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Objective: Evaluate form and devices and annotate poetry to better understand a poem’s theme and poet’s vision or purpose.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: Evaluate form and devices and annotate poetry to better understand a poem’s theme and poet’s vision or purpose."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: Evaluate form and devices and annotate poetry to better understand a poem’s theme and poet’s vision or purpose.

2 An author’s life experiences or values are often reflected in his work. Therefore, if you learn about his life, you may find clues about his work or similarities.

3 Parts of Poetry Analysis Form Summary/Theme Devices

4 Part 1: Form Stanza Type – Count the number of lines grouped together for a stanza. Identify the proper name. 2=couplet 4 = quatrain 6 = sestet 8 = octave Type of Rhyme – Find rhyming words. List these examples and line numbers. Identify these as a) end or internal rhyme and b) exact or approximate rhyme Rhyme Scheme – If you have end rhyme assign each last word of a stanza a letter beginning with the letter “a” and repeat letters when you have rhyme. Aabb would be lines 1 & 2 rhyming and 3 & 4 rhyming Rhythm – Copy a line of poetry, mark each syllable with ‘ if accented or u if unaccented. Use notes to identify the rhythmic pattern. Remember to combine BOTH feet plus meter. Tone – Identify in one or two adjectives the author’s attitude towards the subject or readers. Tone may be playful, formal, intimate, angry, serious, ironic, outraged, baffled, tender, serene, depressed, etc.

5 Part 2 Summary/Theme Write a 1-2 sentence summary explaining what the poem is about and what happens (beginning – end). Write a theme statement that expressing the hidden message in the poem. Think truism; what is the poem saying about life, people, or the world?

6 Part 3: Poetry Devices Imagery – Find words or phrases that appeal to the senses to make the reader feel like they are there. Symbolism – Find a single word that has symbolic meaning, represents something greater than what it is. Personification – Find a line that gives human characteristics to inanimate objects. Simile – Find a line that compares two unlike things using “like” or “as”. Metaphor – Find a line that describes one thing as though it IS another. Hyperbole – Find a line that expresses an overstatement, exaggeration. Consonance – Find WORDS in the same line that repeat the same consonant sounds in the MIDDLE or END of the words. Alliteration – Find WORDS in the same line that repeat the same consonance sounds at the BEGINNING of the words. Onomatopoeia – Find a WORD that imitates a natural sound. Assonance – Find WORDS in the same line that repeat the same VOWEL sound but are NOT rhyming words.

7 Poetry Analysis Chart Form Stanza Type Type of Rhyme Rhyme Scheme Rhythm Tone Summary: What is the poem about and what happens or is described? What is the implied message? Poetry Devices Imagery Symbolism Personification Simile Metaphor Hyperbole Consonance Alliteration Onomatopoeia Assonance

8 Poetry Annotation

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