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Gilberto M. Llanto Presented at the PDF-WG Workshop on the Workplan for 2011-2012, One Tagaytay Place, February 8-9, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Gilberto M. Llanto Presented at the PDF-WG Workshop on the Workplan for 2011-2012, One Tagaytay Place, February 8-9, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gilberto M. Llanto Presented at the PDF-WG Workshop on the Workplan for 2011-2012, One Tagaytay Place, February 8-9, 2011

2  Achievements and challenges in the social development sector  Service delivery gaps identified in the draft MTPDP (2010-2016)  Service delivery at LGU level and proposed action  Legislative agenda on improving service delivery proposed by MTPDP

3  Improvements in access to and quality of service delivery in health, nutrition, population, education, training, culture, housing, social protection, asset reform.  On track with MDG goals on food poverty, gender equality in education, reducing child mortality, reversing incidence of and death rate associated with malaria, detection and treatment success of TB, access to sanitary toilet facilities.  HDI rose from 0.744 in 2005 to 0.751 in 2007.

4  Lags in universal primary education, improving maternal health, combating HIV/AIDS.  There are large discrepancies across regions in these areas.  Downside: poverty incidence of families rose from 24.4% in 2003 to 26.9% in 2006; more than ¼ of 27.6 million poor are in 6 regions.  Income inequality is high. Gini ratio 0.4580 in 2006. High inequality in regions 7, 8, 9, 10.

5  Unsustained poverty reduction  Slow progress toward the attainment of MDG goals  Inadequate financing for social services/minimal increase in the share of social development expenditures to total government expenditures

6  Health and nutrition - Maternal mortality rate at 162 per 100,000 live births vs. MDG target of 52 - Infant mortality rate at 25 per 1,000 live vs. target of 25 - Total health expenditure at 3.2% of GDP below WHO’s standard of 5% of GDP - Underweight, stunting, wasting and thinness of children continue to be serious nutritional problems.

7  Education -need for greater participation of school-aged children in elementary level -Net enrolment rate for elementary and high school at 85% and 62.4% respectively, far below MDG and Education for All targets -Completion rate of 72.2% for elementary below EFA target of 81% in 2015 -Completion rate of 73.7% for high school below 2015 EFA target of 81%

8  75,584 new classrooms were built (2004- 2009). Wide disparity: 78.1 elementary pupil- room ratio in NCR vs. 82.1 in ARMM.

9  Housing -Output of 689,292 units of direct housing assistance (house and lot, house or lot only) vs. 3.7 million housing need in 2004-2010. - HLRB reports assisting 419 LGUs in updating and formulating Comprehensive Land Use Plans vs. target of 432 LGUs (2004-2010).

10  Social protection - Fragmented and uncoordinated social protection programs (21 agencies, 65 programs) - Inadequately funded and short-lived - National government spending at 0.8% of GDP vs. 1.9% of 87 developing countries from 1996-2006

11  Asset reform: coastal and marine settlement -More than 900 coastal municipalities have completed their municipal water delineation. Only 30 of these had passed ordinances on municipal water delineation. This is the situation 12 years after the passage of the Fisheries Code.

12  Education -LGC does not devolve the provision of basic education. -Basic Education Governance Act of 2001 (Republic Act 9155) envisions a different kind of decentralization in the basic education: school-based management.

13  LGUs have a role thru the SEF, earmarked for the operation and maintenance of public schools.  A substantial portion of SEF tends to be allocated to sports competitions and other co-curricular activities.  LGUs and the national government should work hand in hand to use SEF to improve the quality of instruction and classroom facilities.

14  Health - Financing and management of health care facilities were transferred to LGUs. - RHUs and BHSs generally responsible for the delivery of frontline basic services. - Provinces are assigned the operation and maintenance of district and provincial hospitals. DOH continues to operate regional hospitals also known as retained hospitals.

15 -Large budget share of personal services in total health spending of LGUs but lack of proper health personnel constrains provision of adequate and quality health services -Underfunding of MOOE and capital outlays -LGUs and the national government should review responsibilities and budgetary allocation for health and nutrition expenditures and work for more appropriate division of roles and budgets.

16  Water and sanitation - LGUs should assess the most viable option for meeting the water and sanitation requirements of the local population: invest in own water and sanitation systems, work with water districts, use any of public-private partnership approaches.

17  Housing  Phenomenon of rapid urbanization; forecast 6 out 10 Filipinos will live in urban areas; 1/3 of urban population will be slum dwellers. - LGUs have to update and formulate their CLUPs. - Coordinate with national government agencies in urban renewal and resettlement of informal settlers.

18 -MTPDP asks LGUs to take the lead in shelter planning, i.e. finding local housing solutions and programming, areas for urban growth and planned areas for human settlements under their CLUPs, creation of Local Housing Boards, re-channeling of development funds to LGUs.

19  Social protection -Weak targeting system compromise efficacy of social protection programs. - Social protection programs have inadequate coverage. - LGUs can help strengthen and implement proper targeting systems, but first improve their information systems. - More specifically, work with DSWD in KALAHI and CCT implementation. - Coordinate with DBM on budget for PHIC sponsored programs.

20  Coastal and marine settlement - Concerned LGUs should work with NAMRIA on municipal water delineation and pass required local ordinances. - Work with DENR, DOST and other agencies in climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.

21  Amendment of RA 7875 (National Health Insurance Act)- modifying national government-LGU premium sharing for the sponsored program and full subsidy scheme for the lowest income bracket (5 million families)  Amendment to the education provision of LGC- for better use of SEF, changing composition of Local School Board, reorienting LGU role in local management and quality assurance of basic education

22  Amendment to CHED Charter (RA 7222)- for LGU-created/funded HEI to form part of overall governance of higher education to make them conform to national standards and best practices  Establishment of Local Housing Boards in cities and municipalities

23 Thank You!

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