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Interactive Learning: Teaching Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with WebCT By: Andrew Clark University of Arizona Department of Geography and Regional.

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive Learning: Teaching Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with WebCT By: Andrew Clark University of Arizona Department of Geography and Regional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive Learning: Teaching Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with WebCT By: Andrew Clark University of Arizona Department of Geography and Regional Development Copyright Andrew Clark, 2003. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.


3 Geography 416B: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems This course is designed to introduce the student to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) This course is designed to introduce the student to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Recently, a project was begun to integrate web-based instruction with classroom and lab activities. Recently, a project was begun to integrate web-based instruction with classroom and lab activities.

4 Interactive Learning Studies have shown that students learn better if they are allowed to adopt information on their own terms Studies have shown that students learn better if they are allowed to adopt information on their own terms The internet enables students to explore and create knowledge and information The internet enables students to explore and create knowledge and information We use an extension of internet-based learning We use an extension of internet-based learning This hybrid approach combines web-based instruction with classroom examples and lab assignmentsThis hybrid approach combines web-based instruction with classroom examples and lab assignments

5 Old Course Composition GIS Instruction Classroom Instruction Textbook Material Hands-on lab assignments New Course Composition GIS Instruction Class Instruction Web-based Lectures Hands-on Lab Assignments

6 Project Goals Reach and engage GIS students through a combination of internet learning and classroom instruction Reach and engage GIS students through a combination of internet learning and classroom instruction Discover information seeking behaviors used by students Discover information seeking behaviors used by students help students more easily engage and access GIS materialhelp students more easily engage and access GIS material help the future integration of internet and classroom teaching techniqueshelp the future integration of internet and classroom teaching techniques

7 How will these goals be accomplished? By the creation of web-based lecture and testing materials with the help of WebCT. By the creation of web-based lecture and testing materials with the help of WebCT. The use of surveys and monitoring to discover the most effective way to convey the lecture information (i.e. Text vs. Graphics). The use of surveys and monitoring to discover the most effective way to convey the lecture information (i.e. Text vs. Graphics). Student and Instructor evaluations of the integration. Student and Instructor evaluations of the integration.

8 Information-Seeking Behavior The core assumption of information theory is that - information exists independently of and externally to human action and thought (Dervin, 1977) The core assumption of information theory is that - information exists independently of and externally to human action and thought (Dervin, 1977) If we can understand how the students access the information, we can thereby modify our teaching strategy to help the students access the information easier. If we can understand how the students access the information, we can thereby modify our teaching strategy to help the students access the information easier.


10 Expected Results Better student comprehension of the materials Better student comprehension of the materials Painless instructor and student transition between the old method of teaching and the new hybrid approach Painless instructor and student transition between the old method of teaching and the new hybrid approach Greater understanding of students information seeking skills Greater understanding of students information seeking skills From that greater understanding, future course evolution to assist with the first two expected results From that greater understanding, future course evolution to assist with the first two expected results

11 Summary Through the use of WebCT and classroom-based GIS instruction we are discovering how students learn. Through the use of WebCT and classroom-based GIS instruction we are discovering how students learn. This will be done by monitoring student movements online and series of surveys. This will be done by monitoring student movements online and series of surveys. This research should aid future web/classroom hybrid teaching approaches. This research should aid future web/classroom hybrid teaching approaches.

12 The End Any questions or comments, please feel free to email me:

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