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Bondyakov A.S. Institute of Physics of ANAS, Azerbaijan JINR, Dubna.

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Presentation on theme: "Bondyakov A.S. Institute of Physics of ANAS, Azerbaijan JINR, Dubna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bondyakov A.S. Institute of Physics of ANAS, Azerbaijan JINR, Dubna

2 CONCEPTION GRID INFRASTRUCTURE IN AZERBAIJAN Grid - a new type of computing infrastructure in Azerbaijan, grid is intensively developed in today’s world of information technologies. Grid provides global integration of information and computing resources. The essence Conception of GRID in Azerbaijan is to create a set of services to provide a reliable, compatible, inexpensive and secure access to geographically distributed high-tech information and computing resources.

3 The main objectives of the Grid center in Azerbaijan In our conception three direction of development - Support to solve difficult scientific, engineering mathematical calculations in research centers of Azerbaijan Participation in the global scientific collaborations Connect to the Grid center of Institute of Physics main educational and scientific research centers of Azerbaijan in near future we plan to speed up internet connection to 100 mbps for participation in VO ATLAS at the present time we have a lot of users from the Institute of Physics and other institutes and universities of Azerbaijan

4 In 2008, work began on the creation of computational grid infrastructure of the Institute of Physics. The result of the project: Created by Computing Centre at the Institute of Physics. Computer center consists of 300 dual- processor computers and four blade servers based on processors Intel Xeon. The total capacity of the data storage is 150 TB. The total number of cores is 950, 2.5 GHz per core. 200 core – for GRID 150 core – for local mpi cluster 600 core – for training Overall performance about 10 teraflops. Four blade servers – 80 core on each server Three storage servers – 12 core on each server 300 old servers – 2 core on each server Provided high-speed connection to the Internet via fiber optic cable (speed Internet connection is 45 mbps) Operates official website of Grid center

5 Grid - Center of the Institute of Physics The server hardware in our Grid center represented by products of Supermicro and Cisco. Grid center works in uninterrupted mode. For protection against power surges used diesel generator and UPS. For climate control we have system based on industrial conditioners Structure of GRID center

6 Monitoring of GRID center For monitoring CPU and network load in real-time we use GANGLIA and CACTI systems For monitoring grid services we use NAGIOS system

7 Participation Grid Center of Azerbaijan in the training grid infrastructure of JINR We have been installed servers-based virtualization XEN, KVM and openVZ. By support of JINR on virtual hosts have been installed and configured the following services for educational JINR Grid infrastructure. On base Scientific Linux 6.2 and middleware EMI 2. CE DPM UI WN WN

8 Participation Grid Center of Azerbaijan in VO SEEGRID AZGRID is a member of organizations EGI, NGI, BSI under the VO SeeGrid. On real hosts have been installed and configured the following services for SEEGRID infrastructure. On base Scientific Linux 6.2 and middleware EMI 2. CE DPM UI WN

9 Grid - Center of the Institute of Physics for complex mathematical calculations have been installed the following compilers: g77/gcc/g++ – GNU Fortran 77, C and C++ compilers version 3.4.6; gfortran/gcc4/g++4 – GNU Fortran 95, C and C++ compilers version 4.1.2; ifort/icc/icpc – Intel Fortran, C, C++ compilers version 11.1. GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) Also have been installed the following application software packages: ABINIT is an open-source suite of programs for materials science, distributed under the GNU General Public License. ABINIT implements density functional theory, using a plane wave basis set and pseudo potentials, to compute the electronic density and derived properties of materials ranging from molecules to surfaces to solids. It is developed collaboratively by researchers throughout the world. Quantum ESPRESSO is a software suite for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling distributed for free under the GNU General Public License. It is based on Density Functional Theory, plane wave basis sets, and pseudo potentials (both norm-conserving and ultrasoft). ESPRESSO is an acronym for opEn-Source Package for Research in Electronic Structure, Simulation, and Optimization.

10 Grid - Center of the Institute of Physics Have been prepared the necessary conditions for connection to the grid center of the Institute of Physics, scientific and educational centers of Azerbaijan using the network Azrena.

11 Grid - Center of the Institute of Physics On base Ganja Regional Scientific Center was created grid segment and local cluster. On real hosts have been installed and configured the following services. On base Scientific Linux 6.2 and middleware EMI 2. CE DPM UI WN …………. WN

12 High-energy physics simulation, reconstruction, analysis For our users in VO ATLAS Information Technology, Math, parallelization by MPI and FORTRAN Solid State Physics For our users have been installed ABINIT and Quantum ESPRESSO Examples of the use GRID center in Azerbaijan.

13 Thanks for your attention

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