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Duxbury’s Acceptable Use Policy Do they really expect me to read all of that stuff? Nicholas Tam Do they really expect me to read all of that stuff? Nicholas.

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Presentation on theme: "Duxbury’s Acceptable Use Policy Do they really expect me to read all of that stuff? Nicholas Tam Do they really expect me to read all of that stuff? Nicholas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Duxbury’s Acceptable Use Policy Do they really expect me to read all of that stuff? Nicholas Tam Do they really expect me to read all of that stuff? Nicholas Tam

2 21st Century Learning Duxbury is committed to enhancing the learning of all of the students and staff members within the district. Online learning is critical for success in the 21st century. Emails, Internet and blogging are just a few of the services that DPS offers to its users. Duxbury is committed to enhancing the learning of all of the students and staff members within the district. Online learning is critical for success in the 21st century. Emails, Internet and blogging are just a few of the services that DPS offers to its users.

3 Acceptable Use Policy - What is it? Acceptable Use Policy, or AUP, is a set of rules and regulations set forth by a committee of a network or server. An AUP is a “living” document, which means that as technology changes, the document changes as needed. Duxbury Public Schools has their own AUP that sets its main goal around the overall safety of their users. Acceptable Use Policy, or AUP, is a set of rules and regulations set forth by a committee of a network or server. An AUP is a “living” document, which means that as technology changes, the document changes as needed. Duxbury Public Schools has their own AUP that sets its main goal around the overall safety of their users.

4 AUP (cont.) The AUP guideline is based on the requirements of CIPA (the Children’s Internet protection Act) and four basic principles: respect, privacy, sharing, and safety.

5 Why have an Acceptable Use Policy? The AUP is put into effect because it helps each and every user of the network understand what is acceptable and what is expected of them when they use school-provided programs and software.

6 Why have an AUP? Acceptable Use Policies also provide legal support for the schools because the users are held accountable for their actions and behaviors. AUPs are also meant to help protect students, faculty, and administration by providing appropriate guidelines for technologies. Acceptable Use Policies also provide legal support for the schools because the users are held accountable for their actions and behaviors. AUPs are also meant to help protect students, faculty, and administration by providing appropriate guidelines for technologies.

7 Filtering Duxbury uses content filters that help block out certain material, but it is important for parents and students to realize that NO filtering program is 100% safe. As referenced in prior slide, CIPA basically states that schools and libraries need to protect students to the best of their abilities from inappropriate materials. Filtering is one way of fulfilling CIPA requirements. Duxbury uses content filters that help block out certain material, but it is important for parents and students to realize that NO filtering program is 100% safe. As referenced in prior slide, CIPA basically states that schools and libraries need to protect students to the best of their abilities from inappropriate materials. Filtering is one way of fulfilling CIPA requirements.

8 Firewalls Duxbury also uses a firewall in addition to a filter to block out inappropriate content. Again, helping to comply with CIPA.

9 Online Etiquette Use appropriate language. No swearing, vulgarities, suggestive, obscene, belligerent, harassing, threatening, or abusive language. Follow guidelines of behaviors accepted by your community. As the Director of Technology, Gail Callahan, always says, “Think the front page of the Boston Globe.” In other words, if you wouldn’t want to read it on the front page of the Boston Globe, don’t write it!” Use appropriate language. No swearing, vulgarities, suggestive, obscene, belligerent, harassing, threatening, or abusive language. Follow guidelines of behaviors accepted by your community. As the Director of Technology, Gail Callahan, always says, “Think the front page of the Boston Globe.” In other words, if you wouldn’t want to read it on the front page of the Boston Globe, don’t write it!”

10 Respectful Language and Graphics In your messages always use language and graphics that you know are appropriate and respectful. Don’t use school online access to make, distribute, or redistribute jokes, stories, or other material which is based on slurs or stereotypes relating to race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation. Examples – Email–based jokes are often graphically displayed and distributed. In your messages always use language and graphics that you know are appropriate and respectful. Don’t use school online access to make, distribute, or redistribute jokes, stories, or other material which is based on slurs or stereotypes relating to race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation. Examples – Email–based jokes are often graphically displayed and distributed.

11 Privacy The Internet within the Duxbury Public School system is intended for educational purposes. The District has the right to monitor inspect, copy, review, and store at any time and without prior notice any and all usage of the computer network and Internet access including transmitted and received information. The Internet within the Duxbury Public School system is intended for educational purposes. The District has the right to monitor inspect, copy, review, and store at any time and without prior notice any and all usage of the computer network and Internet access including transmitted and received information.

12 Safety Students – do not send any emails regarding personal information (address, phone numbers, or other personal information). Student pictures will never be produced on a district website identifying the student by first and last name. Student work will only appear with parent signed permission and will abide by the statement above. Students – do not send any emails regarding personal information (address, phone numbers, or other personal information). Student pictures will never be produced on a district website identifying the student by first and last name. Student work will only appear with parent signed permission and will abide by the statement above.

