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What is it? A set of rules that restricts the ways in which a network, website or system may be used. New members are usually asked to sign an AUP before.

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Presentation on theme: "What is it? A set of rules that restricts the ways in which a network, website or system may be used. New members are usually asked to sign an AUP before."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is it? A set of rules that restricts the ways in which a network, website or system may be used. New members are usually asked to sign an AUP before they are given access to its information systems.

2 Policy Statement Tells what computer services are covered by the AUP and the circumstances under which employees or students can use the computer serv ices. School Districts usually must support education and research and support the districts curriculum.

3 Violations Coping/duplicating Licensed Products Selling or Passing along the Licensed Product Use computer network resources for commercial or for profit purposes Sharing accounts and passwords Unauthorized installation, distribution, reproduction, or use of unapproved games, programs, files or other electronic media.

4 Consequences Network user shall be responsible for damages to equipment, systems, or software resulting from deliberate or willful acts. Issue warnings written or verbal Suspend the Member’s account Terminate the Member’s account Bring legal acti on

5 Wikipedia. Retrieved May 27, 2009, from Acceptable Use Policy Web site: Education World. Retrieved May 27, 2009, from Acceptable Use Policy Web site: ml

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