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Wednesday, August 05, 2015 SHAREPOINT 2007 FOR DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT Presented by : Louise Michelson Intranet Manager, Dimension Data Middle East and Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, August 05, 2015 SHAREPOINT 2007 FOR DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT Presented by : Louise Michelson Intranet Manager, Dimension Data Middle East and Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, August 05, 2015 SHAREPOINT 2007 FOR DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT Presented by : Louise Michelson Intranet Manager, Dimension Data Middle East and Africa

2 #SPSJHB Who am I? Dimension Data employee for 22 years Marketing and PR background – not technical Been involved in intranet team since day one – 9 years ago Been working on SharePoint since the rollout of the intranet on SharePoint 2003 Owned the migration from 2003 to 2007 in 2008 for the MEA region Business owner for intranet for the MEA region 5 August 20152

3 #SPSJHB What am I here to share with you? Managing documentation using SharePoint 2007 My philosophy KISS KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID 5 August 20153

4 #SPSJHB 5 August 20154 Document Management Understanding the Why? There will be a business driver that creates the need for doing something!

5 #SPSJHB 5 August 2015© Copyright Dimension Data 2000 - 20085 Our Journey

6 #SPSJHB Business Problem Formalise a document management framework Provide guidelines and a framework in which to operate Opportunity to continually improve and innovate 5 August 20156 Finding what you want is a bit like navigating a maze

7 #SPSJHB Starting small – journey to ending BIG Focussed on our line of business first 118 employees employed by Centre for Business Innovation and Technology Solutions Why – I know what we do and who to engage with 5 August 20157

8 #SPSJHB Understanding your audience What is the maturity of your organisastion when it comes to document management? -Informal approach to document management -Limited understanding of document management terms and methodologies - Meta data - Versioning - Naming convention - Usage guidelines - Document templates - Begin the journey of continual improvement, innovation and knowledge sharing 5 August 20158

9 #SPSJHB Phase One – Eight step approach Define Document Types Define Metadata Define Naming Convention Define Document templates Define Versioning Rules Develop supporting policies and processes Build it Communicate it 5 August 20159

10 #SPSJHB Set up a team of document owners These were our ISO Quality Champions Find out who in your organisation is responsible for generating documentation and add them to your team. You will need to tell them… WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME In order to get their buy-in 5 August 201510

11 #SPSJHB Step One – Define document types Don’t expect to get this right first time! Put your suggestions down and then engage with your document owners for input – always have a starting point for them to build on – don’t offer them nothing Provide practical examples of what you mean to make it real for them Policies Procedures Forms Training Material Templates Presentations Contracts 5 August 201511

12 #SPSJHB Step Two – Define Metadata Determine what information you need to capture, filter and sort on. This was easy for us – our business requirement for Certification determined this Document Name Document Number Version Number Author Review date Department Ownership Team Ownership Usage Guidelines 5 August 201512

13 #SPSJHB Step Three – Define Naming Convention This is unique to your organisation and needs to make sense Don’t use version number in the naming convention – capture this in metadata Don’t use date in the naming convention – capture this in metadata Example:- LOB_TEAM_TYPE_DocumentName When communicating this, ALWAYS KEEP IT REAL! 5 August 201513

14 #SPSJHB Step Four - Define Document Templates Engage with Marketing / Brand management team Ensure templates are current and relevant Ensure document champions know where to find templates and how to use them Once again, KISS – the less templates you provide the more chance of adoption 5 August 201514

15 #SPSJHB Step Five – Define Versioning Determine a versioning standard Internal Documents External Documents 5 August 201515

16 #SPSJHB Step Six – Define Supporting Processes To back-up your framework, ensure you have supporting processes and governance These will also give your framework credibility 5 August 201516

17 #SPSJHB Step Seven – Build it SharePoint document library Columns for metadata Apply check-in / check out Apply system versioning Views for filtering and sorting will enable you to give your users a three dimensional view of your documentation 5 August 201517

18 #SPSJHB Practical view in action Lets take a look Click HERE.HERE 5 August 201518

19 #SPSJHB Step Eight – Communicate it Change Management is very important Meet with every single person whom this impacts… A – Are they aware of this D – Do they have the desire – what’s in it for me? K – Give them the knowledge to apply this A – Ensure they understand and have the ability to apply this R – continually re-enforce by providing examples, coaching and spot checks 5 August 201519

20 #SPSJHB Phase Two – Improve it Now that you have a better understanding of what is out there in your organisation and who the role players are you can improve on it and use the tool more effectively:- Develop content types Electronic document approvals Apply workflow for review 5 August 201520

21 #SPSJHB Questions 5 August 201521

22 #SPSJHB Evaluate Thank you for your time Jhb! Please don’t forget to fill in your evaluation forms! #SPSJHB 5 August 201522

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