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Stork is an EU co-funded project INFSO-ICT-PSP-224993 STORK PRESENTATION STORK Presentation Lithuania March 2010.

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1 Stork is an EU co-funded project INFSO-ICT-PSP-224993 STORK PRESENTATION STORK Presentation Lithuania March 2010

2 eGovernment objectives (ICT-PSP call 2007) eProcurement eID interoperability eHealth Type A Electronic documents Accessible & inclusive eGovernment Combined delivery of social services Type B eParticipation Impact & user satisfaction Brokering pan-EU eGov solutions & services online Thematic Networks

3 STORK To simplify administrative formalities by providing secure online access to public services across EU borders. To develop and test common specifications for secure and mutual recognition of national electronic identity (eID) between participating countries.

4 STORK – Member State involvement Candidate Countries Member States/EEA - STORK Member States Ref Group Finland, Lithuania, Norway and Slovakia Austria, Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Luxemburg, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom,

5 Project Structure Project Management (ATOS) Communication and Sustainability (Gov2U) eID inventory, trust & application groups (NL MOI) eID and upcoming technologies (AT TUG) DEFINITION AND ANALYSIS DESIGN OF INTEROPERABLE FLOWS & ARCHITECTURES Common specifications and Stork's eID models (FEDICT BE; MAP ES) eID process flows (UK IPS) National integration of Stork models and Common specifications (FEDICT BE, MAP ES) CONSTRUCTION AND IMPLEMENTATION TESTING & EVALUATION Pilots TIME

6 STORK – Our Challenge How to build a European eIDM framework? Definition of interoperable Architectures on eID Architectures ARCHITECTURES SERVICE PROVIDERS National Infrastructure on eID (gateways, IDPs) SERVICE PROVIDERS National Infrastructure on eID (gateways, IDPs) National Infrastructure on eID (gateways, IDPs) SERVICE PROVIDERS

7 STORK – Allowing Governments to Co-operate

8 Pilot milestones Pilots ScopePilot specifications Pilot Planning Implementation and testingStart pilot operationProgress & Completion Jan 09Oct 09 May 10 Nov 10 May 11 Implementation and test planning  Use cases  Business models (trust levels, attributes)  Interfaces of each SP to common layer  Model that shows interoperability between SPs, Attribute Providers, ID Providers for each pilot  Implementation and connection to the common layer  Individual SP testing against common layer  Interoperability testing at MS level  Interoperability testing for pilot  Progress of the pilot during the first six months of life, assessment and finalization. New MS joining pilots.

9 STORK Pilot 1 – Cross border authentication  To connect and test existing national portals and services to the EU interoperability layer defined and implemented  To implement an EU portal providing a set of links to the cross border services.

10 STORK Pilot 2 – safer chat To build a platform for safer online environment where people can communicate on-line using their eIDs.

11 STORK Pilot 3 – eID Student Mobility To facilitate student’s mobility across Europe.  Enabling the use of national credentials for students moving to another University within the Erasmus mobility program  Integrating STORK credentials in SSO mechanisms used by the Universities in order to give access to common e-services to foreign students

12 STORK Pilot 4 – eID electronic delivery  The objective of this pilot is to demonstrate cross-border electronic delivery based on the existing domestic infrastructure  Concentrates on identity related issues thus deals with the e-delivery process in general and focuses on how to identify and authenticate involved entities in all phases of e- delivery. Affiliate MS

13 STORK Pilot 5 – EU Citizen Change of Address Test the usage of eID authentication to support the electronic process of address change of EU Citizens that move abroad to other MS. MS involved in the pilot will develop processes to allow citizens to distribute changed addresses on a pan-European level.

14 STORK – community

15 STORK – getting involved  has been set up as an open forum where industry stakeholders can remain informed of developments throughout the project and feed back their comments to the Consortium  includes large, medium and small companies and associations in the ICT sector that manufacture, supply and consult on infrastructure and end user related products for electronic ID

16 STORK – getting involved  All public administrations of all European (EU member, associated and candidate) States are welcome to join.  Allows governments and institutions from the EU to remain fully informed of developments throughout the duration of the project and to feedback their comments to the Consortium

17 STORK – eID interoperability

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