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Wednesday Review March 20, 2013

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1 Wednesday Review March 20, 2013

2 All of the following can be inherited by the offspring of an apple tree EXCEPT-
A. shape of leaves B. broken branches C. type of fruit D. flower color

3 A. Cooking a meal B. Speaking English C. Crying when hurt D. Using a pencil

4 All of the following are inherited traits in a coyote EXCEPT –
A. growing tan fur B. having sharp teeth C. seeing well D. recognizing traps

5 Which of the following characteristics did a horse most likely inherit from its parents?
A. Torn ear B. Brown coat C. Broken tooth D. Scar on its back

6 An Oregon truffle is a type of fungus that grows underground in moist soil near fir trees and reproduces using spores instead of seeds. Which of the following environmental changes would likely cause a decrease in the truffle population in an area? A. More than average rain falling in the forest B. Counting and recording the number of truffles C. Winds spreading the truffles’ spores all around D. Cutting down the fir trees and planting crops

7 The ecosystem of some dairy cows includes the fields in which they graze, eating the grass they need. Too many cows can be harmful to their ecosystem because they could – A. produce too much milk B. scare away predators C. raise the temperature D. remove all the vegetation

8 The data supports which of the following hypotheses.
A. Birds depend on humans to provide food in bird feeders. B. Humans often hunt and kill animals that prey on birds. C. Many humans enjoy observing birds in the environment. D. Building more houses for humans removes trees birds need.

9 A. Otter B. Herring gull C. Blue crab D. Diamondback terrapin

10 The tables here give information on animal and plant fossils
The tables here give information on animal and plant fossils. Based on the information in the tables, which two fossils would most likely be found together in the same rock? A. Fish skull and cactus B. Mouse skull and seaweed C. Alligator toe bone and fern D. Shark’s tooth and marsh grass

11 Based on this evidence, we could conclude that the area where the fossils were discovered had what sequence of climates in the past? A. Beach, followed by a forest B. Rocky and dry, then very moist C. Forest, and later a mountain D. Very cold area, then much warmer

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