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2 Timothy 1:1-14 Background: 2Timothy written likely in late 67 AD from Rome while Paul was a prisoner – this time in chains 2 Timothy the last letter.

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Presentation on theme: "2 Timothy 1:1-14 Background: 2Timothy written likely in late 67 AD from Rome while Paul was a prisoner – this time in chains 2 Timothy the last letter."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 Timothy 1:1-14 Background: 2Timothy written likely in late 67 AD from Rome while Paul was a prisoner – this time in chains 2 Timothy the last letter he wrote Tradition says Paul was beheaded at Nero’s order

2 1.How did Paul use his time in prison? He prayed 2.What role did Timothy’s family life play in his present circumstances? (Also see Acts 16:1.) His grandmother and mother were Christians and raised him to be one as well.

3 3.Describe the spiritual qualities God has given us. (verse 7) What role does each play in the work of the ministry? Power vs. timidity Love which shapes all our attitudes and actions Self-discipline – our control over our sinful nature 4.Paul urges Timothy to follow his (Paul’s) pattern of serving the Lord in the ministry. As Paul always does, he weaves the gospel into his encouragement and instruction. Give examples of how he does this in verses 8-12. He reminds Timothy of the grace given to him and the gift of eternal life. They encourage us because we are working for eternal results.

4 5.Often church members focus on techniques for doing evangelism work. This is fine, but it sometimes misses the point. Obstacles to Paul’s work were fear of persecution and shame over the humble message of the cross. How do Christians overcome these obstacles? Over coming obstacles comes from confidence in what we believe. Confidence comes from studying scripture.

5 2 Timothy 1:15–2:13 1.Paul’s ministry had ups and downs. How had he been treated by those living in the province of Asia? How did Onesiphorus and his household treat Paul? Many in Asia were ashamed of him and deserted him. Onesiphorous sought Paul out and helped him. 2.Timothy was to follow Paul’s life and teaching. What also did Paul want him to do? He wanted Timothy to train others to be pastors and leaders in the churches.

6 3.What is Paul’s point in comparing Timothy’s work to that of a soldier? an athlete? a farmer? soldier = stay focused on the mission – please the Lord not men Athlete = play by the rules = follow God’s teachings Farmer = fruit is spiritual fruit also patiently wait for the harvest and enjoy it. 4.Why did Paul not worry about his imprisonment keeping the gospel from being spread? The Gospel was not chained and he knew the Lord would use his imprisonment to spread the Gospel.

7 5.Paul repeats a saying that was probably familiar to Timothy. Explain each part. If Old Adam dies we live with Christ; when our body dies we will live forever If we endure suffering we will receive the crown of life (Revelation 2:10) Matthew 10:33 If we turn our backs on God He will not turn on us. 6.Why is the teaching of election such an important teaching for missionaries and evangelists? Knowing that God will save his elect allows them to sleep at night. The elect can not be lost – we can’t mess up our evangelism efforts

8 2 Timothy 2:14-26 1.In this section the subject of false teaching comes up. What does Paul mean by: “quarreling about words”? Taking them out of context or putting new meanings to them “godless chatter”? sounds godly but is empty – Therapeutic moralistic deism teaching that “will spread like gangrene”? False teaching that starts small and eventually kills “foolish and stupid arguments”? Assigning numerical value to someone’s name or a Hebrew word. Can you think of any?

9 2.Now list the ways Timothy is to react to such talk. (2:22-26) Flee the evil desires of youth – power, fame, wealth, pleasure Avoid, refute, instruct, gently and kindly and let the Lord do his work in their hearts 3.What is Paul telling Timothy in verses 20 and 21? The visible church will have those who are hypocrites and false teachers (wood and clay vessals); avoid them!

10 4.Compare and contrast the ministries of a pastor who seeks the approval of people and a pastor who seeks the approval of God. Approval of people will seek popularity and is likely to deny and/or change Scripture. (cf. 2 Timothy 4) Approval of God holds to God’s Word and does not seek man’s approval (cf. 2 Timothy 4)

11 2 Timothy 3 1.What will people be like in the last days? (3:1- 5) Lovers of themselves and money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure, not lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power

12 2 Timothy 3 2.Agree or disagree. Conditions in the world today are more horrible than they were in Paul’s day. Literature in almost every age has suggested that the people of that day did not think the world could get any more evil, cf. Luther. We are living in the last times, the time between Christ’s two Advents.

13 3.What does it mean to be always learning but never coming to a knowledge of the truth? (3:7) People who read, study, and learn, but only to satisfy their pride and sinful desires rather than to strengthen their faith. 4.What will happen to everyone who, because of faith in Christ, leads a godly life? (3:12) Persecution

14 5.What does it mean that “All Scripture is God-breathed”? (3:16) Everything (the meaning and even words) in the original manuscripts are exactly what God wanted the writers to put down. 6.List some ways Christians are persecuted in our country and in countries around the world. Teaching of evolution in schools or Christians in general whose neighbors look down on their faith. The violent persecutions against Christians in many parts of the world.

15 7.Sometimes Christians are too quick to turn to self-help books when they don’t know what to do. (Comment on this in light of verse 17.) Note how inclusive this passage is: “thoroughly equipped,” “every good work.” The Bible is all we need!

16 2 Timothy 4 1.What does Paul charge Timothy to do? (4:2,5) Preach the Word, correct, rebuke, encourage. Use great patience and careful instruction, keep your head, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, carry out the duties of your ministry.

17 2 Timothy 4 2.What do people’s ears itch to hear? Why? (4:3-4) Many people today like to hear only things that make them feel good. So they will avoid subjects like God’s law. Other times people like to hear things that confirm their mistaken opinions. Unbelief avoids the truth.

18 3.What does Paul look forward to receiving from the Lord? (4:8) A crown of righteousness.

19 4.Comment on the people Paul refers to in his greeting. What lessons can we learn from this list? (4:9-15) Demas had been a follower of the Lord and a coworker of Paul. (See Colossians 4:14 and Philemon 24.) It is sad that a coworker and friend would have deserted Paul. Crescens is mentioned only here, departing for some other mission, as was Titus. (See Titus 1:4.) Only Luke was with Paul. Mark proved to be a faithful minister. Tychicus had helped Paul deliver letters. (See Colossians 4:7 and Ephesians 6:21.) Carpus, mentioned only here, had faithfully watched over Paul’s belongings. Alexander had caused Paul much harm. This group includes people who were faithful servants of the Lord, to lukewarm followers, to outright deserters and persecutors. This list gives us insight into Paul’s acquaintances and life. It shows us what Christian leaders can expect today.

20 5.What can we learn from the fact that many deserted Paul at his first defense? (4:16-18) Not all will remain loyal to the Lord and support preachers of the gospel. Yet we can always take comfort in the fact that the Lord is with us.



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