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SYDNEY MEDICAL SCHOOL Academic Health Sciences at the University of Sydney and Their Relevance to Translational Medicine in the Asia-Pacific Region Wednesday.

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Presentation on theme: "SYDNEY MEDICAL SCHOOL Academic Health Sciences at the University of Sydney and Their Relevance to Translational Medicine in the Asia-Pacific Region Wednesday."— Presentation transcript:

1 SYDNEY MEDICAL SCHOOL Academic Health Sciences at the University of Sydney and Their Relevance to Translational Medicine in the Asia-Pacific Region Wednesday 3 November 2010 Dean, Sydney Medical School Professor Bruce Robinson

2 University of Sydney Academic Health Sciences  Existing academic structures  Strategic planning  New initiatives  Asia-Pacific linkages 2 Summary of presentation

3 University of Sydney Academic Health Sciences Existing Structures ›Central clinical school: Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney Eye Hospital, Balmain Hospital, Canterbury Hospital ›The Children's Hospital at Westmead Clinical School ›Westmead Clinical School at Westmead Hospital ›Concord Clinical School at Concord Hospital ›Nepean Clinical School at Nepean Hospital ›Northern Clinical School: Royal North Shore Hospital, Hornsby Hospital, Manly Hospital, Mona Vale Hospital, Royal Rehabilitation Centre, Ryde Hospital ›Northern Rivers University Department of Rural Health (Lismore, Grafton & Murwillumbah) ›Broken Hill University Department of Rural Health ›School of Rural Health (Dubbo, Orange and Bathurst) ›School of Medical Sciences ›School of Public Health 3 Clinical schools, schools & departments of rural health

4 University of Sydney Academic Health Sciences Existing Structures ANZAC Research Institute Brain and Mind Research Institute Centre for Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine and Cell Biology Centre for Medical Psychology and Evidence-Based Decision Making Centre for Values, Ethics and Law in Medicine Children's Medical Research Institute George Institute for International Health Heart Research Institute 4 Research institutes & centres Kids Research Institute Kolling Institute of Medical Research Menzies Centre for Health Policy NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre Poche Centre for Indigenous Health Save Sight Institute Westmead Millennium Institute of Medical Research Woolcock Institute of Medical Research

5 University of Sydney Academic Health Sciences Strategic Planning ›Establishment of priority research themes around areas of strength: 1) Obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease 2) Cancer 3) Infectious disease and immunity 4) Neuroscience and mental health 5) Maternal and child health 6) Chronic disease and ageing and support for areas of special significance eg rural and indigenous health ›Form strategic partnerships locally, nationally and internationally 5 Aim: Foster innovation and research translation across the spectrum of basic science, clinical medicine and public health Moving from discipline to disease based research Sydney Medical School Strategic Plan 2010

6 University of Sydney Academic Health Sciences Strategic Planning 6 Aim: To produce graduates who are, clear-thinking, clinically outstanding, research capable, engaged and globally aware who have the capabilities to become leaders in medicine, public health and research Sydney Medical School Strategic Plan 2010 ›Emphasis on evidence-based medicine approaches ›Encourage and provide opportunities for students to undertake research during their coursework ›Increase number of research scholarships ›Work with professional Colleges and other organisations to develop programs that combine research training and specialist training ›Exchange programs with overseas universities and health organisations

7 University of Sydney Academic Health Sciences New Initiatives 7 Centre for Obesity, Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease (CODCD)

8 University of Sydney Academic Health Sciences New Initiatives Aim: to improve human health by the prevention and control of obesity, diabetes and cardio-vascular diseases. This will be achieved by: -doing world-class research in basic and clinical sciences, population health and health systems -translating this knowledge into practical solutions for chronic cardio-metabolic diseases -undertaking innovative, multi-disciplinary teaching programs -partnering within and beyond the Centre -inspiring the next generation of scientific and clinical researchers. The CODCD program of research and education will be interdisciplinary, involving staff and students from multiple faculties across the spectrum of biomedical sciences, clinical sciences, population health and health policy. 8 Centre for Obesity, Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease (CODCD)

