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Negative Effects of Using Adhd medications non-medically

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1 Negative Effects of Using Adhd medications non-medically
Numero Dos Grace Holland, Pete Mikaele, Chase Chilson English 19 March 2014

2 Consequences of use Its illegal without prescription from doctor
Side effects of Adderall - more addictive Weight loss, insomnia, irritability, increased muscle tension, anxiety, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, Headaches, jitters, and stomach problems. Side effects of Vyvanse - less addictive Discomfort, erectile dysfunction, dizziness, restlessness, nausea, dry mouth, anxiety, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, insomnia, weight loss, irritability, euphoria, upper abdominal pain, rapid heartbeat.

3 Pressure on college campuses
Students want to keep up with others on the prescription pills Grades, students want to be able to maintain and earn good grades Students want to be able to spend many hours working

4 Feelings Students want to have the upper hand
They feel like they have to take the pills

5 Issues Students become dependent on the medications
They do not feel the same without taking it

6 abuse Students begin to develop other problems
They start to try speed, cocaine, and other drugs Alcohol abuse can also go along with the abuse of these medications

7 Statistics and surveys
In 2004 a government survey found that methylphenidate, the main drug in ADHD medications, had a connection to 1,541 drug-related emergency visits. In 2005 the same survey found that the number of emergency visits had risen to 3,212. In February of 2007, the Food and Drug Administration required the manufacturers of ADHD medications to make known to patients the dangerous risks and side effects that are associated with these types of medications

8 Side effects of Adhd medications
Suicidal or homicidal thoughts or actions Seizures Hypertension: Abnormally high blood pressure Hypotension: Abnormally low blood pressure Tachycardia: Rapid heart beat Palpitations: Irregular heart beat Dsyrhythmia: Abnormal rhythm of the heart or brain These health risks are increased when the medication is taken non- medically or when combined with alcohol or other types of drugs.

9 TABLE 1. Frequencies and brands of MPH used Nonmedically
Used Methylphenidate Non-Medically N=110 Within past 30 Days 15 (13%) Within past 12 months but not past 30 days 27 (24%) More than 12 months ago 68 (62%) Frequency of use in preceding 12 months N = 110 Brand-name product used most often Only once 35 (32%) Ritalin 59 (54%) 2-10 times 49 (45%) Concerta 15 (14%) 11-50 times 20 (18%) Metadate times 1 (1%) MPH HCL (generic) More than 100 times Don’t know 38 (35%) Not sure/Declined to answer 4 (4%) Declined to answer 2 (2%)

10 Results of table 1 Out of 110 students surveyed
Most, 62%, used ADHD medications non-medically over 12 months prior to participating in the survey Out of the students who used in the preceding 12 months: Most, 45%, used between 2 and 10 times Ritalin was the brand that most, 54%, of the students used.

11 Table 2. Proportions of Lifetime Illicit Drug Use by Misusers and Non-misusers of Prescription Stimulant Medication N = 42 Illicit Drug Misusers Reported Using Non-Misusers Reported Using Nicotine 94.7% 47.8% Alcohol 100.0% 91.3% Marijuana 73.9% Cocaine 47.4% 13.0% Amphetamine 5.3% 4.3% Hallucinogens 57.9% 21.7% Opiates 26.3% 0.0% Inhalants 10.5%

12 Results of table 2 Out of 42 students surveyed
Alcohol and Marijuana were the two most used illicit drugs between both misusers (100% and 100%) and non-misusers (91.3% and 73.9%). Misusers were the only ones that reported using Opiates (26.3%) and Inhalants (10.5%). Nicotine was the third most used drug between both groups of students. 94.7% for misusers and 47.8% for non-misusers Amphetamines were the least used drug 0% for both groups Non-misusers had 0% for opiates and inhalants as well.

13 Works cited “Adderall Abuse Growing Among College Students | NYCATS.” NYCATS. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar “Adderall Abuse: Unhealthy, Unfair, or Ineffective?” N.p., n.d. Web.18 Mar "Adderall: College Students' Best Friend-- Or Worst Enemy??" Serendip Studio. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb "CQC Raises Concerns About Students' 'Smart' Drug Abuse." Sep 2013: 6. Web. 18 Feb

14 Works cited (continued)
DeSantis, Alan D., Elizabeth M. Webb, and Seth M. Noar. "Illicit Use Of Prescription ADHD Medications On A College Campus: A Multimethodological Approach." Journal Of American College Health 57.3 (2008): Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Feb Dupont, Robert L., MD, John J. Coleman, PhD, Richard H. Bucher, PhD, and Bonnie B. Wilford, MS. "Characteristics and Motives of College Students Who Engage in Nonmedical Use of Methylphenidate." American Journal on Addictions 17.3 (2008): Print. 19 Feb Jardin, Bianca, MA, Alison Looby, Ma, and Mitch Earleywine, PhD. "Characteristics of College Students With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms Who Misuse Their Medications." Journal of American College Health 59.5 (2011): Print. 19 Feb

15 Works cited (continued)
J, By Elaine. "Adderall: Uses, Abuses & Side Effects." LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 06 Nov Web. 17 Feb J.Hom, By Elaine. "Adderall: Uses, Abuses & Side Effects." LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 6 Nov Web. 23 Feb “MedlinePlus- Health Information from the National Library of Medicine.” U.S. National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 16 Mar “Most Abused Prescription Drugs In the US.” N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar “Southern California Drug and Alcohol Rehab | Executive Treatment Center | Chapters.” Southern California Drug and Alcohol Rehab Executive Treatment Center Chapters. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar

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