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RAPID RE-HOUSING Emergency Solutions Grant. PROGRAM GOALS Reduce the number of unsheltered individuals by 1% each year (Re-Housing) Prevent individuals.

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Presentation on theme: "RAPID RE-HOUSING Emergency Solutions Grant. PROGRAM GOALS Reduce the number of unsheltered individuals by 1% each year (Re-Housing) Prevent individuals."— Presentation transcript:

1 RAPID RE-HOUSING Emergency Solutions Grant

2 PROGRAM GOALS Reduce the number of unsheltered individuals by 1% each year (Re-Housing) Prevent individuals and families from becoming homeless by 3% each year (Prevention) Increase the percentage of individuals and families remaining in permanent housing for three months by 2% each year (Retention) Increase the number of households that increase cash/non-cash income during enrollment (Case Mgmt)

3 THE PROCESS Emergency Solutions Re-Housing Grant

4 OUTREACH Community Partners School Homeless Liaisons/Social Workers Homeless Shelters Domestic Violence Shelters Transitional Housing Programs Street Outreach Programs Veteran Organizations Vendors/Landlords Local Government Target Population Interagency Groups Housing Collaborations One-on-one meetings Health/Job Fairs Websites Brochures Social Media

5 ASSESSMENT Program Eligibility (screen in, not screen out) Our job is to help people that don’t have the ability to help themselves 1.Homeless (HUD definition) 2.Income Eligible (50% AMI) 3.Lack of resources to eliminate the crisis without intervention Everything else falls into the Case Management Plan!!

6 ENROLLMENT Data Entry/Program Enrollment Obtaining All Appropriate Documents Explaining Client Rights/Responsibilities/Expectations Development of the Case Management Plan

7 ENROLLMENT Data Entry/Program Enrollment Obtaining All Appropriate Documents Explaining Client Rights/Responsibilities/Expectations Development of the Case Management Plan

8 CASE MANAGEMENT Frequency? Comprehensive Housing Income Employment Education Health Nutrition Childcare Transportation Family Relationships Community Involvement

9 CASE MANAGEMENT Required Service Coordination: Permanent Housing Medical Treatment Mental Health Treatment Counseling Supervision Medicaid SNAP WIC Unemployment SSI/SSDI (SOAR) CACFP Child Education

10 INSPECTIONS Is the home safe? Habitability Inspection Lead Inspections

11 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Rental Assistance Rental Application Fees Rental Deposits (no more than the amount of 2 months of rent) Last (final) Months Rent Short/Medium Term Rental Assistance (no late fees) Fair Market Rents Rent + Utility Allowance must be LESS THAN Fair Market Rent AND Rent Reasonableness. If the amount is OVER FMR, you can not pay ANY PORTION of the rent at all.






17 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Utility Assistance Utility Deposit Past Due Utility Payments (6 months in arrearages + late fees) Propane Delivery Short/Medium Term Utility Assistance (no late fees)

18 RECERTIFICATION Every 90 Days One current month of assistance per certification period Requires ALL NEW eligibility documents

19 DISCHARGE Reasons for Discharge Eligibility Change During Enrollment (no longer eligible) Non-Participation Participants who have refused to cooperate with program guidelines, REPEATEDLY failed to show up for appointments, or acted in an inappropriate/dangerous manner to the caseworker and this behavior is well documented in case notes. What is in your proposal?

20 DISCHARGE Stably Housed? Has the applicant improved their household situation to a degree that they will be able to maintain housing without program intervention if dismissed from the program?

21 FOLLOW-UP 90-Days Post Discharge 180-Day Post Discharge You won’t always be able to reach all of them by telephone. If you cannot reach the applicant, use relationships with community partners, landlords, vendors, etc. to try to obtain an update on the applicant’s housing stability.

22 FORMS/DOCUMENTS Emergency Solutions Re-Housing Grant

23 ELIGIBILITY Client Intake Form Social Security Number Verification Homeless Verification Form/Documents Income Verification Form/Documents Resource Document(s) Household Budget (strongly suggested) Disability Verification Documents (if applicable) Letter from medical professional who is licensed by the state to diagnose and treat the client’s disabling condition (AND) Written verification from the Social Security Administration that the applicant is receiving benefits

24 ACQUISITION HMIS Release Form One HOUSEHOLD FORM for all children and one adult One INDIVIDUAL FORM for every other adult Release of Information Forms ESG Rental Agreement Form Active Lease Agreement Habitability Inspection Checklist Lead Screening Worksheet Property Age Verification Rent Reasonableness Form Utility Allowance Calculation Form

25 CASE MANAGEMENT Case Management Plan (updated regularly) Any other relevant documents SNAP Application Job Search Form SOAR Disability Application Etc.

26 FINANCIAL Payment Transmittal Documents Rent/Utility Forms Utility Bills/Vendor Letters Documents will vary according to your organization’s fiscal operation requirements

27 RECERTIFICATION Re-Certification Form NEW Housing Verification Documents NEW Income Documents NEW Resource Verification Documents

28 HMIS DATA QUALITY Emergency Solutions Re-Housing Grant

29 REPORTS Summary Program/Current Program Roster Program/Follow-Ups Due Statistical HUD APR Format/HUD APR Part I HUD APR Format/HUD APR Part 2 Data Export Data Export Program Information/PED

30 REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTS Emergency Solutions Re-Housing Grant

31 MATCH Expenditure Tracking Log (Strongly Recommended) Excel spreadsheet with the same columns as the Reimbursement Detail. All expenditures are recorded on the log as they are incurred. At the end of the month (or reimbursement period), each column is sorted to check accuracy and obtain expenditures in each category. Reimbursement Detail Excel spreadsheet obtained from the ESG Grantees Only site. Line items are copied/pasted from the Expenditure Tracking Log once it has been thoroughly checked. Reimbursement Request Form PDF form obtained from DCA used to submit reimbursements. Category totals and match amounts are also recorded on this form. The first form is included in your contract. Subsequent forms are received by DCA via email.

32 MATCH Emergency Solutions Re-Housing Grant

33 MATCH 100% Match You CAN use Federal monies to match as long as they are not McKinney-Vento monies and the fund source being used allows it to be used as such Salaries (Administrative/Case Management), Indirect Costs, HMIS cost, Office Space, Utilities, Volunteer Time


35 QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CHALLENGES Emergency Solutions Re-Housing Grant


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