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Planning the Audit EPA Regions 9 & 10 and The Federal Network for Sustainability 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning the Audit EPA Regions 9 & 10 and The Federal Network for Sustainability 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning the Audit EPA Regions 9 & 10 and The Federal Network for Sustainability 2005

2 Audit Planning Addresses the specifics of what, where, who, when and how: –What are the audit objectives? –Where will the audit be done? (i.e., scope) –When will the audit(s) occur? (how long?) –Who are the auditors? –Who are the initial interviewees? –How will the audit be done? (facility EMS procedure for auditing)

3 Audit Scope Can all elements be done throughout facility at one time, or divide up throughout the year. If divided, decide whether to do one element of the standard across the facility, or All elements in parts of the facility, Keep in mind consistency issue!

4 The Audit Team Must collectively have knowledge of: –EMS, –Auditing, –Process or activities, –Environmental legal and other requirements, –Environmental Science, –Any unique, site-specific needs.

5 Auditing Skills

6 What is an Auditor? An EMS Auditor obtains and documents objective evidence to determine whether an organization’s EMS is in conformance with the appropriate standards and requirements.

7 Auditor Attributes Discussion Working with other participants, please list some of the positive and negative attributes of an EMS auditor.

8 Auditor Qualification Criteria Professional Skills People Skills Personal Attributes An effective auditor should possess a combination of:

9 Professional Skills Be detail oriented Maintain independence and objectivity Work in a systematic manner Use an investigative approach Identify appropriate sources of information Relate to all levels of personnel Use sound judgment based on objective evidence

10 People Skills Be a good listener Communicate clearly Deal with people openly and freely Use positive-feedback techniques Discuss issues without arguing and be patient Maintain the self-esteem of all parties

11 Personal Attributes Diplomatic Tactful Decisive Fair and honest Ethical

12 Maintaining Auditor Skills Environmental science and technology Aspects of facility operations Environmental laws and regulations Environmental management systems Audit procedures, processes and techniques To remain efficient, auditors should maintain their current knowledge of:

13 Auditor Code of Ethics Due professional care should be exercised by all auditors including: using care, diligence, skill and judgment not disclosing information, unless required by law following procedures that provide for quality assurance

14 Exercise #1 Read: Facility Description, Facility Newsletter, Candidate descriptions, Fact Sheet for GovCo, Group into Teams, Identify audit team (select appropriate candidates from candidate description, identify lead auditor, Complete EMS Audit Plan.

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