consonant, change the -y to –ies. I, You, We, They -> eat lunch at noon. He, She, It -> doesn't belong to the club. Add 'do' not (don't and doesn't) the base form of the verb. I, You, We, They -> don't enjoy opera. Does -> he, she, it -> live in this city? Questions Add 'do' (do or does) the base form of the verb in question forms. Do -> I, you, we, they -> work in this town?

4 Overview Present Continuous Things that are happening now, at the moment. She's reading in the garden. Actions happening in a period around the present moment in time. She's studying hard for her final exam. Future plans and arrangements. She isn't coming on Friday. Common present continuous time expressions at the moment, now, today, this week, this month, tomorrow, next week (for future arrangements ), currently

5 Overview Present Continuous Structure Positive Negative verb "be" + verb + -ing. I'm (I am) -> working today. You're (You are) -> working today. He's (He is) -> working today. verb "be" + not + verb + -ing. Questions(Question word + ) verb 'be' + subject + verb + -ing I'm not (I am not) -> coming this evening. You aren't (You are not) -> coming this evening. He isn't (He is not) -> coming this evening. What -> are you -> doing this afternoon? What -> is he -> doing this afternoon? What -> is she -> doing this afternoon?

6 Task Mark: Are you looking (you/look) for someone? Alan: Yes, I need (I/ need) to speak to Neil. He isn’t in his office. Mark: _______(he/talk) to the boss at the moment. _______ (I/think) ________(they/discuss) money. Alan: Oh, right. And what about you? ____(you/look) for someone, too? Mark: Yes, Linda. _______(you/know) where she is? Alan: Oh, she isn’t here today. She only______ (work) four days a week. _________(she/not/work) on Fridays. She’ll be here on Monday. Mark: Thank you. _______(you/know) a lot about Linda. Alan: Well, most days ___(I/give) her a lift, or ______(she/give) me one. _____(she/live) quite close to me. ______(it/save) petrol. Mark: Yes, of course. Good idea. Yes, ______(I/agree). Well, ______(I/waste) my time here then. I’ll get back to my computer.

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