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Human Trafficking in Maryland

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1 Human Trafficking in Maryland
Amanda K. Rodriguez, Esq. Chief Program Officer TurnAround, Inc.

2 What is Human Trafficking?
And why should we care?

3 Statistics 600,000 to 800,000 are trafficked world wide each year
Estimates are as high as 27 million per year The world-wide industry earns $150.2 billion per year This is now the 2nd highest grossing criminal enterprise 14,500 to 17,500 are trafficked into the US each year 200,000 are estimated to be trafficked within the US

4 Statistics At least 244,000 children are at risk for sex trafficking each year The average age a person is targeted and trafficked is between the ages of years old - U.S. Department Of Justice 1/7 of runaways will be solicited for prostitution - NCMEC

5 Definitions Definitions

6 The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of FORCE or other forms of COERCION, of abduction, of FRAUD, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation Human Trafficking DEFINED…

7 Federal v. State Definitions
Federal Definition State Definition The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation To take, place, persuade, induce, entice, or encourage another to be taken to or placed in any place for prostitution; To receive consideration to procure for or place in a house of prostitution or elsewhere another with the intent of causing the other to engage in prostitution or assignation; To engage in a device, scheme, or continuing course of conduct intended to cause another to believe that if the other did not take part in a sexually explicit performance, the other or a third person would suffer physical restraint or serious physical harm; or destroy, conceal, remove, confiscate, or possess an actual or purported passport, immigration document, or government identification document of another.

8 Force Beating/Slapping Beating with Objects (bat, tools, chains,
belts, hangers, canes, cords) Burning Sexual Assault Rape/Gang Rape Confinement/Locked in Torture Practices Seasoning/Initiation Copyright © 2012 of TurnAround, Inc. Anti-Trafficking Program

9 Fraud False promises Deceitful enticing and affectionate behavior
Withholding wages Lying about working conditions Lying about the promise of “better life” Preying on desperation and poverty Blackmail, extortion Copyright © 2012 of TurnAround, Inc. Anti-Trafficking Program

10 Coercion Threats of serious harm or restraint
Threatened abuse of legal process Confiscating all documents (ID, birth certificate, etc) Intimidation/Humiliation (Pimp circle) Emotional Abuse Climate of Fear Modeling abusive behavior Controlling daily life skills Creating dependency Establishing quotas Copyright © 2012 of TurnAround, Inc. Anti-Trafficking Program

11 Maryland Child Abuse and Neglect Law
Md Family Law Code Ann Definitions (x) Sexual Abuse (2) Sexual Abuse includes: (i) allowing or encouraging a child to engage in: 1. Obsene photography, films, poses, or similar activity 2. Pornographic photography, films, poses, or simliar activity; or 3. Prostitution (ii) human trafficking Maryland Child Abuse and Neglect Law

12 Terminology Terminology

13 The Trafficker The Victim The John The Bottom

14 Pimp Culture: Building Family and Belonging
The Life/The Game Daddy/The Family Track Bottom Girl Quota Renegade Out of Pocket Square Wifey/Wife-in-law Pimp Culture: Building Family and Belonging Language as an Indicator

15 Slang Terms Automatic: Refers to a “robotic” state of being induced by severe manipulation, whereby the victim continues to perform sexual favors without being watched by her pimp. Branded/Branding: When a pimp tattoos his/her name on the victim. The Game/The Life: Slang term used to describe prostitution. Johns/Tricks/Dates: Slang term to refer to those who purchase commercial sex acts including pornography. Lot Lizard: A derogatory term for a person who is being prostituted at truck stops. Quota: An amount of money a victim must provide to her trafficker/pimp every night. Renegade: Someone who is involved in prostitution of his or her own accord and has no pimp. Runaway/Kiddie Track: A specific area where young girls usually ages are sent by their trafficker/pimp to earn money. Squaring Up: Getting away from the trafficking situation. Track/Stroll: Slang term referring to an area where street prostitution occurs.

