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Rivers Around the World Sophia Woods. Learning about Rivers Content Area: Social Studies Grade Level: 2nd Lesson Summary: The purpose of this PowerPoint.

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Presentation on theme: "Rivers Around the World Sophia Woods. Learning about Rivers Content Area: Social Studies Grade Level: 2nd Lesson Summary: The purpose of this PowerPoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rivers Around the World Sophia Woods

2 Learning about Rivers Content Area: Social Studies Grade Level: 2nd Lesson Summary: The purpose of this PowerPoint will be to inform students about important facts about rivers and their benefits. Learning Objective: Given a computer, the students will attempt to identify the 10 longest rivers and where they are located from a list of rivers at 100%. * Note location does not have to accurate; students can give an approximate (a close location) location. Content Standard: 3.01 Understand how to use maps, globes, and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process and report information from a spatial perspective.

3 River Facts Rivers can produce fertile soil, this makes it easy for cities and civilizations to live along the river, where they may also grow food Rivers provide a cheaper mean of transportation of goods Rivers provide people with water for domestic uses, industrial and irrigation purposes Dams may be built in the lower course of a river and may produce Hydro-Electric power

4 River Facts There are many rivers around the world that play a major role in our lifestyles. Go to this website and list the top three longest rivers in the world; write the name, location and length ers.html ers.html

5 Mississippi River Facts It is the longest river in the United States The Mississippi River runs through ten states which are Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota At its widest point, the Mississippi River stretches 7 miles in wide

6 Which of these rivers is seen as the longest river in the world? A.Parana River B.Yenisei River C.Amazon River D.Nile River

7 Correct D. The Nile River is recorded as the longest river in the world. The Nile River is approximately 4,180 miles long and it is located in Africa

8 The Mississippi River is the longest River in the United States? A.True B.False

9 True The Mississippi River is the longest river in the United States. The Mississippi River is 3,710 miles long.

10 The Mississippi River runs through ten states in the U.S.? A.True B.False

11 True The Mississippi River runs through ten states in the U.S. The ten states are Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota.

12 Conclusion Hopefully, through this lesson you have found out some interesting facts about rivers around the world and also the ones in our own backyard.

13 Incorrect Sorry, Try Again

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