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Job content Social relations Material working conditions Terms of employment Risk assessment Action plan Productivity Quality Reputation improving Occupational.

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Presentation on theme: "Job content Social relations Material working conditions Terms of employment Risk assessment Action plan Productivity Quality Reputation improving Occupational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Job content Social relations Material working conditions Terms of employment Risk assessment Action plan Productivity Quality Reputation improving Occupational Health & Safety training and consultancy Preventing occupational risks Info & training to workers Implement necessary measures

2 Occupational Health & Safety training and consultancy (Fatal) accidents Work related injury Illnesses Business performance Reputation Because......

3 Occupational Health & Safety training and consultancy What is risk assessment? Risk assessment is the process of evaluating the risks to workers’ safety & health from workplace hazards. It is the systematic examination of all aspects of work that considers: What could cause injury or harm, Whether the hazards could be eliminated and if not, What preventive or protective measures are, or should be, in place to control the risks

4 Five step approach to risk assessment 1.Identify hazards and those at risk 2.Evaluating and prioritizing risks 3.Deciding on preventive action 4.Taking action 5.Monitoring and reviewing Fire safety Dangerous substances Accidents & illness records Noise & vibration Musculoskeletal disorders Violent, bullying or harassment Work related stress How likely will a hazard cause harm How serious that harm is likely to be How often (how many) workers are exposed Combating risks at the source Technical measures to control exposure Personal protective equipment (PPE) Prioritization plan Who does what and when Regular checks to ensure measures are working Review if significant changes occur Review after an accident or ‘near miss’ Occupational Health & Safety training and consultancy


6 RiskDescription type, source and location Exposure time and frequency All control measures already ahve been taken and lacks Description of possible effects RCRisk Classification based on the likelihood the risk will cause harm, how serious the risk is likely to be, how often and how many workers are exposed MeasureSuggested control measures following hierarchy of control in decreasing order of desirability and effectiveness. These are: elimination, substition, isolation, engineering controls, presonal protective clothing and equipement worn. PrioPriority of action agreed by organisation and H@W 1 = high, 2 = medium, 3 = low

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