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Drug Prevention Education Strategies and Marijuana Awareness 12 th Annual Adult Prevention Educator Conference Ralph Cantor Berkeley, CA May 6, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Drug Prevention Education Strategies and Marijuana Awareness 12 th Annual Adult Prevention Educator Conference Ralph Cantor Berkeley, CA May 6, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drug Prevention Education Strategies and Marijuana Awareness 12 th Annual Adult Prevention Educator Conference Ralph Cantor Berkeley, CA May 6, 2009


3 Topics covered today Goals of drug education/prevention Strategies for working with youth The case for delaying use The Reward Center Some understanding of marijuana Raising awareness about alcohol Promoting Resiliency Messages for parents

4 Goals of drug education Think more deeply about the issues Make a more informed decision Have a positive influence on their behavior Know that adults care and will respond Identify kids needing help Delay initial usage or retard usage

5 5 How people learn and Knowledge Prior Experience Thought Emotions Heart

6 Stages of Change Age Appropriateness Pre Contemplative Stage (Not even thinking about it) Contemplative Stage Planning Stage 7 th and 8 th Delay Usage 9 th Transition 10 th thru 12 th Nonjudgmental

7 Process Establish credibility (Authenticity & Knowledge ) Create a resilient learning environment (expectations, caring, and participation) Present a non-judgmental approach Stimulate discussion and serious thought, weaving in information w/balanced answers

8 Reasons for delaying message Development of the prefrontal cortex Pruning and myelination Neuroadaptivity: dull pleasure center Short circuiting developmental tasks Greater need for dopamine Pharmacological solutions resulting pharmacological insults The research

9 Adolescent BrainAdult Brain

10 “USE IT OR LOSE IT”– Reading, sports, music, video games, x-box, hanging out— whatever a child/teen is doing—these are the neural synapses that will be retained How children/teens spend their time is CRUCIAL to brain development since their activities guide the structure of the brain Pruning

11 Neuroadaptivity, Hypofrontality, Memory Loss Neuroadaptivity – Dulling of the pleasure center of the brain Hypofrontality – Interference with the decision making area of brain Memory loss – Damage to the hippocampus

12 Developmental tasks Boredom Good times Stress Social Skills Academic Skills

13 Percentage of U.S. Adults Aged 18 and Older Dependent on Alcohol, By Age of Drinking Onset

14 The reward system is responsible for seeking natural rewards that have survival value (food, water, sex, and nurturing) Dopamine is the system’s primary neurotransmitter Reward System




18 Sketch the synaptic space


20 Drugs Hijack the Brain’s Reward Circuitry Immediate effect of drug use is an increase in dopamine Continued use of drugs reduces the brain’s dopamine production Because dopamine is part of the reward system, the brain is ‘fooled’ into ‘thinking’ that the drug has survival value for the organism The reward system responds with “drug seeking behaviors” Craving occurs and, eventually, dependence.

21 Dopamine vs. Serotonin Dopamine produces a feeling of pleasure Serotonin produces a feeling of well being Difference between pleasure and happiness Developing skills, interest, relationships, meaning (“getting a life”) Wizard of Oz

22 Nucleus Accumbens Hippocampus Cerebellum Amygdala Hypothalmus Marijuana Cannabinoid Sites

23 Hippocampus Gateway between short term and long term memory Draws information from long term memory Discriminates relevant new information Trashes unimportant information Stores new information in long term memory


25 Intrudes on the ecology of the brain at a crucial developmental time having an influence on present performance and future functioning Hippocampus/Learning Ultimately producing opposite results Gateway to cigarettes Pruning and Neuroadaptation Concerns with Marijuana

26 THC and resin Damage to cilia Viewing the bronchi Marijuana/tobacco connection Blunts The power of nicotine and endorphins Compromised immune system The Lungs

27 1)Reduced sensitivity to intoxication 2)Increased sensitivity to social disinhibitions 3)Greater adverse effects to cognitive functioning 4)It seems to be endorsed as a norm Adolescents more susceptible to alcohol than adults

28 Ever see a group of drunk teenagers Binge drinking Demeaning behavior Accidents Sexual Behavior Brain damage Addiction Driving and deaths Teenage Proofing your house Issues with alcohol: Why do kids have to drink?

29 How well does the drug work Positive and Negative Reinforcement If, in addition to producing pleasure (positive reinforcement), a drug is more addicting, if it relieves negative states: boredom, anxiety, depression or stress (negative reinforcement). Risk of addiction

30 Pleasure “I feel good” Bored Anhedonia Interested “I feel negative” NORMAL RANGE Dysphoria Euphoria Pleasure Scale

31 Promoting Resiliency, Connection and Engagement Supportive family (tuned in, time together, supervision, fair rules/boundaries) Non using peers and role models Developing interests and academic skills Youth are connected (school, activities) Social Skills Dealing with boredom, stress, partying Exercise, movement, sweat

32 Talk to your child I care, I see, I feel, Listen Clear expectations and consequences Communication & Monitoring Integrity & Self Assessment – Modeling Teen-proof your home Promote Connection & Interests Parents

33 Self Care This is work of the heart Clarity of Intention The power of your presence

34 Ignorance that the substance is a drug and what it does to the body Loss of desired effect with increasing frequency Difficulty separating from the drug Impairment of health or social function Personal Self Assessment Andrew Weil – Unhealthy relationship

35 References S. Alex Stalcup, M.D. New Leaf Treatment Center 251 Lafayette Circle, Suite 150 Lafayette, CA 94549 Timmen Cermak, M.D. Mill Valley, CA Marijuana: What’s a Parent to Believe Hazelden Press 2005

36 Contact Information Ralph Cantor Alameda County Office of Education (510) 653-9410

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