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The Importance of Healthy Fats
Kristen Johnson On Target Living’s Registered Dietitian
Outline Why Are Healthy Fats Important Background on the bad fats
Why fats should be incorporated in the diet Why are healthy fats considered the healing nutrients for the body What are healthy fats Where do healthy fats come from
Why healthy fats During the past 20 years there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the U.S. These increasing rates raise a huge concern on American’s health since being overweight or obese increases the risk of many diseases and health conditions From research I have learned that healthy fats play a huge role in improving health and lowering obesity. Overweight and obesity can increase risks of hypertension, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and respiratory problems, and some cancers.
Health facts One of the national health objective for the year 2010 is to reduce the prevalence of obesity among adults to less than 15%. America is a nation that is obsessed with a fear of fat and 60% of Americans rank cutting their fat as their number one nutritional concern. Some Americans believe that all fats are unhealthy and will cause weight gain. It is very important to understand this serious health issue and that is why a healthy diet should be incorporated. With this objective in mind many Americans feel that getting rid of fat from their diet is key to losing weight. Throughout the grocery stores I’m sure you have noticed fat and cholesterol free on many food products. Many people believe that fats will cause weight gain since fats contain over twice the calories per gram and carbohydrates and proteins.
Role of Fats There are “good fats” and “bad fats”
Most weight loss diets throw out the good fat with the bad fat, leaving dieters with a bland, low- energy, dissatisfying diet. Some promote cancer growth, some block it. Some increases your risk of heart attack and stroke, some reduce it. Some are linked with depression and mental problems , some promote emotional well-being. This weight loss diet is very hard to maintain over time and that is one of the reasons dieters do not stick with the diet.
The body’s healing nutrient
Fat helps form the membrane that surrounds the cells. Eating good fats promotes cell permeability and helps to satisfy hunger. The cell membrane is what controls which elements enter and exit the cell.
The body’s healing nutrient
Consuming fat creates satiety, decreasing desire to overeat. Fat content in food causes the release of CCK Fats slow down the digestion of carbohydrates and proteins so that there is a more sustained release of nutrients into the blood Consuming healthy fats can play a big role in controlling appetite and our overeating epidemic. Cholecystokinin is the hormone from the stomach which alerts the brain that you are satisfied. Which results in a stable energy level.
Trans- fatty acids These are the worst of the bad fats
Hydrogenating, hardening, vegetables oils The more refining that goes into producing the food the more quality is stripped away Hydrogenation- changes a polyunsaturated fat into a trans-fatty acid by high heat with a metal catalyst which changes the oil into a hardened fat. Trans fats are difficult for the body to break down and may impair the normal use of good fats by hardening the cell membrane. Raise LDL and lower HDL.
The reason for trans fats
Money Refined soybean or corn oil are very inexpensive oils that are used in thousands of food products to enhance taste Increased shelf life of food products Good fats are more expensive and have shorter shelf lives Why do food manufacturers and the fast food industry use poor quality fat in packaging and preparing food? Poor quality fats extend the shelf life of the product- packaged soft cookies have a shelf life of over 3 years and Jif peanut butter has a shelf life over 2 years, which makes you think about the impact they have on the body once they are consumed.
Trans- fats Hydrogenation allows manufacturers to use cheap, low quality oils We are a nation of convenience eaters In the book Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser explains that Americans spend more on fast food than they spend on higher education, personal computers, computer software, new cars, movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos, and recorded music combines. For example the low price of raw materials allows margarine to be sold at a much lower price than butter. That is why manufactures spend large sums of money on advertising campaigns to convince Americans that margarine is healthier than butter which isn’t true. We eat unhealthy, refined convenience food sources such as packaged foods. McDonalds is the nations largest purchaser of beef and potatoes and the second largest purchaser of chicken.
Trans fats Bad fats interfere with normal fat metabolism by crowding or pushing out essential fatty acids from the cell membranes. A semi-hardened cell membrane is a major factor in type 2 diabetes Nutrients have a harder time entering a less permeable cell membrane Trans fats- makes cell less fluid, less permeable, and reduces the number and sensitivity of the insulin receptors. When insulin approaches a cell and tries to open it up to allow nutrients in, it has a tougher time if trans fats have made the outer membrane less permeable to insulin and reduce the sensitivity and number of insulin receptors( insulin resistant)
Healthy fats Saturated Monounsaturated Polyunsaturated Omega 3 Omega 6
As we know it is important to incorporate a wide variety of fruits and vegetables into the diet to achieve essential nutrients. That is the same reason for incorporating a variety of healthy fats in the diet.
