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Organic Agriculture in Costa Rica By Amanda Calvo 2013.

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1 Organic Agriculture in Costa Rica By Amanda Calvo 2013

2 Remember….  Organic food: obtained without using any toxic products such as pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, chemical fertilizers, “GMO” procedures  Meat and eggs: From animals feed only with organic food, not necessarily from pasturage (sheepherding)

3 Costa Rica  1984 Cerro de la Muerte Belén de San Ramón y Zarcero Rest of the country

4  Organic Regulation since 1997, improved in 2000 Organic Certificaton Agencies Certified by MAG Eco-Lógica AIMCOPOP BCS-OKO (International)


6 Organic Production in Costa Rica MAG Accreditation and inscription 2000 Certified and “in transition” Hectares 9.000 (2% of national total) Total Certified Farms 20003.000

7 Exported Organic Costa Rican Production (1998). CATIE ProductTons. Banana84.968,00 Sugar cane15.692,00 Gold coffee12.000,00 Mango1297,00 Blueberry964,00 Cocoa613,00 Roots and tubers69,00 Pineapple54,00 Hot peppers0,2

8 BeansPapaya MangoPineapple Palm heartsSweet passion fruit PejibayeVanilla CitricYuca Carambola (star fruit)Avocato BananaPeppers PlantainCamote HoneyGuanabana Potato Corn Cheese Tomato

9 Organic Certification  At least three years of field treatment supervised by an organization. Ex: Eco-Lógica  Organic Products  Certified Organic Products  Purpose 1. Microorganisms can “digest” (metabolize) toxic components

10 Transition  Soil recovery a. Transition plan with the certification entity Organic compost, green compost b. Natural substances to avoid plagues c. Stages: small areas with living barriers

11 Organic Certification 2. Protect the soil and any crop from getting contaminated 3. Protect consumers from getting even minimal quantities of chemicals

12 Beyond Organic Certification  Rudolf Stainer (also Waldorf Method): biodinamic Agriculture – Permaculture: work with nature and diversity.  Demeter International Association: world standard organization for biodinamic agriculture.


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