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Wind and Ocean Currents Global winds Ocean Currents Local winds.

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Presentation on theme: "Wind and Ocean Currents Global winds Ocean Currents Local winds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wind and Ocean Currents Global winds Ocean Currents Local winds

2 Coriolis Effect Because the Earth rotates, and consists of a mixture of land and sea, the Coriolis Effect exists The Coriolis Effect is the movement of particles (such as air) to the right in the Northern Hemisphere How about the South? –They move to the left

3 Coriolis Effect

4 Air movement Warm air raises; Cold air sinks moving into the void left be the warm air Air moves from high pressure to low pressure

5 Global winds What belt Are we in? Westerlies

6 Ocean Currents Surface Currents –In the upper 1000 m –Driven by temperature –Also know as the global ocean currents Density Currents –Driven by Density –More dense water sinks and where they circulate for 500 to 2000 years

7 Surface Currents Warm Currents –Driven by Winds (temperature) –Flow away from the equator towards the poles Cold Currents –Driven by Winds (temperature) –Flow away from the poles towards the equator Counter Currents –Flow the opposite of the “wind” currents –They “Fill” in the gaps

8 Global ocean currents

9 Doldrums Windless zones at the equator Air moves vertically And current-less zone in the middle of the major ocean basins Water mover around them

10 Local winds Land Breeze Cool air over the land Warm air over water Cold air slides into the void left by the warm air rising Happens during nighttime Wind blowing from the land Sea breeze Warm air over land Cool air over water Cold air slides into the void left by the warm air rising Happens during daytime Wind blowing from the sea


12 Moves air in the atmosphere!

13 CONVECTION Wind over the shore changes direction because of EARTH’S UNEVEN WARMING & COOLING!

14 What About Convection in Water? Water and air are both fluids. They both move due to convection! – Just like air, when liquid water is heated, it expands, becomes less dense, and rises. Side note: Water is different, however, because of it’s unique structure as a solid. Ice is actually less dense than liquid water whereas other substances are most dense as solids!


16 Land Breeze Wind

17 Land Breeze Wind

18 Sea Breeze Wind

19 Sea breeze Wind


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