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What does small group writing instruction look like in your classroom?

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2 What does small group writing instruction look like in your classroom?

3 My Roadblock!! Small group writing instruction Goal: Benefit and help each of my students Grow as a writer!


5 What are the benefits of Small Group Instruction? Teachers are better able to observe, monitor, and attend to the needs of learners Students are more comfortable taking learning risks in a small group Students are afforded more opportunities to interact with one another Instruction can be targeted and focused to meet the needs of the group members (Strickland, Ganske, & Monroe, 2002)

6 Six Characteristics of small group writing conferences 1. Have a predictable structure 2. Focus on a FEW points 3. Demonstrate solutions to student’s problems 4. Permit role reversals 5. Encourage use of vocabulary appropriate for writing 6. Stimulate pleasure in writing (Graves, 2002)




10 Groups can be formed in several different ways: Randomly Teacher-selected Seat Proximity Strengths/ Skills According to Graves the ideal size for small group is 4-5 students!

11 An ideal Writer’s Workshop: Writer'sWorkshop Closing: 5.0 mins. Mini-lesson: 10 mins. Get started: 5.0 mins. Write,Write, Write: 30 mins. ClosingMini-lessonGet startedWrite, Write, Write



14 Small Group Conference in Action

15 You have six writing samples in your packet. You are to read each sample as a group, Decide strengths/weaknesses Group the students in a way that would be most beneficial to them.

16 My favorite place: StrengthsWeaknesses

17 Throw Away… StrengthsWeaknesses

18 Good night everybody… StrengthsWeaknesses

19 Dad deserves an award… StrengthsWeaknesses

20 Many people StrengthsWeaknesses

21 The Ocean StrengthsWeaknesses

22 Works Cited Christenbury, B. Making the Journey. New York: Random House, 2000. Print. Graves, Donald H.. Writing: teachers and children at work. Exeter, N.H.: Heinemann Educational Books, 1983. Print. Supporting Struggling Readers and Writers: Strategies for Classroom Intervention 3-6. New York: Steinhouse, 2001. Print.

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