16 Recruitment Terms Breaking/Breaking Bread: Slang term meaning giving all of one’s money to one’s pimp. Seasoning: When a pimp rapes, beats, manipulates, and intimidates in order to break down a victim. Pimp Circle: A group of pimps surrounding an individual for the purposes of intimidation. Turning Out: Slang term referring to the process of initiating someone into the prostitution. Choosing Up: When a victim makes direct eye contact with a pimp who does not “own” her, or when another pimp manipulates a victim into going with him. The victim has to give her new pimp all of the money she made for the old pimp that evening. Reckless Eyeballing: Looking into the eyes of another pimp, which then can cause choosing up or kidnapping for ransom.  Girls are not allowed to make eye contact with anyone other than johns/tricks or other girls in the life.

17 Local Investigations Is there really trafficking in Maryland?




21 Stages of Victimization
Recruitment Grooming Gang Rape – Guerilla Pimp Romeo Pimp Booster Pimp Control

22 “You’ll start to dress her, think for her, own her
“You’ll start to dress her, think for her, own her. If you and your victim are sexually active, slow it down. After sex, take her shopping for one item. Hair and/or nails is fine. She’ll develop a feeling of accomplishment. The shopping after a month will be replaced with cash. The love making turns to raw sex. She’ll start to crave intimacy and be willing to get back into your good graces. After you have broken her sprit, she has no sense of self value. Now pimp, put a price tag on the item you have manufactured” The Pimp Game: An Instructional Manual (Royal, 1998)

23 Making of A Girl

24 Pimp Control: Recruitment
Mall Greyhound Stations Public Transportation Facebook/social networking sites Group homes/youth centers Pimp Control: Recruitment Recruitment Locations

25 Trafficker’s Manipulation
Identify the need of the child (victim). Fulfill the need. Remove any other sources of need fulfillment. Exploit the child’s dependence for need fulfillment by forcing them into prostitution.


27 He treated me nice. Spent a thousand dollars on me
He treated me nice. Spent a thousand dollars on me. Got my nails done, my eyebrows arched. My hair, I had weaves. He just spent a whole lot of money on me. And I felt like a queen. Everything I needed he’d get it for me.

28 Trafficker’s Methods of Control
Threats against victim and or victim’s family Physical and sexual abuse Isolation and confinement, restrict contact with outside world Seize or destroy documents Prevent trafficked person from earning enough to pay off debt, keep adding charges to debt Drug or alcohol dependency Make victim think he/she will be arrested if he/she leaves the situation Psychological abuse and manipulation including tactics to create dependency Use shame and self-blame against victim Trafficker’s Methods of Control

29 Exchange of sex for food, shelter, clothing or other basic needs
Homelessness Statistics Range – but generally between 25 and 50% of homeless youth engage in survival sex. Males are more likely to engage in survival sex Approximately 20% of homeless youth identify as LGTBQ Survival Sex

30 Risk Assessment  History of child abuse/History of sexual assault
Runaway 4+ times for a period of 3 weeks or more/each time Returns from running away with more/nicer items/nicer than youth left with Returns from running with hair/nails done Wearing clothes that are not appropriate for season or age Indicates sleeping in hotels while on the run Has an excess amount of condoms/lubricant/Viagra pills Indicates traveling long distances (especially other states) while on the run Using prostitution/pimping terminology Talks about involvement in stripping/prostitution Talks about History of prostitution arrest(s) Risk Assessment  History of child abuse/History of sexual assault  History of/currently in foster care  Presence of an older “boyfriend” making inappropriate promises  Significant Substance Abuse of youth and/or family (heroin, meth, and crack)

31 Types of Labor Trafficking
Debt Bondage Recruitment Smuggling Connection Additional Debt Forced Labor Violence Threats Circumstance

32 2007 to Present Increase in Identification in Male Trafficking Victims
Increase in MS-13 Gang Activity in Latin Brothels Pimp Definitions Emergence of Identification of “Survival Sex” Connection Between Foster Care and Human Trafficking New Law Enforcement Techniques Transgender Victimization Movement From Craigs List to Backpage Emergence of “John” forums Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach

33 I Suspect Trafficking…What Do I Do Now?
Amanda Rodriguez Hotline Contact the FBI, ICE or your local vice unit

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