9 University of Sydney Academic Health Sciences New Initiatives Aim: to reduce risks from, and global impacts of, emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, especially in the Asia-Pacific Region. Partnering in research, education and capacity building, communication and advocacy: ›University of Sydney: medicine and affiliated institutions, pharmacy, nursing & midwifery, veterinary science, engineering & IT, science, economics & business (biosecurity), arts and law ›National: government agencies, NGOs, collaborating institutions ›International: WHO, CDC, Asia-Pacific Partners (Vietnam, China, Indonesia), Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute 9 The Sydney Institute for Emerging Infections and Biosecurity (SEIB)

10 University of Sydney Academic Health Sciences New Initiatives Example: multidisciplinary influenza research ›Vaccines, serosurveillance, vaccine uptake, paediatric surveillance, epidemiology ›Proteome analysis, modelling ›Resistance ›Diagnosis, surveillance, data transfer, policy advice ›Controlling Avian flu in Indonesia - Vet, Med Epidemiology, Behavioural research ›Response & Lab Capacity Building in Vietnam ›Clinical networks, infection control, vaccination ›Qualitative research, perception of risk, responses to media, political & ethical challenges ›Legal, ethical preparedness across the region 10 The Sydney Institute for Emerging Infections and Biosecurity (SEIB)

11 University of Sydney Academic Health Sciences New Initiatives ›Combined PhD/Fellowship programs in partnership with professional Colleges ›Address concerns re future of academic medicine ›Supported by NHMRC ›Promote academic medicine as a career ›Potential to reduce overall training time ›Minimise financial impact on trainees ›Best research opportunities the University can offer ›Academic mentorship 11 Dean’s Fellowships

12 University of Sydney Academic Health Sciences Under Consideration ›Major restructure of health services and how they are governed by July 1 2011 ›Opportunity to influence shaping of these structures to optimise patient care, deliver quality education for all health care professionals and ensure high quality bench to bedside research ›The University of Sydney is considering potential for creation of 3 entities based around current strong groupings and alliances: -Royal Prince Alfred & Concord hospitals -Royal North Shore Hospital -Westmead and Nepean hospitals -Medical research institutes and centres and primary care structures associated with each hospital grouping ›Joining hospitals, primary care service providers, universities and medical research institutes in a single mission 12 Academic Health Centres

13 University of Sydney Academic Health Sciences Asia-Pacific Linkages: China ›Partnerships with leading Chinese Universities and Academies -Peking, Fudan, Shanghai Jiao Tong, CAS ›Teaching and learning -Exchange of medical students -Medical Education and Specialist Nursing training curriculum development -Joint training of medical science PhD candidates 13 Key relationships translating across teaching, research and clinics

14 University of Sydney Academic Health Sciences Asia-Pacific Linkages: China ›Research -Cancer medicine -Child & Maternal Health and micro nutrients -Obesity, diabetes -Tobacco control -Sports medicine -Public health ›Clinics -China-Australia GP collaborations -Clinical trials research - ethnicity and chemotherapy 14 Key relationships translating across teaching, research and clinics

15 University of Sydney Academic Health Sciences Asia-Pacific Linkages: Indonesia ›Partnerships with leading Indonesian Universities and Academies -Universities of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada, Airlangga, Udayana, Mataram and The Eijkman Institute ›Teaching and learning -Exchange of medical students -Biosafety and Biosecurity Training -Training of International Public Health PhD candidates 15 Key relationships translating across teaching, research and clinics

16 University of Sydney Academic Health Sciences Asia-Pacific Linkages: Indonesia Key relationships translating across teaching, research and clinics ›Research -Avian Influenza (HPAI H5N1 strain) -Evaluation of communication strategies used within a major teaching hospital in Jakarta. -Mitochondrial (mt) DNA Technology for Forensic Testing -A Multidisciplinary Research Forum and Showcase


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