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Week at a Glance Eng215: Creative Writing: Short Story.

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Presentation on theme: "Week at a Glance Eng215: Creative Writing: Short Story."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week at a Glance Eng215: Creative Writing: Short Story

2 The work week begins each Wednesday.

3 On Wednesday, log into Blackboard and the new weekly will be at the top of your screen. Current Weekly Unit

4 Most weeks you’ll work on… A test An exercise and 2 Discussion Boards

5 The 2 Boards require a first post by Sunday

6 And reply posts by Tuesday.

7 Tests and exercises are also due by Tuesday.

8 So on an average week you might do this:

9 Wed.-Fri. (2 hours) Read all the short stories, scenes, and textbook chapters for the week. View presentations. Listen to podcasts.

10 Sat.-Sun. (1 hour) Post on the two boards.

11 Mon.-Tue. (2 hours) Take the test, complete the exercise, and reply on the boards.

12 Throughout the semester, you’ll also have 4 writing assignments due: The 150-word assignment Scene 1 Scene 2 and a Short-Short Story (under 2000 words)

13 Each writing assignment will take at least six hours to write.

14 And each writing assignment will be critiqued on discussion boards by your peers and by the instructor, who will write lengthy comments that your peers will see.

15 So spend at least six hours on each assignment, and spend more hours on the short-short story.

16 And try to spend two to three weeks writing and revising your scene and story assignments so that you don’t have to cram at the last minute.

17 So if you want to do well in this course…

18 Keep a regular schedule where you read materials on Wednesday through Friday.

19 Post on Boards Saturday and Sunday.

20 And reply to board posts, take tests, complete exercises, and occasionally submit writing assignments by Tuesday.

21 No matter what, you can’t cram and complete the work in one day.

22 But if you divide your work out daily, you’ll do fine!

23 And plan on spending around seven hours each week on coursework.

24 An average week will look like this: Wed-Fri = 2 hours of READING Sat-Sun = 1 hour of POSTING on Boards Mon-Tue = 2 hours of SUBMITTING tests, exercises, and reply posts. Plus 2 hours writing new scene or story assignments.

25 Overall, this course is manageable if you stay on a schedule.

26 But once you fall behind, you can’t get caught up.

27 Also, due dates can never be changed, and most coursework will receive an automatic “F” (zero) once a deadline is missed.

28 But you won’t miss anything because you’ll check into Blackboard each Wednesday and stay on top of the course!

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