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Michele Dupuis, Senior Officer Knowledge Integration SSHRC Knowledge Mobilization: An Overview of SSHRC’s policies and practices March 31, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Michele Dupuis, Senior Officer Knowledge Integration SSHRC Knowledge Mobilization: An Overview of SSHRC’s policies and practices March 31, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michele Dupuis, Senior Officer Knowledge Integration SSHRC Knowledge Mobilization: An Overview of SSHRC’s policies and practices March 31, 2014

2 Overview Knowledge Mobilization (KMb) at SSHRC – Background – Definition – Strategy – Knowledge Mobilization and Merit Review – Evaluation of Knowledge Mobilization Programs – Next Steps

3 Knowledge Mobilization at SSHRC: Background 1998-2003: Early Community-University Research Alliance, Public Outreach, introduction of term KMb, SSHRC launches a division 2004-2009: Developing Launch of Strategic Knowledge Clusters and Knowledge Impact In Society, criteria for Standard Research grants and Major Collaborative Research Initiatives, Knowledge Project at Chateau Laurier, SSHRC launches another division, KIS and Cluster workshops, first KMb Strategy at SSHRC

4 SSHRC’s Knowledge Mobilization Strategy 2009 facilitate and enable the accessibility and impact of research by increasing and enhancing the flow of research knowledge among researchers, and between researchers and knowledge users; improve research connections by facilitating reciprocal relationships between researchers and knowledge users for the (co-)creation and use of research knowledge; and enhance the quality of knowledge mobilization by developing networks, tools and best practices.

5 Knowledge Mobilization at SSHRC: Background 2010-2014: Full Integration Definition Program Architecture Renewal KMb sub-criterion embedded in all funding opportunities Launch of Connection Program and funding opportunities

6 Knowledge Mobilization at SSHRC Knowledge mobilization in the social sciences and humanities facilitates the multidirectional flow of research knowledge across academia and society as a whole, in order to inform Canadian and international research, debate, decisions and actions. Those who stand to benefit from publicly funded research results in the humanities and social sciences—diverse groups of researchers, policy-makers, business leaders, community groups, educators and the media—should, ideally, have the knowledge they need, when they need it, in useful forms.

7 Knowledge Mobilization at SSHRC Big Tent Approach All of the “Ks”: transfer, translation, exchange, brokering, synthesis, co- production and networking.

8 Knowledge Mobilization and Merit Review A sub-criterion for all Grants: Challenge: potential influence and impact within and/or beyond the social sciences and humanities research community Feasibility: quality of knowledge mobilization plans, including for effective knowledge dissemination, knowledge exchange and engagement within and/or beyond the research community Capability: evidence of contributions such as commissioned reports, professional practice, public discourse, public policies, products and services, experience in collaboration

9 Knowledge Mobilization and Merit Review Committee members’ manual Knowledge Mobilization Plan The knowledge mobilization plan should demonstrate how applicants will use knowledge mobilization and engagement to help achieve the expected outcomes of their project. Expected Outcomes Expected outcomes are the potential benefits and/or outcomes of the proposed project. Expected outcomes may, for example, include enhanced curriculum and teaching material, as well as graduate student supervision, enriched public discourse, improved public policies, enhanced business strategies, and/or innovations in one or more sectors of society.

10 Knowledge Mobilization Evaluation Aid to Research Workshops and Conferences, Knowledge Impact in Society, Public Outreach, Strategic Knowledge clusters 2004/5-2011/12 2931 Applications, 1683 awards 429 final reports 8 case studies, 53 interviews On Website now

11 Knowledge Mobilization Evaluation Recommendations 1)Further integrate, penetrate and systematize KMb practice by reviewing its strategic objectives for KMB and developing and Implementing a renewed Knowledge Mobilization Strategy. 2)Ensure that training in knowledge mobilization is part of all direct and indirect funding opportunities that contribute to the development of HQP. 3)Develop and implement appropriate and effective systems to monitor and assess intellectual, social and economic impact of research and its benefits to Canada and the world.


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