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It is a sheet produced at the end of a financial year stating a summary of a firms assets, liabilities and capital. What is a balance sheet? Assets being.

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Presentation on theme: "It is a sheet produced at the end of a financial year stating a summary of a firms assets, liabilities and capital. What is a balance sheet? Assets being."— Presentation transcript:


2 It is a sheet produced at the end of a financial year stating a summary of a firms assets, liabilities and capital. What is a balance sheet? Assets being the resources owned by a business. Liabilities being the debts of a business. Capital being the money put into the business by the owner(s).

3 Here is an example of a balance sheet by a company named Kodak.

4 The structure of Balance sheets may vary between different companies, however, they all provide of financial summary of a firm. Structure

5 In all balance sheets, the value of assets will equal the value of liabilities and capital. This is because all resources purchased by a business have to be financed from either capital or liabilities. Therefore; Assets = Capital + Liabilities Equation

6 Current assets are assets that will be changed into cash within one year. It includes ;  Stocks  Debtors  Cash Current assets

7 Current Liabilities are business debts which must be repaid within 12 months. They include;  Trade creditors  Leases and hire purchase  Short term loans and overdrafts Current liabilities

8 Long term liabilities is any money owed more than one year. They may include;  A mortgage  A long-term loan  Long-term leases and hire purchase Long term Liabilities

9 Balance sheets are used to show the financial position of a business at a point in time. Examples may include;  It shows the value of all business assets, capital and liabilities.  It shows the performance of a business and its potential  It shows the asset and capital structure of a business What for?

10 1.What is the equation? 2.Name one example of a Current liability 3.Name one example of a Long Term Liability 4.Name one example of a Current assets 5.How does a balance sheet benefit a business? Questions

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