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Solar Energy. Radiant Energy Solar Radiation Average Daily Solar Insolation Per Month.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar Energy. Radiant Energy Solar Radiation Average Daily Solar Insolation Per Month."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar Energy

2 Radiant Energy


4 Solar Radiation

5 Average Daily Solar Insolation Per Month

6 o Drying Agricultural Products o Heating Water o Space Heating o Generating Electrical Energy Major Uses of Solar Energy

7 Solar Technologies o Daylighting o Passive Solar Heating o Active Solar Heating o Concentrating Solar Thermal o Photovoltaics (PV)

8 Passive Solar

9 Daylighting

10 Active Solar Heating

11 Concentrating Solar Power

12 Power Tower

13 How a Power Tower Works

14 Photovoltaics

15 PV Cell


17 Conversion Efficiency

18 PV Array Components o PV Cells o Modules o Arrays

19 PV System Components

20 Net Metering

21 PV Array Fields



24 Source: Solarbuzz, a part of The NPD Group

25 o Clean o Sustainable o Free o Provide Electricity to Remote Places Advantages of Solar Energy

26 Disadvantages of Solar Energy o Inefficient and costly equipment o Part Time o Reliability Depends On Location o Environmental Impact of PV Cell Production


28 For more information The NEED Project

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