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{ Healing House A Community Need for Medical Respite.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Healing House A Community Need for Medical Respite."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Healing House A Community Need for Medical Respite

2  You are homeless being treated for cancer  You are a mother with small children  You are released from the hospital after surgery IMAGINE

3 When you are released you may be given 3- 5 days of hotel vouchers so you have a place to recuperate which is great, except:  No meals  No child care or child care support  No medical attention  No prescription filled or medication follow up What Now?

4 When you are released, you are discharged to Healing House which offers you:  24/7 care  3 meals a day  Child care and support  Medical attention  Case manager to assist with transitional housing needs IMAGINE

5 Most importantly Healing House provides you and your family PEACE OF MIND. IMAGINE

6  In April 2012 Dane County Board asked MUM to convene a committee. The committee worked for three months to develop recommendations which included addressing a large gap in medical respite care. Healing House – An Idea

7  A program of Madison-Area Urban Ministry (MUM)  Located at 303 Lathrop Street  Provides medical respite care to families who are homeless and have an immediate family member in need of ongoing medical recovery.  Respite will be provided for up to 28 days  Follow-up includes, medical care and case management in obtaining of transitional housing.  Clients will be identified as needing recuperative care by discharging hospitals.  Facility will be staffed 24 hours a day and 7 days a week What is Healing House?

8 A Look At Medical Respite Around the Country

9 Average Daily Cost – Hospital vs. Medical Respite Center

10 Hospital Savings

11 Cincinnati, OH  Population:  297,517 (2013)  # of Hospitals  Three Madison, WI  Population:  243,344 (2013)  # of Hospitals  Four  IMAGINE Hospital Savings A comparison of Cincinnati, OH and Madison, WI Cincinnati saw a 6.2 million total annual cost avoidance for three hospitalsand the community.

12 National Health Care for the Homeless Council   Homeless patients have 50% fewer hospital re-admissions within 90 days of discharge if they receive respite care. (“Medical Respite Care: Reducing Costs and Improving Care.” Policy Brief, April 2011)

13   Ten pilot medical respite programs receiving support from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) reported:   Severity of diagnoses dropped   Access to financial resources improved   Housing status improved   Clients learned to manage his/her health condition   1 of 10 decided to enter a treatment program after receiving medical respite care. Around the Country – Medical Respite Findings

14 Capital Budget Site Development$ 10,000 Exterior Remodeling$ 5,000 Interior Remodeling$ 135,500 (can be reduced with volunteer construction services) Contractor Contingency fees$ 48,160 Architect/Engineering fees (negotiable) $ 34,772 Furnishings (potential in-kind donations) $ 39,875 Total$ 273,307

15  As a non-profit medical respite we do not anticipate realizing a profit. We anticipate being able to raise the required operational funds through donations and fundraising  Program funding will be sought through a variety of funding sources, including, but not limited to:  Private Foundations  Area hospitals  Congregational and individual donations  In-kind donations of goods and services  Supplies  Volunteer Opportunities Financial Plan

16 Healing House Supporters  Local Support:  Joe Parisi  Paul Soglin  Chuck Erickson   County Supervisor Heidi Wegleitner   Regent Neighborhood Association   Alder Shiva Bidar-Sielaff  Churches:  Grace Episcopal  First Congregational UCC  Lake Edge Lutheran  Lake Edge UCC  Prairie Unitarian  Memorial UCC  Task Force Members:   Linda Ketcham, Madison-area Urban Ministry   Rev. Eldonna Hazen   Rev. Lex Liberatore   Rev. Jonathan Greiser   Terri Johnson, Madison-area Urban Ministry   Susan Marsh, RN,   Rev. Stephen Marsh   Peggy Bezruki   Ronald Schutz   Wendy Cooper   Caroline Werner   Karen Andro

17 QUESTIONS about Healing House?

18 { Healing House It CAN happen with your help Imagine

19 {{ Strengths  Over 40 years of operation in Madison area  Support from Mayor and Alder  Unmet need in Madison area making this the first facility of its kind  Support from community and government agencies Weaknesses  Cost of needed renovation to rental property at 303 Lathrop  Need of operational funds  Not able to serve everyone in need due to limited space

20  Medical shelter will be located in a quiet residential neighborhood  Formerly two-story home was most recently used as a infant/toddler daycare.  The home is owned by First Congregational Church  The 3,600 s.f. single family dwelling is zoned residential  Site is centrally located, on a bus line, has off- street parking, is handicapped accessible and close to all three hospitals Operational Plan

21  Installation of sprinkler systems is mandatory  Interior remodel to include showers in two bathrooms  Plan is to partner with Operation Fresh Start for some remodeling needs  State of Wisconsin does not require licensing or bonding  Building permit will be required  Insurance coverage is required  Employees will be referred by local non-profits. All employees will be given a written job description Operational Plan

22  Madison-Area Urban Ministry was incubated through First Congregational Church Madison  MUM has been a voice for social justice in Dane County for over 40 years. During its history, sixteen of the most innovative and community building nonprofits in the area were conceived and hatched by MUM.  MUM’s staff consists of compassionate, specially trained individuals with years of experience in assisting the poor and hurting population of Dane County. Healing House is a concept born of decades of seeing community needs and figuring out a way to help. MUM - Background

23  Currently, there are no other agencies providing medical respite in the Madison area  Information related to proposed plan has already begun with our 41 st anniversary Fundraiser  Fundraising efforts are already underway  Community awareness and support is evident with organizations and individuals such as:  Salvation Army  Local Faith Communities  Mayor and Alder  Porchlight  Local Hospitals  Business and Operational Plan has been designed similar to the successful Samaritan House in North Carolina  Frequent conversations exist between planning staff and various running medical respites.  St. Mary’s, Meriter and UW Hospitals are willing to refer eligible patients to us. Marketing Plan

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