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Student Health Care Plans By: Suzanne Tanner Ashley Gish Annalisa Banks.

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2 Student Health Care Plans By: Suzanne Tanner Ashley Gish Annalisa Banks

3 Why the change?  Currently each school has it’s own system  Difficult to ensure each child is receiving proper care  Our goal= A more congruent system between schools

4 The new system  Modeled after JR Smith Elementary system

5 What Should A HCP Look Like?  Child’s name  Child’s picture  Confidential Health Care Plan for: Name: CONFIDENTIAL

6 Medication Folders  If a student requires medication they must have an additional expandable file that is to be kept with the red health care plan folder.

7 Color Coding  Blue folder-Asthma  Red folder-Allergies  Green folder-Diabetes  Yellow folder-all other Conditions

8 New Students  It all starts with the Health Forms  A Health Care Plan may then be required  School Health Services 

9 When is a Health Care Plan required?  The Big Five Diabetes Asthma Seizures Allergies Medications

10 What if a parent refuses?  Parents do have the right to refuse a HCP but it must be documented.  However certain conditions require a HCP, no exceptions

11 Returning Students  Students must have an updated plan annually  Secretaries will contact parents to update HCP  See notes for letter template

12 The Process  Parents will return HCP to the student’s school  Secretary will then email the nurse that they have received a new health care plan.  Nurse is responsible for educating teachers on the HCP when applicable

13 The process cont…  When the secretary receives the HCP from the parent please email the student’s teacher so he/she can sign the HCP  A copy of the plan should be made for the nurse, the school’s files and the child’s teacher.

14 The process cont…  Nurse is responsible for following up on all trainings for teachers and staff and contacting parents for individualized HCP’s.

15 SIS  Secretaries will enter into SIS the child’s health condition from the registration Health Form. Remember to click Alert and Confidential  The nurse and secretaries will document any correspondence with the parent/student in regards to the HCP

16 Student Health Care Plans  Each student must have their own folder  All folders should be stored in a locked file cabinet

17 Health Summary  Secretaries will be responsible for creating a health summary of all students with HCP’s at the beginning of each school year.  It should include the following information: Student’s name Diagnosis Teacher and grade Any relevant info re: diagnosis

18 Audits  An audit will be conducted twice a year.  Dates TBA  School nurse will notify secretary prior to audit

19 Health Documents  We’ve outlined all of the most common diagnoses and listed all of the necessary forms online.  This document is also on the districts website under School Health Services. Steps for Health Care Plans.doc

20 Health Conditions and required forms

21 Asthma  If a student has Asthma (seasonal, mild or severe), you will need the following forms:  Asthma Self-Administration Form Asthma Self-Administration Form  Asthma Action Plan Asthma Action Plan  Both forms need to be submitted annually

22 Asthma  If the student’s asthma is severe or you would like assistance in administering an inhaler from school personnel please have parents fill out these additional forms:  Wasatch County School Districts- Authorization of School Personnel to Administer Medication Wasatch County School Districts- Authorization of School Personnel to Administer Medication  Asthma Health Care Plan (as needed) Asthma Health Care Plan  Daily Medication Administration Daily Medication Administration

23 Diabetes  A student that has Diabetes will require several forms. These forms as well as an explanation of them are available on the School Health Services website.

24 Food Allergies  If a student has an Allergy (severe food, insects, latex, etc.), you will need the following forms:  Food Allergy or Other Allergy Health Care Plan Food Allergy or Other Allergy Health Care Plan

25 Food Allergies  If school staff needs to administer an Antihistamine and/or Epi-pen you will need:  Anaphylaxis Emergency Action Plan Anaphylaxis Emergency Action Plan  Wasatch County School Districts- Authorization of School Personnel to Administer medication Wasatch County School Districts- Authorization of School Personnel to Administer medication  Daily Medication Administration Sheet Daily Medication Administration Sheet  Epinephrine Auto Injection (EAI) Authorization Form Epinephrine Auto Injection (EAI) Authorization Form  Asthma Self-Administration Form Asthma Self-Administration Form

26 Seizures  Parents must submit a Seizure School Health Care Plan signed by their doctor annually.  Seizures action plan Seizures action plan  Wasatch County School Districts- Authorization of School Personnel to Administer medication Daily Medication Administration Sheet Wasatch County School Districts- Authorization of School Personnel to Administer medicationDaily Medication Administration Sheet

27 Medication Use and Administration  If a student needs any Medication at School, you will need the following forms:  Wasatch County School Districts- Authorization of School Personnel to Administer medication Wasatch County School Districts- Authorization of School Personnel to Administer medication  Daily Medication Administration Sheet Daily Medication Administration Sheet

28 Other Health Concerns  If a student has any Other Health Concerns, please have parents contact the school nurse for Individualized Care Plans.

29 Questions from parents  Any questions should be addressed to the school nurse:  Suzanne Tanner RDH, RN, BSN  School Nurse Cell: 435-654-8289 Office: 435-657-3100 ex 4144

30 Questions email:

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