13 Extended Elementary Safety Grades K-2 – teachers will access websites for the students (bookmarks or folders) Grades 3-5 – teachers must supervise student entering web addresses. Grades K-2 – teachers will access websites for the students (bookmarks or folders) Grades 3-5 – teachers must supervise student entering web addresses.

14 Password Protection Passwords are CONFIDENTIAL! Never share your password with another student or colleague. If your password is compromised, contact your teacher or school administrator immediately. Strong passwords include a mixture of upper case, lower case, numbers and symbols. Passwords are CONFIDENTIAL! Never share your password with another student or colleague. If your password is compromised, contact your teacher or school administrator immediately. Strong passwords include a mixture of upper case, lower case, numbers and symbols.

15 Messaging In this 21 st Century era, teachers may allow individual students to tools such as use email, collaboration chat rooms, cell phones, instant messaging, blogging, podcasts, virtual learning environments and other forms of direct electronic communications (i.e. cameras) for educational purposes only. Although teachers do monitor messaging, it is the direct responsibility of the user to use appropriate online behavior and etiquette. In this 21 st Century era, teachers may allow individual students to tools such as use email, collaboration chat rooms, cell phones, instant messaging, blogging, podcasts, virtual learning environments and other forms of direct electronic communications (i.e. cameras) for educational purposes only. Although teachers do monitor messaging, it is the direct responsibility of the user to use appropriate online behavior and etiquette.

16 Plagiarism/Copyright Plagiarism includes the use of any information obtained from the Internet that is not properly cited. Students are required to give proper credit to all Internet sources used in academic assignments, whether quoted or summarized. This includes all forms of media on the Internet, such as graphics, movies, music, and text. All students and faculty must adhere to the copyright laws of the United States (P.L. 94-553) and the Congressional Guidelines that delineate it regarding software, authorship, and copying information. Plagiarism includes the use of any information obtained from the Internet that is not properly cited. Students are required to give proper credit to all Internet sources used in academic assignments, whether quoted or summarized. This includes all forms of media on the Internet, such as graphics, movies, music, and text. All students and faculty must adhere to the copyright laws of the United States (P.L. 94-553) and the Congressional Guidelines that delineate it regarding software, authorship, and copying information.

17 What is acceptable?  Use of school network for academic research  Saving portfolios and files related to school work  Appropriate use of blogs, podcasts, emails, and cell phones as it relates to academics  Distribution of appropriate educational materials. (School newsletters, teacher newsletters)  Proper citation of all outside media sources  Posting of student work with first name only  Use of school network for academic research  Saving portfolios and files related to school work  Appropriate use of blogs, podcasts, emails, and cell phones as it relates to academics  Distribution of appropriate educational materials. (School newsletters, teacher newsletters)  Proper citation of all outside media sources  Posting of student work with first name only

18 What is unacceptable?  Use school email to conduct a business.  Vulgar language  Distribution of inappropriate materials  Cyber bullying  Defacing another person’s character  Plagiarism  Uses that cause harm to others or jeopardize property.  Hacking in network security  Knowledgeable deletion of materials  Loading of computer viruses  Invasion of Privacy i.e. using another’s account  Proxies – get around content filtering  Use school email to conduct a business.  Vulgar language  Distribution of inappropriate materials  Cyber bullying  Defacing another person’s character  Plagiarism  Uses that cause harm to others or jeopardize property.  Hacking in network security  Knowledgeable deletion of materials  Loading of computer viruses  Invasion of Privacy i.e. using another’s account  Proxies – get around content filtering

19 Consequences Use of the network for any illegal activities is prohibited. Illegal activities include (a) tampering with computer hardware or software, (b) software piracy (c) unauthorized entry into computers and files (hacking), (d) knowledgeable vandalism or destruction of equipment, (e) deletion of computer files, (f) uploading or creating of computer viruses and (g) distribution of obscene or pornographic materials.

20 Consequences (cont.) Such activity is considered a crime under state and federal law. Users must be aware that any illegal action carried out over the Internet will be reported to law enforcement officials for possible prosecution. Please be advised, it is a federal offense (Felony) to break into any security system. Financial and legal consequences of such actions are the responsibility of the user (staff, volunteer, and student) and student’s parent or guardian.

21 Open Forum

22 Sources / Gail Callahan – Director of Technology PreK-12, Duxbury Public Schools / Duxbury Public School AUP - / Duxbury Public School AUP Draft – Courtesy of Gail Callahan / PC Magazine -,2542,t=accept able+use+policy&i=37376,00.asp,2542,t=accept able+use+policy&i=37376,00.asp / / Gail Callahan – Director of Technology PreK-12, Duxbury Public Schools / Duxbury Public School AUP - / Duxbury Public School AUP Draft – Courtesy of Gail Callahan / PC Magazine -,2542,t=accept able+use+policy&i=37376,00.asp,2542,t=accept able+use+policy&i=37376,00.asp /

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