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Limerick Poetry By: Lindsey Hodge and Amanda Martin ECED 4300 Section A Dr. Tonja Root Poetry.

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1 Limerick Poetry By: Lindsey Hodge and Amanda Martin ECED 4300 Section A Dr. Tonja Root Poetry

2 Prewriting/Drafting- Lindsey Hodge GPS : ELA3W1 The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student m. Prewrites to generate ideas, develops a rough draft, rereads to revise, and edits to correct.

3 Prewriting/Drafting- Lindsey Hodge PLO : The student will use a graphic organizer to write a rough draft from the prewriting product.

4 Form of Writing Limerick Poetry A limerick is a silly poem with five lines. The first, second and fifth lines rhyme with each other and have the same number of syllables (typically 8 or 9). The third and fourth lines rhyme with each other and have the same number of syllables (typically 5 or 6). DLTK. (2010). Limerick Poetry. Retrieved from limerick.htm on October 25, 2010. limerick.htm

5 Prewriting/Drafting Prewriting plan organize graphic organizer no complete sentences Drafting second stage messy Do not focus on mechanical or spelling errors. expand details


7 Published Model Lear, Edward. (2010). Limerick. Retrieved from http://www.dltk- limerick.htm on October 25, 2010. http://www.dltk- limerick.htm

8 Practice Activity-Prewriting/ Drafting Students will investigate the structure of a limerick. How many lines does a limerick have? How many syllables are there in each line? What is the rhythm of the limerick like? What is the pattern of rhyming in the limerick?

9 Practice Activity Continued…(prewriting and drafting) Give students: Example of a limerick poem. Investigate structure and form Plan and create own draft of limerick. Use graphic organizer to plan and draft a limerick.

10 Assessment Activity- Prewriting/Drafting Use personal graphic organizer to plan a draft of poem Transfer poem from graphic organizer onto paper. Poem should be in the form of the published example.

11 Editing/Revising-Amanda Martin GPS: ELA3W1 The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student m. Pre-writes to generate ideas, develops a rough draft, rereads to revise, and edits to correct.

12 Editing/Revising-Amanda Martin PLO: The student will reread the rough draft to revise and edit their piece of poetry.

13 Form of Writing Limerick Poetry A limerick is a silly poem with five lines. The first, second and fifth lines rhyme with each other and have the same number of syllables (typically 8 or 9). The third and fourth lines rhyme with each other and have the same number of syllables (typically 5 or 6). DLTK. (2010). Limerick Poetry. Retrieved from limerick.htm on October 25, 2010. limerick.htm

14 Stage of writing- Revision/Editing Revision content sentence structure Editing grammar punctuation spelling


16 P UBLISHED M ODEL Guenther, Leanne. (2010). St. Patrick’s Day Limerick. Retrieved from http://www.dltk- limerick.htm on October 25, 2010. http://www.dltk- limerick.htm

17 Practice Activity-Editing After students write their draft and understand the editing and revising processes: Pair with partner Revise and edit piece of poetry.

18 Assessment Activity- Revising/Editing After students write their draft they will: Revise and edit their piece of poetry.

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