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1 Tourism Marketing: Producing Places/Consuming Places.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Tourism Marketing: Producing Places/Consuming Places."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Tourism Marketing: Producing Places/Consuming Places

2 2 Lecture Outline: Elements of Tourism Industry Historical Development of Tourism Theories for Understanding (Post)Modern Place Marketing Examples: Tourism Marketing as Representation

3 3 Concepts of Tourism A complex phenomenon  A human experience  A worldwide industry

4 4 Characteristics of tourism Time Distance Travel Away from home Purpose in non-work related (leisure)

5 5 Components of the tourism industry Transportation Accommodation Tourist attractions: natural, built, created Travel agents Tour operators Travel-related services Government bodies – national and international

6 6 Experience Economy: Tourism as consumption Tourism, like leisure, can also be thought of in terms of CONSUMPTION! The tourist ‘product’ – e.g., a package holiday

7 7 Tourism and Leisure Tourism can be considered to be a form of leisure Tourism (as leisure activity) has developed as a commercial activity Is now a major earner, makes major contribution to the economy

8 8 Development of tourism Can trace its progressive development : from INDIVIDUAL TRAVEL through groups and expeditions to MASS TOURISM to (INDIVIDUALIZED) MASS TOURISM (postmodern tourism)

9 9 Developmental factors Tourism requires people with: ABILITY (money and time) MOBILITY (transport) and MOTIVATION (desire, determination) to travel A history of tourism is a history of the development of these three factors

10 10 Travel in Ancient Societies (Egypt and Greece) Empires grew, and ‘business travel’ increased (administration of the regions) Evidence also of pleasure trips - festivals, and Olympic Games Pyramids, tombs and temples were the wonders of the ancient world Prompted travel to see them – ‘gazed upon’

11 11 Travel in the Roman Empire Travel flourished Trade and military activity encouraged excellent roads (some still in existence) Common language and currency Romans sought to escape the cities in summer heat Moved to seaside and hillside villas

12 12 Travel in the Middle Ages 500 AD - Fall of the Roman Empire - roads fell into disrepair Travel became dangerous and difficult Undertaken largely on foot Undertaken for purposes of trade or religion only - e.g., pilgrimages Endured rather than enjoyed - “travail”! Most ordinary people would spend their lives in one fixed locality

13 13 16 th – 17 th Centuries Establishment of “The Grand Tour” - an aristocratic concept “Taking a year out” Aristocratic young men in the presence of their tutors Cultural and political education on a prescribed route France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands Befitting men for life in politics at court

14 14 17 th – 18 th Centuries Main focus : Development of Health Tourism Health resorts evolved across Europe Based on the supposed health-giving properties of the sea and mineral waters Led to the growth of seaside and spa resorts still popular today Spa towns - primarily for invalids e.g., Baden-Baden (Germany), Bath (England) Became fashionable resorts for those with leisure, money and transport

15 15 18 th – 19 th Centuries Period of Industrialisation Major effect of industry on leisure and tourism Prior to this period, only the upper classes had ability, mobility and motivation to travel (horses and carriages) INDUSTRIALISATION created :  Working class with income  Desire to escape from the city  Steam transport for travel (trains, boats)

16 16 18 th – 19 th Centuries Mass Seaside Tourism Began due to : Development of steam boats and trains (1832) linking urban and coastal areas First for freight, later, passengers Introduction of holidays (intended to improve productivity) Public holidays - when whole communities would travel en masse to the coast

17 17 Portugal

18 18 South-East England

19 19 East-German Seaside Resort

20 20 Mass Seaside Tourism Development of a tourism infrastructure Small fishing villages developed into resorts Blackpool, Ruegen, Biarritz Promenades Accommodation

21 21 Mass Seaside Tourism Package Trips Development of ‘package trips’ 1841 - Thomas Cook’s first package trip

22 22 Mass Seaside Tourism in England Social differentiation Social differentiation of resorts depended on transport links Resorts linked to the northern industrial base were mainly working-class - Blackpool Southern resorts mainly middle-class - Bournemouth, Torquay Middle classes also discovered Europe - the Alps, the Riviera

