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1. What does an increased pulse rate indicate about the heart rate and flow of blood in someone’s body? If the pulse rate increases the heart will beat.

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Presentation on theme: "1. What does an increased pulse rate indicate about the heart rate and flow of blood in someone’s body? If the pulse rate increases the heart will beat."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. What does an increased pulse rate indicate about the heart rate and flow of blood in someone’s body? If the pulse rate increases the heart will beat faster so the blood will flow more rapidly 2. When muscles are active, cells use nutrients and oxygen at a higher rate and produce waste chemicals and heat more rapidly. Describe how the interaction of two or more body systems helps to maintain homeostasis during periods of high muscle activity. The circulatory system: the heart pumps faster, so more glucose and nutrients will be delivered to the muscles. The respiratory system: the lungs breath more rapidly, so more oxygen is taking in and carbon dioxide taking out. 3. A student in your class suggests that when most people watch exciting sporting events on television, their pulse rates increase. What is a reliable way to find out if this statement is correct? By designing a control experiment or an investigation

2 4. What specific evidence would you need in order to determine if what the student suggests in question #3 can be supported? You need to measure the pulse rate in different scenarios: When people are watching exciting sporting events on TV When people watch other kinds of programs on TV 5. If you wanted to increase your clothespin-squeezing rate, would you suggest exercising or resting before you did it? Explain why you think your choice is the correct one I would suggest exercise first because it produces a faster pulse rate, which indicates that the blood is getting to the muscles faster. OR I would suggest relax first because exercise takes energy away for the muscles and a person who has been resting will have more energy.

3 Correctly state the problem being debated in this research
Correctly state the problem being debated in this research. Remember this needs to be in the form of a question. [1] What is the effect of doing 50 jumping jacks on the rate of squeezing a clothespin in one minute? 2. Using the correct format for stating a hypothesis, correctly state a hypothesis for this experiment. [1] If I do 50 jumping jacks Then I will squeeze a clothespin more times in one minute 3. Design a procedure using a minimum of five steps that could test this proposal. [5] Experimental group: 1. Collect the materials: clothespins and stop watchers. 2. Ten people do 50 jumping jacks 3. They squeeze a clothespin for a minute 4. They measure the number of times they pinch the clothespin 5. Repeat the experiment 5 times and calculate the average Control group 6.The same procedure as before, but they rest before squeezing

4 4. Explain what is meant by the independent variable. [1]
Independent variable is the variable you choose or test in the experimental group 5. What is the independent variable in this experiment?[1] The independent variable is to do 50 jumping jacks 6. Explain what is meant by the dependent variable.[1] Dependent variable is the variable you measure in both the experiment and control groups. 7. What is the dependent variable in this experiment?[1] Dependent variable is the number of time people squeeze a clothespin in one minute

5 8. Explain what is meant by a control.[1]
Control is the experiment set up without independent variable. 9. What is the control in this experiment?[1] The control is the experiment in which people relax before squeezing 10. State or present data that will support your hypothesis for this experiment. Draw a data table if you wish. [6] Groups Control Experimental Group 1 152 170 2 148 186 3 159 174 4 141 182 Average 150 178 People who did jumping jacks before squeezing were able to squeeze more times (178) than people who rested before squeezing (150)

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