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Chapter 3 Decoding New Words.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3 Decoding New Words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3 Decoding New Words

2 Why is word decoding important?
Lecture Launcher Why is word decoding important?

3 Chapter 3 Brief Outline A-Z Review Consonants Vowels Decoding Warning

4 Chapter 3 Vocabulary consonants vowels pronunciation key blend diagraph silent letter syllable short vowel sound long vowel sound schwa

5 Chapter 3 A-Z Review The 26 letters of the alphabet build words. Some letters are consonants while others are vowels.

6 Blend- Each consonant’s sound is heard.
Chapter 3 Consonants Blend- Each consonant’s sound is heard. Digraph- Two or three consonants form to make a new sound

7 class instruction grade admission schedule graduate register student
Chapter 3 Identify the blends and digraphs in the following words: class grade schedule register English math campus plagiarize instruction admission graduate student library scholarship grants Spanish

8 Chapter 3 Vowels Syllable- Forms each time your mouth opens and makes a vowel sound in a word Short Vowel Sounds- Occurs when a word or syllable has one vowel Long Vowel Sounds- Occurs when the vowel’s sound is the same as the vowel’s name Y Sounds- The letter Y has different uses and sounds. It can be both a consonant and vowel Vowel Pair Sounds- When two vowels join to make a new sound Schwa Sound- The most common vowel sound in the English language

9 book notes crowd job study career style loan French cell phone
Chapter 3 Identify the vowel sound (s) (short, long, y-sound, vowel pair, schwa) in the following words: book crowd study style French roommates notes job career loan cell phone courses How many syllables are in each word?

10 Chapter 3 Decoding Warning! English uses many words from other languages so words won’t always follow all the rules.

11 LEARNING TIP: Forming Study Groups
Chapter 3 LEARNING TIP: Forming Study Groups Have you ever been in a study group? Describe your experience. How did it affect your learning and grade. What would have made it better?

12 Why is decoding an important skill for college students?
Chapter 3 REFLECTION Why is decoding an important skill for college students?

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