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Introduction to Computers Day 1

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1 Introduction to Computers Day 1

2 Basic Machine Architecture
Input Unit/s Output Unit/s Processing Unit/s

3 Basic Machine Architecture
Each and every machine consists of three unit/s Input unit/s Processing Unit/s Output Unit/s Mechanical Machine Mortar/ Grinding Machine Input – Grains (Rice, Wheat, Corn) Process – Pounding/ Grinding Expected Output – Flour Electrical Machine (High Voltage/ Conductors) Washing Machine Input – Dirty Cloth Process – Washing Output – Clean Cloth Electronic Machine (Low Voltage/ Semi Conductors) Calculator Input – Numbers/ Digits Process – Addition/ Subtraction/ Multiplication/ Division Output – Calculated Result/ Answer


5 Basic Computer Architecture
Input Unit/s Output Unit/s Memory Unit Processing Unit

6 Basic Computer Architecture
Input Unit/s Processing Unit/ Central Processing Unit/ Processor/ Microprocessor Memory Unit Output Unit/s Physical Circuits - Hardware Circuit Manipulation Programs – Software Software loaded into the memory unit Processing Unit executes Software instructions in memory and Computer act as a multi tasking machine Persons who used Computers – Liveware Input and output units – Peripherals Most important concept behind the computer is memory unit Memory unit stored data and programs/ software Computer System : Hardware and Software

7 Basic Computer Architecture
Computer is a machine which process data Anything can be data Characters, Words Colors, Pictures Sounds Video clips Computer is an electronic device which inputs, stores and manipulates data and output the information Information Processed data Meaningful data Computer is a device that works under the control of stored programs/ software, automatically accepting, storing and processing data to produce information that is the result of that processing.

8 Functions of a Computer

9 What is a Computer? A Computer is a programmable, multipurpose machine that accepts data (e.g. raw data, facts & figures) and processes, or manipulates it into information we can use, such as summaries or totals E.g. An automatic teller machine (ATM) computes the deposits and withdrawals to give you the total in your account.

10 What is a Computer? Input Output Process Eyes, Ears Voice, Write

11 What is a Computer? Data: (ISO) A representation of facts, concepts or instructions in a formalised manner suitable for communication, interpretation or processing by human beings or by automatic means. Letters, numbers, colours, symbols, shapes, temperatures, sound or other facts and figures are data suitable for processing. Information: (ISO) The meaning that is applied to data by means of the conversions applied to that data. I.e. processed data.

12 What is a Computer? Computer: (ISO) A programmable functional unit that consists of one or more associated processing units and peripheral equipment, that is controlled by internally stored programs and that can perform substantial computation, including numerous arithmetic operations or logic operations, without human intervention during a run. A computer may be a stand-alone unit or may consist of several interconnected units.

13 Characteristics of Computers
Speed High speed electronic data processing machine Speed based on electricity and the computer architecture (Bus speed, Cache memory) Accuracy Computer executes instructions in software programs Diligence Computer is free from monotony, tiredness, lack of concentration Versatility Multi tasking machine Multimedia machine Automation Under control of software programs the computer automatically accepting, storing and processing data to produce information Power of Remembering Computer can store and recall any amount of data and information from storage devices

14 Characteristics of Computers
Intelligence Non intelligence machine Task based on software Software can not create itself Creativity Non creativity machine Feelings No feelings Everything based on computer programs or software

15 End User End User Software System Software Application Software Software Application Software Hardware System Software Hardware

16 System Software System Software
Operating System (MS-DOS, MS-Windows, Unix, Linux, Sun Solaris, Macintosh) Bootstrap Loader Loading the operating system to memory (Booting) Fixed program on electronic circuits Boot sequence can change using CMOS Setup (Press Ctrl+Delete on booting) Diagnostic Routine Checking the connected devices Program run before running the bootstrap loader Basic Input Output System/ BIOS Fixed program on electronic circuit (Read only Memory/ ROM) Controlling the input, ouput devices and device drivers

17 Application Software Spreadsheet & accounting software
Word processing & type setting software Word Star, Corel Word Perfect, MS- Word, Adobe Page Maker, Quark Express Spreadsheet & accounting software Lotus, MS-Excel, Accpac, MYOB, Sage Presentation software MS-Power Point Database management system software/ DBMS Dbase, MS-Visual Foxpro, MS-Access, MS-SQL Server, Oracle, Informix Image processing and photo editing software Adobe Photoshop Graphic designing software Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Adobe In design, Macromedia Free Hand Web designing software MS-Front Page, Macromedia Dream weaver, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Swish

18 Application Software 3D Animating software
3D Studio Max, Maya 2D Cartoon animating software Macromedia Flash, Moho Video & sound editing software Adobe After Effects Adobe Premier Sound Froge Computer aided designing software/ CAD Auto CAD Architecture Desktop Computer aided manufacturing software/ CAM Utility software Compression software (Winzip, Winrar) Anti virus software (Norton, Macfee, AVG, PC-Cillin) Audio and media player software (Windows media player, Power VCD, Winamp)

19 Why Computers Needed? Hand over our recursive & tedious work to the computer Typewriter Word Processor/Printer Card file Database Management System

20 Computer Architecture
Input Units/ Devices Memory Primary Memory Random Access Memory RAM Read Only Memory Secondary Memory/ External Storage Central Processing Unit/ Microprocessor Arithmetic and Logic Unit/ ALU Control Unit/ CU Output Units/ Devices

21 Components of a Computer System
Internal Storage Arithmetic & Logic Unit Control Unit Input Units Output Units External Storage

22 What does a Computer do? Input Operations Arithmetic Operations
Logic Operations Output Operations Storage Operations

23 What does a Computer do? Input Operations Arithmetic Operations
computer can accepts data & instructions. Arithmetic Operations Computer can process arithmetic operations such as Addition, Multiplication, Subtraction & Division Logic Operations Computer can perform logic operation such as AND, OR, NOT ….

24 What does a Computer do? Output Operations Storage Operations
Computer can produce an output as a screen view, as a hard copy, as a sound output. Storage Operations Computer can store a large amount of data & programs permanently & perform tasks later.

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