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EDUCATION PROFILE AND ISSUES OF ASEAN COUNTRIES Prepared and Presented by M. YAHYA AHMAD Doctoral Degree Student Philippine Chistian University On the.

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Presentation on theme: "EDUCATION PROFILE AND ISSUES OF ASEAN COUNTRIES Prepared and Presented by M. YAHYA AHMAD Doctoral Degree Student Philippine Chistian University On the."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDUCATION PROFILE AND ISSUES OF ASEAN COUNTRIES Prepared and Presented by M. YAHYA AHMAD Doctoral Degree Student Philippine Chistian University On the fulfillment of subject : Comparative Education M. Yahya Ahmad

2 TOPIC OF INTEREST Compulsory Education Basic Education Definition Country Profile Issues and Challenges M. Yahya Ahmad


4 Key treaty provisions on free and compulsory education M. Yahya Ahmad

5  UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education (1960):  The States Parties to this Convention undertake to formulate, develop and apply a national policy which,... will tend to promote equality of opportunity and of treatment... and in particular: (a) To make primary education free and compulsory.  UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education (1960):  The States Parties to this Convention undertake to formulate, develop and apply a national policy which,... will tend to promote equality of opportunity and of treatment... and in particular: (a) To make primary education free and compulsory. Key treaty provisions on free and compulsory education M. Yahya Ahmad

6  International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966):  Primary education shall be compulsory and available free for all.  Protocol of San Salvador to the American Convention on Human Rights (1988)  The States Parties to this Protocol recognize that in order to achieve the full exercise of the right to education: a. Primary education should be compulsory and accessible to all without cost.  International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966):  Primary education shall be compulsory and available free for all.  Protocol of San Salvador to the American Convention on Human Rights (1988)  The States Parties to this Protocol recognize that in order to achieve the full exercise of the right to education: a. Primary education should be compulsory and accessible to all without cost. Key treaty provisions on free and compulsory education M. Yahya Ahmad

7  Convention on the Rights of the Child: (1989):  States Parties recognize the right of the child to education, and with a view to achieving this right progressively and on the basis of equal opportunity, they shall, in particular: (a) Make primary education compulsory and available free for all.  Convention on the Rights of the Child: (1989):  States Parties recognize the right of the child to education, and with a view to achieving this right progressively and on the basis of equal opportunity, they shall, in particular: (a) Make primary education compulsory and available free for all. Key treaty provisions on free and compulsory education M. Yahya Ahmad

8  Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the African Child (1990):  States Parties to the present Charter shall take all appropriate measures with a view to achieving the full realization of [the right to education] and shall in particular: a) provide free and compulsory basic education;  Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the African Child (1990):  States Parties to the present Charter shall take all appropriate measures with a view to achieving the full realization of [the right to education] and shall in particular: a) provide free and compulsory basic education; Key treaty provisions on free and compulsory education M. Yahya Ahmad

9  (Revised) European Social Charter (1996):  With a view to ensuring the effective exercise of the right of children and young persons to grow up in an environment which encourages the full development of their personality and of their physical and mental capacities, the Parties undertake, either directly or in co-operation with public and private organizations, to take all appropriate and necessary measures designed: 2. to provide to children and young persons a free primary and secondary education as well as to encourage regular attendance at schools.  (Revised) European Social Charter (1996):  With a view to ensuring the effective exercise of the right of children and young persons to grow up in an environment which encourages the full development of their personality and of their physical and mental capacities, the Parties undertake, either directly or in co-operation with public and private organizations, to take all appropriate and necessary measures designed: 2. to provide to children and young persons a free primary and secondary education as well as to encourage regular attendance at schools. Key treaty provisions on free and compulsory education M. Yahya Ahmad

10 Content of the Right to Education and State Obligations  Equal enjoyment of, and equal access to, educational opportunities and facilities  Compulsory and free primary education  Generally available and accessible secondary education, and equally accessible higher education  Freedom of choice in education, and freedom to establish private institutions  Equal enjoyment of, and equal access to, educational opportunities and facilities  Compulsory and free primary education  Generally available and accessible secondary education, and equally accessible higher education  Freedom of choice in education, and freedom to establish private institutions M. Yahya Ahmad

11 Definition of Basic Education (Jomtiem Conference, 1990)  The definition of basic education must be in terms of levels to be attained, and knowledge and skills to be acquired along the lines of the Jomtien 'enlarged vision', not in terms of a period of compulsory school education  Basic education allows personal development, intellectual autonomy, integration into professional life and participation in the development of the society in the context of democracy. M. Yahya Ahmad

12 FOUR As EDUCATION  Availability Availability  that education is free and government-funded and that there is adequate infrastructure and trained teachers able to support education delivery.  Accessibility Accessibility  `that the system is non- discriminatory and accessible to all, and that positive steps are taken to include the most marginalised.  Acceptability Acceptability  that the content of education is relevant, non-discriminatory and culturally appropriate, and of quality; that the school itself is safe and teachers are professional.  Adaptability Adaptability  that education can evolve with the changing needs of society and contribute to challenging inequalities, such as gender discrimination, and that it can be adapted locally to suit specific contexts. M. Yahya Ahmad

