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New Kingdom 1550-1069 BC.

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1 New Kingdom BC


3 Chapter 4 Lesson 4 Vocabulary
Pharaoh – King of Egypt Reign – time of rule Rural – country area

4 Kings of the Great House
During the New Kingdom, Egyptian Kings took the title of Pharaoh Egyptian Empire reached its greatest size Pharaohs expanded trade, conquered new lands and built great temples

5 Pharaohs in New Kingdom
Queen Hatshepsut – Female, ruled until her stepson was of age, expanded trade routes across the red sea Thutmose III (1450 BC) – Hatshepsut’s step son, Egypt reached its largest size Amenhotep IV (1364 BC) – changed his name to Akhenaton and urged the people of Egypt to worship only one god, the Aton

6 Pharaohs in New Kingdom
King Tut – restored old Egyptian Gods, died at 18 years old and was buried in a solid gold coffin in a tomb packed with treasure, took thrown at 9 years old Cleopatra – last pharaoh of Egyptian Empire

7 Egyptian Society Social Pyramid
Boys usually learned their fathers trade, but the children of nobles learned mathematics, literature and writing. Girls learned household skills and weaving from their mothers

8 Egyptian Art and Architecture
Very important Most architecture that remains today was built of stone, although most buildings were made of mud brick Houses were small and 2-3 stories high, bottom floor might be a shop or business and top floors are for living

9 Summary Pharaohs of the New Kingdom of Egypt enlarged Egypt’s territory, expanded trade, and started massive building projects. Egyptian society was divided into different social classes. Most people worked as farmers and lived in rural areas. New Kingdom was a time of achievement in architecture, art and literature.

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