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Resume Extraction with Business Process Management (BPM) tools

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Presentation on theme: "Resume Extraction with Business Process Management (BPM) tools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resume Extraction with Business Process Management (BPM) tools
Instructor : Dr. Kwok-Bun Yue Mentor: Mr. Dilhar De Silva Program Manager: Mr.Stewart Bush Team 3: Abhijit Pawar Karan Parekh Prerana Narang Ruchit Sontakke

2 Agenda: Problem statement and description
The Rational Unified Process (RUP) Business Process Management (BPM) - Software Developer’s Assistant (SDA) tool Lifecycle of the project Technology to be used Work to be done

3 Problem Statement: Resume extraction with Business Process Management tools Two parts of the project: i) To develop resume extraction application: This application will map the information in the resume with the fields of standard format stored in database. ii) Comparison of results with the team not using the BPM tool: To measure how the tool affects the software development. The main goal is to reduce the user effort in typing the information.

4 Flowchart Figure 1: Flowchart of the application Start Yes New User
Login Register Resume Upload? Upload Edit/Update Save Changes Logout Stop Yes No Figure 1: Flowchart of the application

5 Rational Unified Process (RUP):
The Rational Unified Process® is a Software Engineering Process Disciplined approach to assigning tasks and responsibilities within a development organization The process can be described in two dimensions, or along two axis: i) X-axis: represents time and shows the dynamic aspect of the process ii) Y-axis: represents the static aspect of the process Figure 2: The Rational Unified Process[1]

6 RUP Phases: Inception: Develop a business case for the system
Decide the project scope Identify stakeholders ,use cases, risk assessment, initial project plan Elaboration: Analyze the problem domain and make a project plan Develop a sound architecture for the system Mitigate the highest risks

7 RUP Phases contd… Construction:
Components and application features are developed Integration of various components The system is thoroughly checked Transition: Make the system available for the user community Beta testing of the system Training of the end users

8 Software Development Assistant [SDA] Tool:
Business Process Management is the implementation of various software engineering processes and practices in an organization SDA is a tool that has used BPM technologies to automate Software Engineering processes. Based on the Rational Unified Process, the SDA tool categorizes the lifecycle of the project into following sections. Figure 3: Phases as seen in the SDA tool

9 Figure 4: Working of SDA tool
SDA Tool contd… Figure 4: Working of SDA tool

10 Document control in SDA tool:
Figure 5: Document control in SDA tool

11 Benefits of using a SDA tool:
Categorization of activities Status of work performed Status of deliverables Alerts Comments and feedback Document Control Instructions Background

12 Lifecycle of the project:
The division of the project as per weeks per phase are: Inception phase: weeks Elaboration phase: 3 weeks Construction phase: 6 weeks Transition phase: week Inception Phase : Figure 6: Activities in Inception Phase

13 Initial Use Cases:

14 Lifecycle contd… Elaboration Phase: Refine Project Scope and Risks
Analyze Problem Domain Basic Architecture Deliverables expected Requirements document Updated risk list Refined Use Cases

15 Technology to be used: Jboss Flex UI MySQL

16 Work to be done: Complete the elaboration phase
Construction phase: create the application, coding and integrating the system Transition phase: Testing the system, verification and validation

17 Reference

18 Questions???

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