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-CEIP Profesor Tierno Galván, Spain, Valencia, Puerto de Sagunto -Yeşilöz İlköğretim Okulu, Turkey, Ankara -Søre Trysil skole, Østby skole and Ljørdalen.

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Presentation on theme: "-CEIP Profesor Tierno Galván, Spain, Valencia, Puerto de Sagunto -Yeşilöz İlköğretim Okulu, Turkey, Ankara -Søre Trysil skole, Østby skole and Ljørdalen."— Presentation transcript:


2 -CEIP Profesor Tierno Galván, Spain, Valencia, Puerto de Sagunto -Yeşilöz İlköğretim Okulu, Turkey, Ankara -Søre Trysil skole, Østby skole and Ljørdalen skole,Norway, Trysil, Hedmark - Colegiul National de Informatica”Tudor Vianu”, Romania, Bucharest (project coordinator)

3 Approximate Date: October –November 2010 Venue : Yeşilöz İlköğretim Okulu, Turkey, Ankara

4 STEPS TILL MEETING IN TURKEY - see the next slides (all throughout this period children and teachers from all partner countries will communicate to each other via internet and on the website forum)

5  Feedback and information related to the activities so far are collected for the intermediary report each country will have to present at the end of the school year  Polls and surveys are posted and carried out on the project’s website  Dissemination of all the partners’ work and teaching activities continues at all levels

6  Choose the next 3 games that you will later turn into teaching activities and translate them as they are. Send them to all the partners.  Spain makes the second collection of games – it will be ready for the meeting in Turkey.

7  All the materials that are available for the website are sent to Romania and the website is updated.  Turkey starts work on the DVD-volume 1 with all the teaching activities done so far by all the partners( activities, teaching software, videos, lesson plans)

8  Adapt the 3 games into teaching activities (for foreign languages-English) that need ICT  Translate the teaching activities- send them to the partners  Integrate the teaching activities in lesson plans – translate the lesson plans- send them to your partners  Do the activities with your students – video them – send the videos to your partners

9  Make and apply some questionnaires about how the teaching has improved with the use of these new activities: -how was it before how is it now? -how have the students developed? -get feedback from your students related to how they see these new activities.  Implement your partners’ teaching activities in your own school

10  Disseminate the project- the games, the teaching activities and the lesson plans- yours and your partners’- you can do it in another school, in the press, etc  Prepare an analysis on the work done so far so as to present it in Turkey

11  The website is updated with teaching activities, lesson plans, videos, evidence of dissemination.  Turkey completes the work on the DVD – volume 1

12  Have a great summer !  Have a great trip to Turkey!  See you there!

13 ‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’

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