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Chapter 4: Project Integration Management
Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition Note: See the text itself for full citations.
Learning Objectives Describe an overall framework for project integration management as it relates to the other PM knowledge areas and the project life cycle Explain the strategic planning process and apply different project selection methods Explain the importance of creating a project charter to formally initiate projects Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Learning Objectives (continued)
Describe project management plans development, understand the content of these plans, and review approaches for creating them Explain project execution, its relationship to project planning, the factors related to successful results, and tools and techniques to assist in project execution Describe the process of monitoring and controlling project work Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Learning Objectives (continued)
Understand the integrated change control process, planning for and managing changes on information technology projects, and developing and using a change control system Explain the importance of developing and following good procedures for closing projects Describe how software can assist in project integration management Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
What is Project Integration Management ?
The integration of all project components (people, plans, work) and coordination of other knowledge areas throughout project life cycle to successfully complete the project The integration of processes from all project process groups (initiation, planning, execution, control, and closing) throughout project lifecycle to achieve project goals Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
The Key to Overall Project Success: Good Project Integration Management
Integrating all project components (people, plans, work) together to achieve project goals Maintain good communication and relationships with all stakeholders – interface management Project managers must coordinate all of the other knowledge areas throughout a project’s life cycle Many new project managers have trouble looking at the “big picture” and focus on too many details Project integration management is not the same thing as software integration Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Example Nick Carson recently became a project manager of a critical biotech enterprise The project involved creating HW and SW for a DNA-sequencing instrument Nick had been the leading software developer on the project before being the project manager CEO asked him to deliver a production version of the SW for the DNA-sequencing instrument in nine months Nick had the technical background to make the project success Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Example (cont.) Nevertheless, top management was upset because:
Nick performed the role of SW integrator instead of project manager He focused on technical issues rather than management issues and ignored the big picture of the project He never provide top management with detailed plans or accurate schedules He ignored key stakeholders (top management) and focus on his technical team He thought the project integration management means SW integration Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
What Went Wrong? The Airbus A380 megajet project was two years behind schedule in Oct. 2006, causing Airbus’ parent company to face an expected loss of $6.1 billion over the next four years The project suffered from severe integration management problems, or “integration disintegration...Early this year, when pre-assembled bundles containing hundreds of miles of cabin wiring were delivered from a German factory to the assembly line in France, workers discovered that the bundles, called harnesses, didn't fit properly into the plane. Now Airbus will have to go back to the drawing board and redesign the wiring system.”* *Matlack, Carol. “First, Blame the Software,” BusinessWeek Online (October 5, 2006). Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Strategic Planning and Project Selection
Strategic planning involves determining long-term objectives, predicting future trends, and projecting the need for new products and services Organizations often perform a SWOT analysis to aid in strategic planning (selecting project) Analyzing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats As part of strategic planning, organizations: Identify potential projects Use realistic methods to select which projects to work on Formalize project initiation by issuing a project charter Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Example: SWOT A group of four people want to start new business in film industry They create SWOT analysis as follows: Strengths: We have numerous contact in the film industry Two of us have strong sales and interpersonal skills Two has strong technical skills and familiar with sw tools We all have impressive samples of completed projects Weakness No accounting/financial experience No clear marketing strategy for product and services Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Example (cont.) Opportunities Threats
Little money to invest in new projects No company website and limited use of technology Opportunities Current client has mentioned a large project Film industry continues to grow Two major conferences this year where we could promote our company Threats Other companies can provide services we can Customers prefer well established organization High risk in film business Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Example (cont.) Identifying Potential Projects
Find an external accountant to help run the business Hire website developer Develop a marketing plan Develop a strong proposal to get the large project of the client Plan to promote the company at two major conference this year Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Mind Map of a SWOT Analysis to Help Identify Potential Projects
Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Information Technology Strategic Planning Process
Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Methods for Selecting Projects
There are usually more projects than available time and resources to implement them Methods for selecting projects include: Focusing on broad organizational needs Categorizing information technology projects Performing net present value or other financial analyses Using a weighted scoring model Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Focusing on Broad Organizational Needs
Project that meet broad organization needs are more likely to be successful Broad organization needs such as Improve safety Increase morale (emotional condition, cheerfulness) Provide better communications Improve customer services Selection based on the following criteria: There is a need for the project There are funds available There’s a strong will to make the project succeed Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Categorizing IT Projects
One categorization is whether the project addresses: A problem: is undesirable situations that prevents organization from achieving its goals (example: slow IS needs processor, memory, and storage upgrade) An opportunity: a chance to improve the organization (ex: new project that can make the organization) A directive: new requirements imposed by management or government (ex: medical tech must meet rigorous (rigid) government requirements) It is often easier to get approval and fund for the projects that address problems or directives to avoid hurting the organization Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Categorizing IT Projects
