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PERSUASIVE WRITING By Darci Mock Adams Elementary

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Presentation on theme: "PERSUASIVE WRITING By Darci Mock Adams Elementary"— Presentation transcript:

1 PERSUASIVE WRITING By Darci Mock Adams Elementary

2 3 Week 5 th Grade Format MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Thesis/THEMEDRAPESType Utah Writes Read/Mark/FlipMini-LessonRevise in Word Read/Mark/FlipMini-LessonRevise FINAL draft GRADED Stage 1 (6 weeks) Day 1: Thesis / Theme Day 2: DRAPES Day 3: Type Stage 2 (6 weeks) Day 1: Background Day 2: Theme/Drapes Day 3: Type Stage 3 (6 weeks) Day 1: Background Day 2: Theme/Drapes NO Organizer Given Day 3: Type Stage 4 (4 weeks prior to DWA) Day 1: 10 minute prewrite and type Repeat 4 times prior to DWA

3 Thesis Statement

4 Analyze Prompt: Key Words Define Discuss Describe Summarize Explain Key Verbs Demonstrate Compare/Contrast Argue Analyze Circle the word in the prompt to help you create your thesis statement

5 Your principal has changed the rules at recess. She has told all students that they can no longer play on the grass at recess because students are eroding the grass. Do you agree? Write a letter in support of her choice or asking her to change.

6 Word Map

7 Brainstorm list – Time Health Education/Effort Money Environment Safety Strong Weak Strongest

8 D.R.A.P.E.S. Dialogue Rhetorical Question Analogy Personal Experience Example Statistic

9 DRAPES BUILDING ELABORATION Based on :Why We Must Run With Scissors © 2001

10 OBJECTIVE Provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details

11 PROMPT Your school is thinking about adding a class or activity for students next year. Pick an activity or class you think your school should have. Write a letter to your principal to persuade him or her why your school should have this class.

12 Thesis statement Our school should create an art class for students next year.

13 DRAPES D - Dialogue R – Rhetorical question A - Analogy P – Personal Experience E - Example S - Statistic

14 DIALOGUE Lucy Marshall, a struggling math student, said, “When I paint I see patterns, arrays, and even tessellations. It all makes sense when I can put color with it.” Create your own:

15 Rhetorical question What would the world look like colorless? Create your own:

16 analogy Art is for your hands what playing sports is for your body. You never know how good you are until you do it a lot. Create your own:

17 Personal example When I was in second grade my teacher taught math using art. We drew arrays, colored patterns, cut up shapes, and made graphs using construction paper. Create your own:

18 EXAMPLE Illustrations in books help tell the story. Create your own.

19 STATISTIC 4 Out of 30 students say they have used crayons or markers in the last week. Create your own.



22 Type

23 Read / Mark / Flip

24 Write/Type Thesis xxxxx xxx xxx x xx x xxxxx xxx. xxx xxx xxxx, xxx xxxxxx xxxxxx, xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxx. Xxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxx xx. Xxxx xxx xx xx xx xxx xx xx. First, xxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxx.xxxx xxxxx xx. Xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx.xxxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxxxx. xxxxxxxxx.x Next, xxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxx.xxxx xxxxx xx. Xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx.xxxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxxxx. xxxxxxxxx. Lastly, xxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxx.xxxx xxxxx xx. Xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx.xxxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxxxx. xxxxxxxxx. Conclusion, xxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxxx. xxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxxx. xxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxxx. Xxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx.

25 Student Samples

26 Room Set Up

27 Revise: Adding Descriptive Phrases




31 Friday Finishers Individual Practice

32 Mini Lessons:

33 Essay Tracking DATETOPICO / R Original / Revision I & C Ideas and Content O Organization V Voice WC Word Choice SF Sentence Fluency C Conventions TOTAL O / R /5 /30



36 District Code: B2Y867A

37 Course Code

38 Student Login (Creation)


40 Transition Word Banks for instance in order to In addition another for example in contrast especially consequently specifically however although nevertheless similarly moreover in addition either/or neither/nor also because Use this link to find word lists to use in various types of writing: Based on standards for Common Core

41 REVISE Word Bank – Chores Hate Loathe/despise Abhor Detest Nasty Smelly Stench Spic-and-span Martha Steward Scum, dirt, grim Filthy Grit Mold, mildew Good housekeeping award Can’t bear… Can’t stand Tasks/responsibilities Microfiber cloth Jungle Rat’s nest A tornado hit Pig sty Heaps Mounds Loads Rats Bugs- roaches Bleach Comet Scrub Ammonia Feather duster Scour Windex Tilex Spotless, sparkling

42 REVISE Word Bank – Heredity Inherited Environment Species Offspring Traits Variations Survival Instincts Population specialized structure Organism life cycle parent organism learned behavior

43 Define Give specific details that make something or some idea unique

44 Discuss Examine in detail

45 Describe Give a picture in words

46 Summarize Give a brief overview of the main points

47 Explain Give reasons or make the meaning clear

48 Key Verbs Verbs that appear in the essay question

49 Demonstrate Provide examples to support a point

50 Compare/Contrast Point out the similarities or differences between things, people, or ideas

51 Argue Take a stand on an issue and give reasons to support your viewpoint or opinion.

52 Analyze Look carefully at the parts of something to see how each part works.

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