23 23 Early 20 th Century 1920s and 30s saw legal holidays acts all over Europe - ensured week-long holidays, stimulated mass tourism Also, development of ‘holiday camps’ Development of countryside holidays In 1939: 30000 weekly campers on English camp grounds. Even more in Germany (although numbers difficult to decipher)

24 24 Post Word War II Further growth in Tourism Activity Social change  War experience widened perspectives  Stimulated desire to travel  Increased leisure time and income  Growth in car ownership  Spread of five-day week  Invention of ‘the weekend’  new unit of free time

25 25 Post Word War II Further growth in Tourism Activity  Development of hotel chains  1960s and 70s in Europe:  Tourism Acts  Created national tourist boards for domestic and overseas tourism promotion  The Canadian Tourism Commission was founded in 1992

26 26 Post Word War II Further growth in Tourism Activity Increased foreign travel  1950s - 2 million Europeans took holidays abroad  1970s - 10 million abroad  France and Spain (Costas) made up 1/3 of the market  Product - sun, sea and sand

27 27 Trends in the 1980s and 1990s Move towards more flexible holiday formats Villas, timeshares, self-catering Diverse Travel Formats: Specialised Interest Areas Further technological improvements in Transportation

28 28 Trends in the 1980s and 1990s Personalised packages: Long-haul destinations for mass package holidays (e.g., Florida) Eco-tourism - environmentally aware tourism Growth in cultural and activity tourism Growth in short-break tourism demise of the two-week summer holiday postmodern lifestyles

29 29 Late 90’s and 21 st Century Novelty and specialist tourism New destinations, ‘man-made’ resorts Greater segmentation of the market ABILITY has increased - many have more free time, greater disposable income MOBILITY has increased - improved and cheaper travel technology MOTIVATION has increased

30 30 Late 90’s and 21 st Century Tourist Motivation MOTIVATION to participate in tourism has increased due to : Substantial media exposure - has greatly raised consumer awareness Perceived ‘need’ to escape the stress of ‘postmodern’ urban lifestyles Recognition of frequent holidays as a necessity, rather than a luxury

31 31 Postmodern Tourism Postmodern culture, leisure and lifestyles – new forms of consumer-orientated, commodified leisure Leisure users are defined by their consumption patterns

32 32 Characteristics of Postmodernism and Postmodern Leisure and Lifestyles Simulation and hyperreality Fragmentation Individualisation Commodification Consumer sovereignty Time compression Style replaces substance

33 33 Characteristics of Postmodernism with leisure examples INDIVIDUALISATION Central leisure institutions disappear Postmodern leisure focuses increasingly on individual consumption at the expense of traditional social group and community activity Relationships fluid. Networks instead of community. Socialities void of emotional dependence Leisure example Individualistic sports Independent and single travelling Electronic leisure games (Playstation, Nintendo, GameBoy, X-Box) Videos and interactive DVDs Home computing Much home-based leisure – home is compartmented into individual ‘leisure spaces’

34 34 Characteristics of Postmodernism with leisure examples INDIVIDUALISATION Leisure examples (cont) Children having their own rooms, TVs and PCs Leisure shopping as personal consumption Personal trainers and individualised fitness workouts Lifestyle advisers Solitary consumption of fast food replacing traditional communal family meal-times Relationships until further notice

35 35 Characteristics of Postmodernism with leisure examples FRAGMENTATION The inability to maintain established boundaries, categories and relationships Consumption and production Work and home Private and public Vast amounts of leisure choice (20- screen multiplex cinemas; numerous TV,satellite and cable channels) Built-in obsolescence (fast cars, designer clothes, consumer electronics and software) Ever more specialized consumer products Leisure examples Shopping as leisure Homeworking, housework, DIY and leisure Arts/entertainment continuum Leisure spaces in the home High, low and popular culture – blurring of boundaries