Another categorization is how long it will take to do the project and when it is needed Quick project Project with specific time window Another is the overall priority of the project high priority project medium priority project low priority project Always complete high priority project first even med. and low could be finished in less time Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Financial Analysis of Projects
Financial considerations are often an important consideration in selecting projects Three primary methods for determining the projected financial value of projects: Net present value (NPV) analysis Return on investment (ROI) Payback analysis Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Net Present Value Analysis
Net Present Value (NPV) analysis is a method of calculating the expected net monetary gain or loss from a project by discounting all expected future cash inflows and outflows to the present point in time Projects with a positive NPV should be considered if financial value is a key criterion The higher the NPV, the better Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Calculating NPV using Excel
Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
JWD Consulting NPV Example
Note: See the template called business_case_financials.xls Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
NPV Calculations Determine estimated costs and benefits for the life of the project and the products it produces Determine discount rate r (capitalization rate): it is the rate used in discounting future cash flow. Calculate the discount factor, f, of year t as follows: Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Return on Investment Return on investment (ROI) is calculated by subtracting the project costs from the benefits and then dividing by the costs ROI = (total discounted benefits - total discounted costs) / discounted costs The higher the ROI, the better Many organizations have a required rate of return or minimum acceptable rate of return on investment for projects Internal rate of return (IRR) can by calculated by finding the discount rate, r, that makes the NPV equal to zero Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Payback Analysis Another important financial consideration is payback analysis The payback period is the amount of time it will take to recoup (reimburse), in the form of net cash inflows, the total dollars invested in a project Payback occurs when the net cumulative discounted benefits equals the cummulative costs Many organizations want IT projects to have a fairly short payback period Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Charting the Payback Period
Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Weighted Scoring Model
A weighted scoring model is a tool that provides a systematic process for selecting projects based on many criteria Identify criteria important to the project selection process Assign weights (percentages) to each criterion so they add up to 100% Assign scores to each criterion for each project Multiply the scores by the weights and get the total weighted scores The higher the weighted score, the better Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Sample Weighted Scoring Model for Project Selection
Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Project Integration Management Processes
Develop the project charter: working with stakeholders to create the document that formally authorizes a project—the charter Develop the project management plan: coordinating all planning efforts to create a consistent document—the project management plan Direct and manage project execution: carrying out the project management plan by performing the activities included in it Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Project Integration Management Processes (continued)
Monitor and control the project work: overseeing project work to meet the performance objectives of the project Perform integrated change control: coordinating changes that affect the project’s deliverables Close the project or phase: finalizing all project activities to formally close the project or phase Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Project Integration Management Proceses
Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Integration management processes summary
Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Project Charters Process
After deciding what project to work on, it is important to let the rest of the organization know A project charter is a document that formally recognizes the existence of a project and provides direction on the project’s objectives and management Key project stakeholders should sign a project charter to acknowledge agreement on the need and intent of the project; a signed charter is a key output of project integration management Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Contents of a project charter
Project title and date of authorization Project manager name and contact info A summary schedule include the planned start date and finish date Project budget Project objectives Project success criteria A planned approach for managing the project Roles and responsibilities Sign-off section comments Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Project Charter for the DNA-Sequencing Instrument Completion Project
Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Charter (continued) Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Project Management Plan Process
A project management plan is a document used to coordinate all project planning documents and help guide a project’s execution and control Plans created in the other knowledge areas a (scope plan, time plan, cost plan,…) are parts of the overall project management plan Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Project management plan contents
Every project is unique Every project has a unique project management plan depends on its nature and size There are common elements in most project management plans Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Common Elements of a Project Management Plan
Introduction or overview of the project Description of how the project is organized Management and technical processes used on the project Work to be done (WBS) Schedule Budget information Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Introduction Project name
A brief description of the project(needs, goals, estimated time, and cost) Sponsor name and contact information Project manager, key team members, name and contact information Deliverables (sw, hw, technical reports, and training materials) A list of important reference materials (project history and plans in other knowledge area) A list of definition and acronyms Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Description of project organization
Organizational charts: Company organizational chart Customers organizational chart Project organizational chart :authorities, communications, and people Project responsibilities: functions and activities, people assigned to them Other organizational information: processes and major steps involved in them Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Management and technical processes
