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Web Design Technology Lesson Guide2GovernmentHSA.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Design Technology Lesson Guide2GovernmentHSA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Design Technology Lesson Guide2GovernmentHSA

2 Period 1- Search for web links that explain the following terms Direct democracy Representative democracy Confederate government Unitary government Federal government Parliamentary democracy Presidential democracy

3 Period 2- Search for web links that explain the following terms Characteristics of a democratic government Characteristics of a authoritarian government National Security Economic well-being Spread of democracy Developing nations Weapons of mass destruction Terrorism

4 Period 3- Search for web links that explain the following terms Global economic conditions Geographic characteristics of the U.S. U.S. population shifts Loss of Industry in U.S. Urban flight in U.S. U.S. Census Reapportionment U.S. demographics Gerrymandering

5 Period 4- Search for web links that explain the following terms Land use Urban sprawl Smart growth Scarcity Opportunity cost Socio-economic goals Basic economic concepts Equity Public policy

6 Period 5- Search for web links that explain the following terms Traditional economy Command economy Market economy Tariff U.S. fiscal policy General Assembly Federal Reserve System Consumer Price Index Gross Domestic Product

7 Period 6- Search for web links that explain the following terms Traditional economy Command economy Market economy Tariff U.S. fiscal policy General Assembly Federal Reserve System Consumer Price Index Gross Domestic Product

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