36 36 Characteristics of Postmodernism with leisure examples SIMULATION AND HYPERREALITY In postmodern leisure, simulated, man-made, contrived and inauthentic experiences predominate over the traditional and authentic Leisure examples Virtual reality in leisure Man-made tourist attractions and resorts (Center Parcs, Sun City) Modern theme parks Disneyland Paintball ‘Gladiators’

37 37 Characteristics of Postmodernism with leisure examples COMMODIFICATION The transformation, packaging and marketing of a leisure- related service into a saleable ‘product’ Arts products, leisure products, sports products, tourism products, etc. Leisure examples Tourist package holidays Gym fitness packages Celebrity signings of CDs at concerts The sale of sports packages by cable, satellite and internet Shopping as leisure

38 38 Characteristics of Postmodernism with leisure examples COMMODIFICATION OF TIME Time in postmodern life is always in short supply Time can be exchanged for money through the purchase of labour-saving devices, employing home helps, buying convenience foods, etc This frees up time for use for leisure Time can be ‘bought’ So time itself becomes a commodity

39 39 BREAK!

40 40 Postmodern Tourism: Staging Authenticity Catering to the postmodern tourist who Seeks rapidly changing art/enter-/edutainment Seeks extraordinary and individualistic experiences Who expects experiences to be produced but presented as real Has not always time to cross the globe to visit. Who has been socialized into consuming by gazing - the tourist gaze is demanding

41 41 The development of the tourist gaze Tourist landscapes are ‘consumed’ by the tourist who ‘gazes’ upon them The idea is of seeing as discovering interpreting the seen as aesthetically significant and determine its difference to the mundane.

42 42

43 43

44 44 The tourist gaze The ‘gaze’ is defined in terms of difference Perceived strangeness (but only to tourist) Exotic, pleasurable Distinguished by semiotics - ‘signifiers’ and symbolic icons – e.g., Eiffel Tower, the Pyramids, Taj Mahal rational work and seeks efficiency

45 45 Authenticity The gaze is a construct How authentic are the images consumed? Tourism as pilgrimage – a quest for the authentic Authenticity versus ‘staged authenticity’ Staged authenticity protects hosts from intrusion, yet allows commercial benefits of tourism Can any form of tourism be totally inauthentic?

46 46 Caves at Lascaux

47 47 Caves at Lascaux

48 48 Caves at Lascaux

49 49

50 50

51 51 Romeo and Juliet in Verona

52 52 Still there: Capello and Montecchi, the families that Shakespeare turned into the Capulets and Montagues

53 53 Evidence is overwhelming: Shakespeare’s characters are fictitious. Most scholars believe that Shakespeare simply reworked an old drama by an Italian playwright. Lack of factual basis offset by imagination to fill in the gaps left by documentation. Entire package tours of tourists insist to see the site of the most romantic episodes in all of literature – the immortal balcony scene.

54 54 Casa di Guilietta, situated at No. 27 Via Cappello

55 55 Authenticity?

56 56 Authenticity?

57 57 Staged Authenticity?

58 58 Hawaii

59 59 1920

60 60 Today

61 61 Also Today: Hula Contest

62 62 Staged Authenticity and Pseudo-Events: Tourism as the Production and Consumption of Simulation

63 63 Producing the Lake District Nothing natural about it says “beautiful tourist site” So how come it is? Answer: symbolic construction of difference though signs and images and cultural production in general.

64 64 The “place myth” in three stages: Discovery Interpretation (capacity of being in, seeing, and experiencing the site) Management of the discourse What activities are allowed or appropriate Physical and perceptual capacity Aesthetic dimensions Cultural hegemony (of taste, of language, mobility) Create attractions

65 65 Established place myths Stonehenge Lake District

66 66 Place myth under construction:

67 67 Summary History of tourism as the formation of the tourist gaze The patterns of tourism consumption TODAY are indebted to the forces socializing the tourist gaze. The production of place requires symbolic and cultural work! Authenticity is a historical and cultural construct. Authenticity as attraction superseded by staged authenticity as the attraction. Authenticity is a floating (ie., non-essential) concept

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