13 COUNTRYCONSTITUTION MANDATE OF EDUCATION Brunei Darussalam (mandate is not clear) Cambodia (1) The State shall protect and upgrade citizens' rights to quality education at all levels (2) The state shall establish a comprehensive and standardized educational system (3) The State shall provide free primary and secondary education to all citizens in public schools East Timor (1) The State shall recognise and guarantee that every citizen has the right to education (2) Everyone has the right to equal opportunities for education and vocational training (3) The State should ensure the access of every citizen, in accordance to their abilities, to the highest levels of education Lao-PDR (1) Lao citizens have the right to receive education (2) The State pays attention to developing education in combination with the building of a new generation to be good citizens (3) The State implement the compulsory education system at primary levels. M. Yahya Ahmad



16 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Laws and other basic regulations concerning education The Education (Brunei Board of Examinations ) Act of 1976 Education Order 2003 Child Care Centre Order 2006 Compulsory Education Order 2007 Administration and management of the education system The Ministry of Education (MOE) Curriculum Development Department (CDD) Schools Inspectorate under MOE National Education Council National Accreditation Council Technical and Vocational Education Council M. Yahya Ahmad

17 CAMBODIA Laws and other basic regulations concerning education Constitution of 1993 The Education Law 2007 Administration and management of the education system Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS) Curriculum Development Department Supreme National Council for Education, Cambodian National Council for Children National Training Board Accreditation Committee of Cambodia (ACC) M. Yahya Ahmad

18 INDONESIA Laws and other basic regulations concerning education Constitution of 1945 and its ammendment National Education System Law No. 20/2003 National Guidelines of the State Policy of 1993 Presidential Decree of 1994 Decision of the People's Consultative Assembly No. IV of 1999 Law No. 22 on Local Governance of 1999 Teacher and Lecturer Law No. 14 of 2005 Administration and management of the education system Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC) Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection Ministry of Social Affairs National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Board of National Education Standards National Board of School Accreditation School/Madrasah Committee M. Yahya Ahmad

19 LAO-PDR Laws and other basic regulations concerning education Constitution, promulgated in 1991 and amended in 2003 Decree on Compulsory Primary Education No.138/PMO/96 Decrees No. 0922, 0923 and 0924 dated 17 July 2001 Education Law No. 03/AN was enacted on 8 April 2000 Administration and management of the education system Ministry of Education (MOE) Provincial Education Services (PES) District Education Bureaus (DEB) Village Education Development Committees Research Institute for the Educational Sciences (RIES), Educational Standards and Quality Assurance Center (ESQAC) Inclusive Education Center, Strategic Research and Educational Analysis Center Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (MLSW) National Training Council M. Yahya Ahmad

20 MALAYSIA Laws and other basic regulations concerning education Education Amendment Act 2002 (Act A1152), Childcare Centres (Amendment) Act 2007. Universities and University Colleges Act (Amendment) 1996 Private Higher Education Institutions Act (1996) National Council on Higher Education Act (1996) National Skills Development Act 2006 (Act 652) Administration and management of the education system Ministry of Education (MOE) School Inspectorate, a MOE division Curriculum Development Centre (CDC) Educational Planning Committee (EPC) Educational Planning and Research Division (EPRD Ministry of Higher Education Malaysian Qualifications Agency Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development Ministry of Rural and Regional Development National Unity Department M. Yahya Ahmad

21 Republic of the Union of MYANMAR (BURMA) M. Yahya Ahmad

22 PHILIPPINES M. Yahya Ahmad

23 SINGAPORE M. Yahya Ahmad

24 THAILAND M. Yahya Ahmad

25 TIMOR LESTE  Upppsss.....I am Sorry......  Data Not Available M. Yahya Ahmad

26 Socialist Republic of VIETNAM M. Yahya Ahmad



29 Implementation of compulsory education M. Yahya Ahmad




33 Primary Teacher Age Proportion Under 30 M. Yahya Ahmad

34 Number of children of primary school age who were out of school in 2008, selected countrie M. Yahya Ahmad




38 Pupil/Teacher Ratio M. Yahya Ahmad





43 Problem of Equity in Education  Lack of available school building and classroom with all required facilities  Shortage of teachers, especially in remote areas; That is one of the reason in countries like Thailand and Indonesia there are multi grade teachers where one teacher teaches more than one grades of primary school  Uneven spread of population, which also creates serious disparities in educational opportunity; especially in a big country like Indonesia. M. Yahya Ahmad

44  Lack of good textbooks and other learning materials. Due to financial and geographical reason this problem can easily be found in remote schools.  Geographical location  Student’s and parent’s low appreciation toward education  Level of socio-economic condition of the family  Lack of budget for building more schools, classrooms, learning facilities Problem of Equity in Education M. Yahya Ahmad

45 Problem of Quality Education  Dakar’s Framework of Action:  A good quality education requires: Healthy, well nourished and motivated students, Well motivated and professionally competent teacher, Active learning techniques, A relevant curriculum M. Yahya Ahmad

46 Adequate, environmentally friendly and easily accessible facilities, Healthy, safe and protective learning environments, A clear definition and accurate assessment of learning outcomes, including knowledge, skills, attitude and values Participatory governance and management, and Respect for and engagement with local communities and cultures Adequate, environmentally friendly and easily accessible facilities, Healthy, safe and protective learning environments, A clear definition and accurate assessment of learning outcomes, including knowledge, skills, attitude and values Participatory governance and management, and Respect for and engagement with local communities and cultures Problem of Quality Education M. Yahya Ahmad


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