Refining process To be called extra virgin means the oil is from the first pressing, and is the highest quality Expeller pressed- first pressing that results in a cleaner, more pure oil Olive oil is a refined oil, virgin olive oil is a better choice because it is less refined and extra virgin olive oil is even better. The processes used in mass- produced oils removes and strips many of the essential nutrients that provide health benefits.
Saturated fats from food
Saturated Fats Healthy Unhealthy
Leaner cuts of beef, pork, poultry, wild game, and low- fat dairy products (feta, goat, and mozzarella cheese) Cage- free eggs Some nuts and seeds Coconut oil Unhealthy Fatty meats (red meat) High- fat dairy products (cheddar cheese, whole milk) Processed cakes, cookies, crackers, chips Not as detrimental to your health as trans fats No trans fats are healthy, but there are healthy saturated fats. Negative impact of saturated fats Increase risk for obesity, heart disease, and diabetes that is why consuming healthier saturated fats are important. Saturated fat is important in the diet because it raises cholesterol levels and without cholesterol the cell would be too soft and have no structure Good saturated fights might raise LDL levels but will increase the HDL levels more significantly and most likely your LDL to HDL ratio will be better. The recommended HDL/LDL ratio should be above 0.3 with the ideal HDL/LDL ratio being above 0.4, so a person with a HDL of 50mg/dL and a LDL of 150 mg/dL the HDL/LDL ratio would be 0.33.
Coconut Oil Helps with digestion Promotes healthy cholesterol levels
Supports healthy immune function Controls blood sugar levels Supports healthy metabolic function Provides source of fuel for the body Beautifies hair, skin, and nails Since it is hard to consume healthy saturated fats from meats/dairy products because of the refining process out today. ½- 1 tbsp per day. This is not the type of saturated fat that doctors warn people about, it unlike the fat found in meat or other vegetable fats. It is identical to a specific group of fats found in human breast milk which has been shown to improve many factors. Make sure you are sticking to extra virgin coconut oil (coconut that drops from the tree) Aids in absorption of vitamins and minerals supports a healthy intestinal tract.
Monounsaturated Fats Omega 9- oleic acid
Protects arteries from cholesterol build up, reduces risk of breast cancer, helps with inflammation, BP, blood clotting, emphasizes the effects of omega 3 acids in the blood and helps in the formation and development of cell membranes Monounsaturated fats lower LDL while they maintain or even raise HDL levels. Stable at high temperatures and are not easily oxidized and are great tasting. Oxidized cholesterol sticks to the artery walls and can cause heart attacks and that is why MUFA are called cardio- protective.
Food sources of MUFAs Olives, avocados, almonds, peanuts, pistachios, pecans, cashews, hazelnuts and macadamia nuts EVOO, canola, safflower and sunflower oil Quality is important
Polyunsaturated Fats Essential Fatty acids Two groups
Omega 6- Linoleic acid GLA Omega 3- Alpha Linolenic acid EPA DHA Polyunsaturated fatty acids are an essential fatty acid and must be provided by the diet
The Family of Omega fats
Omega 6 Essential for optimal health
Necessary for production of prostoglandins Primary fatty acid is Linoleic acid Coverted into GLA and AA GLA helps fight heart disease, cancer, and arthritis and promotes weight loss. GLA is raw material needed by prostaglandins to stimulate brown fat Gamma- linoleic acid and arachidonic acid Prostaglandins- short lived hormone like substances that regulate metabolic processes throughout the body at the cellular level and regulate the immune, reproductive, central nervous, and cardiovascular systems- the body produces prostaglandins from the essential fatty acids we consume each day. Brown fat is the body’s good fat. Our bodies have two types of fat cells. White fat is the fat that most of us try to lose. Brown fat helps burn 25% of all fat calories and is most important element of metabolism. As we age brown fat beings to lose it burning capability. Senior citizens- sensitive to cold and gain weight in their later years. Kids who are normal weight can tolerate cold temperatures very early. Kids can be outside in cold temperatures in just t- shirts and shorts and not be cold because their brown fat is running in high gear.
