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OR…How Authors say: THIS is important. You should PAY ATTENTION!!! T EXT F EATURES IN E XPOSITORY T EXT.

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Presentation on theme: "OR…How Authors say: THIS is important. You should PAY ATTENTION!!! T EXT F EATURES IN E XPOSITORY T EXT."— Presentation transcript:

1 OR…How Authors say: THIS is important. You should PAY ATTENTION!!! T EXT F EATURES IN E XPOSITORY T EXT

2 W HAT IS EXPOSITORY TEXT AGAIN ?  text books,  non-fiction trade (library) books,  newspaper & magazine articles,  directions,  essays,  speeches,  user manuals (how-to guides),  government documents (such as the driver’s license test booklet).

3 W HEN WE READ EXPOSITORY TEXT … Authors have ways of telling us that information is:  Important AND  Needs to be remembered W E CALL THESE TEXT STRUCTURES!

4 W HAT DOES TEXT STRUCTURE LOOK LIKE ? BOLD PRINT A habitat is an environmental area that is inhabited by a species of animal, plant, or other type of organism.

5 W HAT DOES TEXT STRUCTURE LOOK LIKE ? colored text Often, authors will place important words or concepts in a different color to draw your attention. Highlighted text Or, they will highlight important material.

6 W HAT DOES TEXT STRUCTURE LOOK LIKE ? Authors can also make text LARGER or smaller to place emphasis. BIG TEXT small text Italics Sometimes they will use italics.

7 W HAT DOES TEXT STRUCTURE LOOK LIKE ? In expository text, authors may use bullets to: Highlight key points Emphasize terms Provide lists Review important ideas

8 W HAT DOES TEXT STRUCTURE LOOK LIKE ? You will find an index in expository text. The index is located at the back of the book and helps the reader locate information quickly. Index amphibian……..2,3,5 frog………………..2,5,7 habitat…………...2,4,6 toad…………………1,4

9 W HAT DOES TEXT STRUCTURE LOOK LIKE ? Authors use tables, graphs and charts to give the reader large amounts of information or show relationships with information. If an author provides a graph, a chart or a table, it is probably IMPORTANT information. Tables/Charts and Graphs

10 T ABLES AND G RAPHS The amount of electric energy in an average household can easily be broken down. In the average home, 44% of an average bill is spent on cooling. Seventeen percent of the money spent is on heating and 7% on office expenses. Thirty-one percent of the cost is dedicated to lights and 1% of the energy is spent on motors that run in the house. W HICH IS EASIER TO READ AND UNDERSTAND ?

11 W HAT DOES TEXT STRUCTURE LOOK LIKE ? Authors place maps in expository text to help the reader to better where understand the where of the information. Maps

12 Authors use timelines to help the reader understand the order that events occur. W HAT DOES TEXT STRUCTURE LOOK LIKE ?

13 You will find an index in expository text. The index is located at the back of the book and helps the reader locate information quickly. Index amphibian……..2,3,5 frog………………..2,5,7 habitat…………...2,4,6 toad…………………1,4

14 W HAT DOES TEXT STRUCTURE LOOK LIKE ? You will find a table of contents in expository text. The Table of Contents is located in the front of the book and helps the reader locate information quickly. Table of Contents Frogs’ diet------------------6 Frogs’ habitat--------------5 Frogs’ Physical Traits------7 Other Information---------8

15 W HAT DOES TEXT STRUCTURE LOOK LIKE ? Expository text may also have a glossary. A glossary defines terms that readers may not understand when they are reading. The glossary is located at the back of the book. Glossary amphibian (n) – an organism that can live on land and in water frog (n) an amphibian with smooth skin that live in water more toad (n) – an amphibian with bumpy skin that live on land more than in water

16 W HAT DOES TEXT STRUCTURE LOOK LIKE ? Expository text may also have diagrams or drawings. Diagrams and drawings provide the reader with a visual image of the information. They can also show relationships between ideas that the author presents. Diagrams and Drawings

17 Buses like this take children to and from school. Frogs, like the ones pictured above, live in wet habitats. Flowers like these daisies can be found throughout the United States. Pictures and Illustrations W HAT DOES TEXT STRUCTURE LOOK LIKE ? Expository text usually has pictures and illustrations. Pictures and illustrations clarify points or even provide additional information on a subject. If an author includes pictures or illustrations, you should READ THEM!!!!.

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