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Happy Child Learning Center, Inc. Maintaining a Safe and Healthy Facility.

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Child Learning Center, Inc. Maintaining a Safe and Healthy Facility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Child Learning Center, Inc. Maintaining a Safe and Healthy Facility

2 Welcome to the Happy Child Learning Center (HCLC) Safety Overview. All HCLC facilities have a safety handbook that addresses safety and security issues in our child care facilities. This overview will review some of these safety issues. Please call the corporate office if you have any questions. Introduction

3 Resources Release of Children Fire Safety Outdoor Play Lead Poisoning Click on the desired topic

4 To ensure a child’s safety, all HCLC facilities: –Maintain a sign in log to be used consistently. –Maintain a file of persons authorized to pick up each child. –Have a written policy regarding releasing a child to unauthorized persons.written policy Release of Children

5 Smoke Detectors are installed every 40 feet on each floor of the building. The detectors are tested monthly; batteries are replaced once a year at a minimum. Instructions for use of Fire Extinguisher are posted next to the extinguisher. Fire Safety

6 Outdoor play areas are enclosed with a fence. Fences are at least four feet high. Fences have at least two gates. All outdoor play areas are clean and free of debris. Outdoor Play Shari Finch: Check this statement. Shari Finch: Check this statement.

7 Lead Poisoning is a common environmental health problem among children, especially those between 18-24 months. Blood tests are the only way to detect lead poisoning. Lead Poisoning

8 Ways Children can be Exposed: Eating lead-based paint. Drinking water from lead pipes. Eating food from lead-soldered cans. Being exposed to lead dust. Lead Poisoning

9 Ways to Reduce Risk: Wash children’s hands before easting. Feed children diets rich in Calcium and iron. Do not use toys or arts and crafts that contain lead. Lead Poisoning

10 Resources Federal Agencies Organizations Support Groups

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