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Participation The french way Michel LEGROS National school of public health National Observatory on poverty and social exclusion May 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Participation The french way Michel LEGROS National school of public health National Observatory on poverty and social exclusion May 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Participation The french way Michel LEGROS National school of public health National Observatory on poverty and social exclusion May 2004

2 We hav’nt petroleum but we have so many ideas ! ( Advertising in the 70’s) A very low level participation But Many discussions about it

3 A question of political philosophy 18 th century : the concept of representative democracy with elected representatives embodying the will of the people The common law, the general interest against private or specific interests In the earlier 20 th, a law allowed the creation of NGO : « « association » and not NGO… The second half of the century has brought with the idea of an organised partnership: elected représentatives, professionnal, trade-union and NGO A spontaneous democracy sustained by day-to-day practical relations between social workers, NGO…

4 Political references … 1789 : freedom, equality and fraternity Constitutions : 1789-1791…1946…1958 : rights- based fundamenta texts gender equality right to job right to health care right to assistance ( if no job, for family, old people, disabled people)

5 ….against participation Firstly, the law Egality as a global project Community is not the answer, for us it’s the problem

6 Let’s participate, a curious order ! You have no money You are powerless You are homeless You are jobseeker But you have to participate

7 Everyone participates ? Poverty line 2,3 6,1 12,4 20,8 citizenship

8 The two models of participation From the top to the grown From the grown

9 From the top to the grown : the administrative participation Six forms

10 1 -The right to be kept informed All the documents must be available to the public (no unknown files) Nobody can use information about you without your permission Some global advertising about the poor rights (call the 115, in case of problem…) Social worker training strongly emphaze this issue

11 2 -Participation throught representative democracy Except for the very poor – many electives surveys- shows there is no important lack of participation of poor people in the elections at local or national level At local level the activities of municipal councils are often backed up by the work of extra municipal commitees – NGO, social workers, group of poor suburds unhabitants

12 3 - Some legislation requires that poor people be enabled to participate prior decision making Since 2002, in every public or private organizations receiving children in social desease, poor, desabled,old people, a user council must be build up, This council have to be informed on the management of the institution

13 4 -Users participation in management bodies Relating to housing issues or health organizations, it’s possible to have a tripartite management bodies in which elected members, the workforce and users-unhabitants- are represented

14 5 -When poors become involved for the quality and the performance of the service Many surveys to measure the quality and the effectivness of the service provided Nealy a commercial basis Use of citizen panels

15 6 -Complaints procedures The minimum degree of poor participation This mecanism still plays an important role in the modus operandi of local government, hospital institutions…. Until recently the principal means by which many services kept in touch with citizens ( a problem: pour people have less complaints than other people)

16 The participation bottom - up 3 main forms and some experimentations

17 Local development Use in small poor rural areas business and economic approaches linked with social and cultural actions To involve different stakeholders in building up together a better way of life ( reducing unemployement,…) Many exemples can be look at in britanny, in the north…

18 Hidden community approach We don’t use community approach but in many areas- Urbain areas marked by exclusion - what to do ? Create organizations with similar people belonging to « ethnic » groups Give monney to help local organizations Pay members of these groups to protect the public services (elderly brothers)

19 The participation as a fight When trades unions promote higher wages or better way of life…minimum wage is probably one of the better tool to tackle poverty During the 4 last years, very offensive NGO appear in France: « rights for housing », « Job seekers rights»…they achieved to modify the the law for the job- seekers benefit Between fighting and advocacy (build political and popular support to affect policies)

20 A specific NGO The partnership with the poor is the main project of a NGO called « ATD » To help the poor to organize themself : promoting library, university of poor : people – poor and not poor- share knowledge Recently, in Lyon,ATD was experienced new poverty indicators with poors

21 Communal councils for social action Such a council in every town :its aim is to organize and promote social action - the first survey in 2003 on the subject of participation : how to emphasize participation ? Can we identify good practices ?

22 Participation in the last Nap Incl Toward a survey of good practices The participation clause in the contracts between State and NGO More money for experimentations new forms of participation

23 At the end.. Some sectors attracts political discussions, other are the subject of general indifference : town planing and health policies – fight against poverty Consultation and formal democracy more than participation Participation is a way to share power, do we want to share ? Some exemples are interesting to look at.. Is it possible to promote a higher level of participation in a non community-based society ?

24 At the very end.. Is participation a tool or the goal ? When we examine the « new governance » process : three main principles : Transparency Accountability participation


26 When public opinion becomes hard and hard

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