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Silver Sneaker Geared Toward Senior Citizens Created by: Scott Bryson Betsy Huff Eric Sellitto.

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Presentation on theme: "Silver Sneaker Geared Toward Senior Citizens Created by: Scott Bryson Betsy Huff Eric Sellitto."— Presentation transcript:

1 Silver Sneaker Geared Toward Senior Citizens Created by: Scott Bryson Betsy Huff Eric Sellitto

2 Major Components To Senior Fitness -Cardio or Aerobic -Resistance -Flexibility -Balance

3 Flexibility Training  Just as it is for athletes, weekend warriors, & everyone in-between stretching is important for overall physical health.  For the Elderly it helps to keep flexible due to their sedentary lifestyles and inability to do some workouts.  Stretching can help them tend to their everyday activities.

4 Types of Stretches  Dynamic  These stretches have you moving certain body parts instead of holding the stretch.  These are more for pre-workout to get blood pumping and not to over stretch the muscle prior to working out.  Static  These stretches have you holding the stretch for 30-60 seconds to stretch the muscles for more flexibility.  These stretches are more for after a workout, cools the muscles down and makes sure you have the proper length- tension in the muscle.

5 Areas of Stretches  Neck  Shoulder  Arm  Chest  Back  Ankle  Hamstring  Quadriceps  Hip  Calf

6 Joint Movements  Neck flexion, extension, lateral flexion  Shoulder flexion, extension, ab/adduction  Leg extension, flexion, ab/adduction  Hip flexion, extension, lateral flexion, ab/adduction  Lower back flexion, extension, lateral flexion  Ankle flexion, extension

7 Resistance Training  Research has shown its good for both men and women of all ages  Studies have shown that lifting weights two or three times a week increases strength by building muscle mass and bone density

8 Who it Benefits  Benefits senior population dramatically  Studies have shown it reduces symptoms of many chronic diseases  Obesity  Diabetes  Osteoporosis  Many others

9 Modifications to Exercise  Some people are limited by weight bearing exercises due to injuries  Silver Sneakers classes have developed non-weight bearing workout classes

10 Seated Band Press  While sitting, press up with band for added resistance  Provides more stability versus standing  Non-weight bearing

11 Seated Hip Flexion  While sitting, keep leg at 90 degrees and lift up  Non-weight bearing  Easier on people who do not have the balance and coordination while standing

12 Balance Training  By improving the hip and leg muscles and retraining them to accommodate a shift in weight, we can prevent falls and give the client back their sense of independence. One out of three senior citizens fall each year

13 Split Squat This is a well know exercise It is really great for improving balance because you are focusing on shift your weight to each foot accordingly This is one of the exercises that we will performing but with an upward and downward motion This can also be done using a chair as support

14 Heel to Toe Walking This exercise is also focusing on weight shift and finding balance once the equilibrium has changed As you see in the picture there should be a person there to assist the client if need be

15 Work Cited  

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