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5 Reasons to Teach You simply learn better 2. Motivates you to live it

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Presentation on theme: "5 Reasons to Teach You simply learn better 2. Motivates you to live it"— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Reasons to Teach You simply learn better 2. Motivates you to live it
3. Increases your ability to listen within another’s frame of reference 4. Legitimizes change 5. It’s bonding

2 Economic Ages of Civilization
Wisdom N Information/Knowledge Worker Industrial Agrarian Hunters/Gatherers

3 Seismic Social / Economic Shifts
Globalization of Markets and Technology Democratization of Information/Expectations Universal Connectivity Exponential Increase in Competition Wealth Creation Movement from Money to People Free Agency (“Knowledge” Worker Market) Permanent Whitewater

4 Every great breakthrough is a break WITH.
If you want to make minor improvements, work on behavior and attitudes. If you want to make quantum improvements, work on paradigms. A paradigm is like a mental model, an assumption, or a map.

5 Leadership is a Position
Paradigm Shifts “The world is flat” “The world is round” “The Sun is the center of the solar System” “The Earth is the Divine Right of Kings US Constitution Germ-Theory Bloodletting People as Things (Manage People and Things) Whole Person (Manage Things; Lead/Empower People) Leadership is a Position (Formal Authority) Leadership is a Choice (Moral Authority) Quick Fix (Outside-in) Sequential Process (Inside-Out)

6 Managerial/ Organizational Greatness
The 8th Habit Personal Greatness “The 7 Habits” Results Managerial/ Organizational Greatness Leadership Greatness 4 Roles of Leadership Vision, Mission, Values 4DX


8 Voice Talent Conscience Passion Need (Mind) (Spirit) (Heart) (Body)
What are you good at? Talent (Mind) Conscience (Spirit) What is life asking of me? What should I contribute in this situation? (sense of calling) Passion Need (Heart) (Body) What do you love doing? What need does it serve?

9 Stimulus and Response Proactive Reactive Stimulus Response
Freedom to Choose Self-Awareness Imagination Conscience Independent Will (Heart) (Mind) (Spirit) (Body) Reactive Stimulus Response 3

10 (Team / System Development)
Stimulus and Response Freedom to Choose Stimulus Response Personal Level (Muscle Development) Stimulus Response Relationship Level (Skill Development) Stimulus Response Organizational Level (Team / System Development) Stimulus Response Human Need Level (Competitive Play) (Home Place/Work Place/Marketplace/Community/etc.)

11 It all begins within oneself.
Leadership is a Choice; Not a Position Leadership is communicating people’s worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves. It all begins within oneself.

12 In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out
In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. Albert Schweitzer

13 Principle-Centered Leadership xQ Open Accountability
Four Roles of Leadership (4DX) WIG’s / Scoreboard Mind Pathfinding Trust Principle-Centered Leadership Spirit Modeling H: 1-7 Trust Trust Heart Empowering Body Aligning New & Better Behaviors xQ Open Accountability

14 The Roots of the Execution Gap
Lack of Clarity Lack of Commitment No Translation to Action No Enabling No Synergy Lack of Accountability EXECUTION Surprising xQ Findings Here are some of the extraordinary findings of the xQ study, which may well get at some of the root causes of the “execution gap.” Lack of clarity. Do organizations set clear goals? Only 1 in 6 workers thinks so, and fewer than half say they understand what their companies are trying to achieve. In follow-up studies, when workers are asked to list their employers’ most important goals, only about 15% can do so. Lack of commitment. Do people feel committed to the goals of the organizations they work for? Only about 1 in 4 feels “diligently focused,” and only about 1 in 10 fully embraces the goals. No translation to action. Only 1 in 5 has clearly defined work goals, and 1 in 10 clearly understands how his or her work relates to the organization’s top priorities. With all the talk about “cascading goals,” it’s clear that such a thing happens rarely. No enabling. People want to contribute to achieving the important goals of the organization, but cannot because they are eaten up by less important “priorities.” By their own account, people spend only 60% of their time on crucial organizational goals. One hour of 3 is spent on “urgent but irrelevant” tasks, while one hour in 5 is wasted dealing with pointless bureaucracy and office politics. No synergy: New goals never reached before require new ways of thinking and working. The best ideas and solutions come from true synergy, when people come up with better ideas together than they could separately. But synergistic collaboration is sorely lacking in most organizations. Fewer than a third of all workers feel they can even express themselves candidly at work, much less achieve synergy. No accountability: Only about half of all workers report that they feel accountable for performance to goal. They are rarely if ever called upon to report progress. Only a third feel any responsibility to meet budgetary commitments. The consequence? Serious issues fall through the cracks and errors go uncorrected. Organizations that execute with excellence focus on a very few clear objectives and align the focus of every worker and work group to those few goals. The XQ study opens up serious questions: can an organization execute its goals when its people are unclear on the goals, uncommitted to them, unempowered to achieve them, and unaccountable for them?

