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Green Recovery And Reconstruction: Training Toolkit For Humanitarian Aid Environmental Impact Assessment Tools and Techniques Session 2: Tools for Conducting.

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Presentation on theme: "Green Recovery And Reconstruction: Training Toolkit For Humanitarian Aid Environmental Impact Assessment Tools and Techniques Session 2: Tools for Conducting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Green Recovery And Reconstruction: Training Toolkit For Humanitarian Aid Environmental Impact Assessment Tools and Techniques Session 2: Tools for Conducting EIAs

2 2 Tools for Conducting EIAs Do any of you have knowledge of or experience with EIAs? We will look at several tools:  Flash Environmental Assessment Tool (FEAT)  Environmental Needs Assessment in Post-Disaster Situations (UNEP)  Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment in Disasters (REA)  Environmental Stewardship Review for Humanitarian Aid (WWF & American Red Cross) Mod 3 Ses 2

3 3 Flash Environmental Assessment Tool (FEAT) Mod 3 Ses 2

4 4 Environmental Needs Assessment in Post-Disaster Situations (UNEP)  Identifies environmental impacts and risks caused by the crisis and relief operations as well as potential environmental pressures of relief efforts  See the text for additional goals of this tool (Sec. 4.4) Mod 3 Ses 2

5 5 Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment in Disasters (REA) REA is a rapid assessment tool to: Identify, Define, and Prioritize environmental issues in disaster situations threatening HUMAN LIFE & WELFARE so that their effects can be minimized Mod 3 Ses 2

6 6  Simple and rapid…  Designed for use in natural, technological and/or political disasters  A useful way to organize and make sense of environmental information available in disasters  A consensus-based qualitative assessment process  Used to identify follow-up actions during a disaster (… Not a tool which provides answers on how to resolve environmental issues) The REA is… Mod 3 Ses 2

7 7  REA does not replace an Environmental Impact Assessment  REA fills a gap when an EIA process can’t be used (disasters, rapidly changing situations).  REA results can serve as a “scoping” assessment for an EIA  REA results can set a baseline for EIA data analysis REA and EIA… Mod 3 Ses 2

8 8 Environmental Stewardship Review for Humanitarian Aid The purpose of this worksheet is to assist humanitarian staff improve project performance by identifying and addressing environmental sustainability issues. Use of this worksheet is consistent with SPHERE Standard #6. Include a completed worksheet with the project file. A. Project Information Implementing Agency: ________________________ Project Title:_________________________ Project Location:________________________________________________________________ Project Coordinator: ______________________________________________________________ Environmental Stewardship Review completed by: ________________________Date: _________ B.Project Objectives (Describe the objectives you seek to accomplish by pursuing the proposed project. What needs will the project be designed to address? This can be cut and pasted from proposal.) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ C.C. Project Description (Provide a brief description of the proposed project. This can be cut and pasted from proposal.) Mod 3 Ses 2

9 9 ESR Methodology See Annex 2 in your module content paper.  Step A: Project Information  Step B: Project Objectives  Step C: Project Description  Step D: Coordination  Step E: Environmental Issues Matrix  Step F: Other Information  Step G: Determine Need for Additional Studies  Step H: Take Action! Mod 3 Ses 2

10 10 Steps A – C: Review Project Aim and Options  Step A is basic information to identify the project and key people  Step B: Project Objectives: to reexamine the activities that are planned to achieve the project’s aim with an eye towards capitalizing on environmental opportunities and reducing environmental impacts. What kinds of questions might you ask here?  Step C: Project Description is a brief description of the project Mod 3 Ses 2

11 11 Step D: Consultation and Environmental Information Gathering The purpose of Step D: Coordination is to clarify the following:  What are the environmental issues that may be associated with the project  Laws that apply to the project  Alternative ways to achieve project objectives to reduce negative environmental impacts  The cultural, government, and environmental setting of the project to ensure project sustainability Mod 3 Ses 2

12 12 Who/what are the key sources of pre- disaster baseline information? List your ideas:  Environmental profiles for the country/region  Satellite images and maps  Project reports from national and international environmental agencies  Local knowledge on natural resource management  Previous environment-related assessments  Specific databases, for example, if a national park or marine reserve in within the affected area, specific reports will likely be available  Wildlife and fisheries management plans  Housing and related development plans  Land tenure records Mod 3 Ses 2

13 13 Steps E – F: Environmental Impact Assessment Environ- mental Issue This column asks questions related to key envir. issues. To answer… This column suggests ways to obtain the information YesNoNot sure If Yes, then… Guidance on how to address the environmental issue Action Taken This column provides space to identify what further action needs to be taken to address the environmental issue. Will the project result in the emission of air pollutants (e.g., smoke, gases, dust particles)?  Review project proposal.  Consult local natural resources department Consider alternate activities which generate lower emissions.. Mod 3 Ses 2

14 14 Step G: Determine Need for Additional Studies Can the ESR adequately evaluate a project in terms of:  Size and scale of the project  Uncertain and potentially significant environmental risks  Cumulative impact. If not, the ESR must recommend additional studies be undertaken. Mod 3 Ses 2

15 15 Step H: Design Mitigation Measures and Take Action Consider actions to be taken. Ask:  Does the project need to be changed in order to protect people, communities, and the environment? If so, how?  Should the project be cancelled?  What specific actions are needed to take advantage of environmental opportunities and minimize potential negative impacts? List your action recommendations in this table. Mod 3 Ses 2

16 16 References for Potential Environmental Activities  The Environmental Issues Matrix (Step E) offers specific suggestions on how to address issues:  Annex 3: Environmental impacts to be considered in an EIA  Annex 4.1: IUCN’s Environmental Field Manual offers a number of ideas for mitigating the environmental impacts of various response activities  Annex 4.2: Essential Guidance for Humanitarian Actors (Leaflet Humanitarian Action and the Environment, OCHA-UNEP Mod 3 Ses 2

17 17 Participant Experience Mod 3 Ses 2

18 18 Mod 3 Ses 2

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