Management objectives: top management’s view, priorities, major assumptions, and constraints Project control: how to monitor project progress and handle changes Risk management: how to identify, manage, and control risks Project staffing: number and types of people required for the project Technical processes: specific methodologies a project might used Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools for software development Specific format for technical reports Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Work to perform(WBS) Major work packages: use WBS to identify different work packages, provide a scope statement to describe them (refer to scope management plan) Key deliverables: describe key products and their expected quality Other work-related information: for example specific HW and SW used in the project Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Schedule Summary schedule: planned completion dates for key deliverables Detailed schedule: provide more information on project schedule and discuss the dependencies that could affect the schedule (refer to schedule management plan) Other schedule-related information: discuss assumptions in preparing project schedule Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Budget Summary budget: total estimate of the overall project’s budget
Detailed budget: more detailed information on the budget (refer to cost management plan) Other budget-related information: assumption, other important information related to financial aspects of the project Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Creating Project Management Plan
Using software tools such as Microsoft Project 7 that provides templates and guidelines for preparing project management plan Using agencies guidelines DOD standard 2167, software project management plan IEEE standard Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Sample Contents for a Software Project Management Plan (SPMP)
Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Project Execution Process
Project execution involves managing and performing the work described in the project management plan The majority of time and money is usually spent on execution The application area of the project directly affects project execution because the products of the project are produced during execution Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Coordinating Planning and Execution
Project planning and execution are intertwined and inseparable activities Project plan guides project execution Good plan should help produce good products Plans should document what good work results consist of Experience gained from completed project is used to update plans Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Coordinating Planning and Execution (cont.)
Those who will do the work should help to plan the work Project team should develop skills in both planning and execution In IT projects, programmers who create the code also write detailed specs (plans) of it System analysts begin their career as programmers, so they understand what type of analysis they need to write a good code Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Important Skills for Project Execution
General management skills like leadership, communication, and political skills Technical and product, business, and application area skills and knowledge In small project, project manager needs technical knowledge because they may need to do part of the work In large project, project manger needs business and application knowledge more than technical knowledge Use of specialized tools and techniques Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Project Execution Tools and Techniques
Expert judgment: experts can help project managers and their teams make many decisions related to project execution (methodology, training approach, programming language, …) Project management information systems: there are hundreds of project management software products available on the market today, and many organizations are moving toward powerful enterprise project management systems that are accessible via the Internet (Microsoft Project 2007 Appendix A) creates Gant chart, network diagram, critical path analysis, … Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Monitoring and Controlling Project Work
Monitoring project work includes collecting, measuring, and disseminating performance information in the form of performance report A baseline (basis for judgment): is the approved project management plan plus approved changes performance metrics: work performed, key deliverables, dates for completing deliverables, cost Work should be done as planned otherwise an approved change request should be issued Changes are inevitable on most projects Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Performance reports Used to monitor project execution and control changes Alert project manager to the issues that are causing problems and degrade performance Project manager should decide if corrective or preventive actions are needed Corrective actions should result in improvement in project performance Preventive actions reduce the probability of negative consequence associated with project risk Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Integrated Change Control
Identifying, evaluating, and managing changes throughout the project life cycle Three main objectives are: Identifying the factors that create changes to ensure that changes are beneficial Determining that a change has occurred and communicate significant changes to stakeholders and top management Managing actual changes as they occur Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Change Control on Information Technology Projects
Former view: the project team should strive to do exactly what was planned on time and within budget Problem: stakeholders rarely agreed up-front on the project scope, and time and cost estimates were inaccurate Modern view: project management is a process of constant communication and negotiation Solution: changes are often beneficial, and the project team should plan for them Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Change Control System A formal, documented process that describes when and how official project documents and work may be changed Describes who is authorized to make changes and how to make them Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Closing Projects and Phases
To close a project or phase, you must finalize all activities and transfer the completed or cancelled work to the appropriate people Main outputs include: Final product, service, or result transition Final report, historical info, lesson learned Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Using Software to Assist in Project Integration Management
Several types of software can be used to assist in project integration management Documents can be created with word processing software Presentations are created with presentation software Tracking can be done with spreadsheets or databases Communication software like and Web authoring tools facilitate communications Project management software can pull everything together and show detailed and summarized information Business Service Management (BSM) tools track the execution of business process flows alignment project with business goals Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
Chapter Summary Project integration management involves coordinating all of the other knowledge areas throughout a project’s life cycle Main processes include: Develop project charter Develop project management plan Direct and manage project execution Monitor and control project work Perform integrated change control Close the project or phase Information Technology Project Management, Sixth Edition
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