15 What is xQ?
xQ is an abbreviation for Execution Quotient Gauges the organization’s ability to execute its most important goals 28 questions (23 objective, 5 open ended) Accessible from any computer on Internet It takes 15 minutes to respond Results are anonymous—can’t be traced What is xQ? The execution quotient, or xQ, is a standard measure of how well people execute on the most important goals of the organization. FranklinCovey’s xQ service can gauge the organization’s xQ so you can watch trends in your execution capability over time. The organizational xQ is a leading indicator of success on key goals or initiatives. Unlike lagging indicators such as financial results or safety figures, xQ can be predictive of success. xQ findings help managers pinpoint specific things to do to improve execution on key organizational priorities. xQ is repeated periodically, providing the organization a means for measuring improvement in the ability to execute. What xQ is NOT xQ is not a climate survey, an employee satisfaction survey, nor an opinion poll on management effectiveness. xQ is not only a diagnostic instrument, but also a tool for managers to increase unit capability to execute key goals. xQ is not vague and abstract, leaving management unable to act. It provides specific, measurable guidance on how to improve execution. How are xQ results obtained? An xQ questionnaire is administered via the Internet to a pre-selected group of respondents. The questionnaire consists of 27 questions, 22 of which are objective and 5 open ended. It takes about 15 minutes to respond on the average. Data is automatically processed by computer and delivered in the form of an overall organizational report and reports for each pre-selected business unit. Results for units with fewer than five respondents are not reported in order o maintain the anonymity of the respondents; however, the data for those units is rolled up into reports for other units.

Your Number National Average Top 10% CLARITY 53 90 ? COMMITMENT ? 51 88 TRANSLATION TO ACTION ? 49 85 ENABLING ? 48 90 SYNERGY ? 42 92 ACCOUNTABILITY ? 40 88

17 Organizational Survey, Balanced Scorecards, Cultural Audits (360°)
xQ vs. Cultural Audits Organizational Survey, Balanced Scorecards, Cultural Audits (360°) xQ Program/Process/Practice Orientation (Relationship Perceptions) Strategic Orientation (Execution Gaps) Indispensable in tough times—”are we executing our top priorities?” Expendable in tough times—”soft, touchy-feely” data Drives strategically relevant actions, including trust issues Drives program, relationship improvement actions

18 ISSUE OLD INDUSTRIAL AGE CONTROL MODEL NEW KNOWLEDGE WORKER AGE RELEASE/EMPOWERMENT MODEL Leadership A position (formal authority) A choice (moral authority) Management Control things and people Control things, release (empower) people Structure Hierarchical, bureaucratic Flatter, boundary-less, flexible Motivation External, carrot-and-sticking Internal—whole person Performance Appraisal External, sandwich technique Self-evaluation using 360º feedback Information Primarily short-term financial Compelling Scoreboard (long-and-short term) Communication Primarily top-down Open: Light is the greatest disinfectant Culture Social rules / mores of the workplace Principle-centered values and economic rules of marketplace Budgeting Open, flexible, synergistic Training & Development Sideshow, skill-oriented, expendable Maintenance, strategic, whole person, values People Expense on P & L, asset lip service An investment with highest leverage Voice Generally unimportant for most Strategic for all, complementary, team

19 The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX)
Focus on the Wildly Important Act on the Lead Measures Keep a Compelling Scoreboard Create a Cadence of Accountability

20 Modes of Communication
Synergy- Third Alternative Transformation (1 + 1 = 3,10,100) Transaction Respectful Communication- Compromise (1 + 1 = 1.5) Defensive Communication (1 + 1 = .5) Contention Hostility (1 + 1 = -1, -10, -100)

21 Developing Empathic Listening
Mimic Re-phrase Content Reflect Feeling Reflect Feeling and Re-phrase Content Heart/Body Empathy

22 A Trim Tab Definition: The small rudder that turns the big rudder that turns the ship.

23 Body Assume you’ve had a heart attack;
Four Assumptions Body Assume you’ve had a heart attack; now live accordingly. Mind Assume the half-life of your profession is two years; now prepare accordingly. Heart Assume everything you say about another, they can overhear; now speak accordingly. Spirit Assume you have a one-on-one visit with your Creator every quarter; now live accordingly.

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