Food Sources of Omega 6 fats
Healthy Pumpkin and sunflower seeds evening primrose oil and borage oil Most raw nuts, seeds, and leafy greens Unhealthy Vegetable oils such as corn, cottonseed, safflower, soybean oil and other processed oils The reason pumpkin and sunflower and the other oils I talked about are healthy are because they are more expensive and are not mass produced. There really isn’t a lot of processing that can go into pumpkin seeds because pumpkins grow in a pumpkin patch are only grown under certain temperatures. Pumpkin patch vs. corn patch. Corn on the other hand is mass produced and is cheap and used for fuel, and to feed cattle.
The current ratio in the united states for omega 6 to omega 3 is 20:1
The current ratio in the united states for omega 6 to omega 3 is 20:1. The ratio should be around 1:1 or 2:1. Since the 1960s consumption of omega 6s has doubles. Similar to widespread use of trans- fatty acids manufacturers use refined omega 6 fatty acids such as corn and soybean oil- remember before that manufacturers can use these oils because they are inexpensive and that is why most of the food from restaurants and grocery stores contain a lot of refined omega 6 fats.
Omega 3 family 3 levels of omega 3 breakdowns or conversions in the body. Alpha linolenic acid (LNA) converts to one of two other types of fatty acids depending on its breakdown pathway. It is converted to EPA (eicosapenntaenoic acid) and then into DHA (docosahexaenoic acid. Later on in my discussion I will talk about the health benefits of EPA and DHA.
Omega 3 fatty acids Most famous of the good fats and make the body strong and healthy Create hormonal balances in the body Protect the heart by preventing certain diseases Aid in the cardiovascular system By preventing atherosclerosis, angina, heart attack, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease Help maintain elasticity of artery walls, reduces BP and stabilizes heart rhythm. It also aids in the cardiovascular system by reducing the constriction of blood vessels and decreasing the adhesiveness of the blood making is less likely to clot.
DHA and the brain DHA is the building block of the human brain tissue
Important for fetal and infant development Doctors believe that an insufficient intake of DHA increases postpartum depression, attention deficit disorder, low IQs, and low brain serotonin levels. Serotonin is the “feel good” neurotransmitter in the brain. DHA is abundant in grey matter of the brain and the retina of the eye. Low levels of DHA have been liked to depression, memory loss, dementia, and visual problems. Optimal levels of DHA are very important for pregnant and lactating mothers because the DHA content of an infant’s brain triples during the first 3 months of life. The average DHA in breast milk is the lowest in the world in the U.S. because of the low consumption of omega 3 fats.
Omega 3 food sources LNA is found in green leafy vegetables, flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, walnuts, brazil nuts, expeller pressed canola oil and pumpkin seeds Richest sources of EPA and DHA come from cold water fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, tuna, and blue fish. 10% of daily calories for omega 3 and omega 6 fats (1-2 tbs/day)
Food sources of omega 3 fats
Richest source of LNA are found in flaxseeds contain lignans Flaxseeds may be used on salads, cereals or drinks Do not heat or cook with any omega 3 or 6 oils Seeds must be ground into flax meal or pressed in flaxseed oil to get the benefits because the seeds themselves are not digestible in the body. Very inexpensive and are a good source of dietary fiber and help curb appetite. Lignans have anti- viral, anti- fungal, anti- bacterial, and anti- cancer properties. Heating destroys the benefits of these oils.
Benefits of Omega 3s
Conclusion Try to consume less trans fats
Improve quality of fats in the diet Consume healthy saturated fats Incorporate Monounsaturated fats Incorporate Polyunsaturated fats Or if not any….Look at the ingredient label and if it contains partially hydrogenated oils you know it contains trans fats It might be helpful to start adding omega 3 and 6 slowly into your diet. Flaxseed oil and flaxmeal have both omega 3 and omega 6 fats and are from an unrefined source. Cold water fish also contains both omega 3 and omega 6 fats.
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