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Facts About Racism : Black youths arrested for drug possession are 48 times more likely to wind up in prison than white youths arrested for the same crime.

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2 Facts About Racism : Black youths arrested for drug possession are 48 times more likely to wind up in prison than white youths arrested for the same crime under the same circumstances. Students of color are far less likely to be put in honors courses even after you take test scores and grades into account.

3 Is Racism a BIG problem? A BIG PROBLEM A BIG PROBLEM In some places, racism is a huge problem with teens. The thing about racism between teens is that they learn that way from their parents. 97.9% of teens and toddlers get their perspective of the other race from their parents. Racism is a big problem in the US. This is not only racism of skin color, but also languages, religion, and culture.

4 Racism in Schools An eight-year-old black girl in South Africa recently told Ted Koppel on Nightline, "White people are better than black people. Whites know more, have more, and get more. I wish I was white but I am not." American children of color do not have to contend with apartheid, but they still do not live in a prejudice-free society. A quarter century of desegregation has not yet solved the self- deprecation, low levels of educational performance, or overall quality of life for America's people of color. Racism in any measure undermines children's self-esteem and erodes the educational process. What role can schools play in combating racism? As children grow up racist, the schools still have a chance to reeducate them. Some exemplary schools are training students to create a climate of antiracist peer pressure. And in a growing number of schools, new curricula promoting racial and ethnic awareness through multicultural education are turning diversity into opportunity.

5 Is He a Problem? As I mentioned before, many people in America absolutely hate the fact that we have an African American president. Currently, 47% approve of the way Obama is handling his job as president while 45% disapprove. Many people take Obama as a joke. Below are some of the jokes. They do this based on racism.

6 Do People Blame it on the Prez? Many people of the world hate the fact that we have a black president in office now. Below are a few things said by people who even moved out of the country when Obama joined the office. -Barack Obama’s rise to fame is a mystery. He is an unknown, inexperienced junior senator with no accomplishments. There is no content to his speeches. He preaches change for the sake of change, but fails to explain in full how that change will be brought about. Here is what we do know about Barack Obama. He claims to be against going to war in Iraq from the beginning. Perhaps he would have voted against it in 2002, had he been there to make a vote. But, in reality, his history of being against the war is hardly a staunch opposition as he claims.

7 Is it just Whites and Blacks? Many people think that it’s just racism between black and white people, but we are not the only two faces. There are many races ranging from Hispanics to Cubans. This photo of my friends contain all races and it shouldn’t be a problem. The only race missing is African American and I’m sure they would have greatly and happily allowed us in the picture!

8 Extras We will be showing a video/ skit in a few minutes on racism. This a been a presentation on something very important in the U.S today. Racism can be a bad thing and needs to be taken care of. For future reference during the skit, these are false accusations.

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